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Greif Ellesmere Port



Greif Ellesmere Port

Steel drums and IBCs

Merseyside Works
Estrada dos Sítios Petrolíferos
Porto de Ellesmere
CH65 4EZ
Reino Unido

Carreiras na Greif

It’s about more than the products we make; we are purpose-driven to deliver packaging solutions for life’s essentials.

Don’t take our word for it; hear from our colleague Simon Bailey on what it’s like to work at Greif Burton on Trent. 

Click the image to play a message from our colleague Lee Parkinson on what it’s like to work at Greif Burton on Trent. 

Hear why our colleagues who work at Burton on Trent like working at Greif. 

Steel Drum and IBC manufacturers in the Ellesmere Port area

Greif UK – Cheshire is located at Merseyside Works, Oil Sites Road Ellesmere Port Cheshire CH65 4EZ. The site produces IBC totes and steel drums.

Ellesmere Port is a town in Cheshire, England, known for its history as an industrial center and its connections to the UK’s canal network. It is the location of the National Waterways Museum, which celebrates the history of the UK’s canals and waterways.

Greif falkenberg big image open house 2

Carreiras na Greif

It's about more than the products we make; we are purpose-driven to deliver packaging solutions for life's essentials.

Products Available in the UK


ISO 9001
ISO 14001

Mercados que atendemos

A Greif tem orgulho de atender a uma ampla gama de necessidades exclusivas de indústrias globais, desde produtos que mantêm o mundo em movimento até aqueles que acrescentam beleza.

homem trabalha 2x

Que soluções de embalagem oferecemos?

  • Provedor de soluções completas
  • Forte suporte técnico
  • Fortes relacionamentos com clientes
  • Pegada global
  • Entrega em curto prazo/JIT
  • Estoques de proteção
  • Material de embalagem para proteger os tambores durante a entrega em viagens longas
  • Vários tamanhos de caminhões para atender à demanda do cliente
  • Vários métodos de descarga para se adaptar à infraestrutura dos clientes

Vídeos sobre circularidade

Ellesmere Port – Steel Drums, IBC
Merseyside Works, Oil Sites Road
Porto de Ellesmere Cheshire CH65 4EZ
Reino Unido

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