GRI 内容索引
GRI 标准/其他来源 | 披露 | 位置/响应 | 省略 | ||
| 省略的要求 | 原因 | 解释 |
一般披露 | |||||
GRI 2:一般披露 2021 | 2-1 Organizational | 2022 Annual Report, |
2-2 Entities | 2022 Annual Report, |
| |
2-3 Reporting |
| ||
2-4 Restatements of |
| ||
2-5 External | Emission data |
| |
2-6 Activities, | 2022 Annual Report, |
| |
2-7 名员工 |
| ||
2-8 Workers who are | Two Percent of colleagues are fixed term contract, temporary, or |
| |
2-9 Governance | 2023 Proxy Statement, Board Leadership Structure, p.23 In 2022, the Board of Directors was comprised of 12 members. Of these |
| |
2-10 Nomination and | 2023 Proxy Statement, Board Responsibilities, p.22 |
| |
2-11 Chair of the | 2023 Proxy Statement,董事提名人,第 7 页 | 2-11(b) | 不适用 | The chair is not a | |
2-12 Role of the | 2023 Proxy Statement, Board’s Role in Environmental, Social and Governance Matters |
| |
2-13 Delegation of | 2023 Proxy Statement, Board’s Role in Environmental, Social and |
| |
2-14 Role of the | 2023 Proxy Statement, Board’s Role in Environmental, Social and Governance Matters |
| |
2-15 Conflicts of | 2023 Proxy Statement,特定关系和关联方交易,第 49 页 |
| |
2-16 Communication | 2023 Proxy Statement, Communications with the Board, p.53 All reports that are made through the Greif Ethics Hotline, which is |
| |
2-17 Collective | Greif provides |
| |
2-18 Evaluation of | The performance of |
| |
2-19 Remuneration | 2023 Proxy Statement, Compensation Discussion and Analysis, p.33-42 Sign-on bonus and recruitment incentive payments are currently not part 激励性薪酬目标与 ESG 绩效无关。 |
| |
2-20 Process to | 2023 Proxy Statement, Compensation Discussion and Analysis, p.33-41 根据美国证券交易委员会的规定,股东每六年有机会决定他们希望多久对公司的薪酬政策进行一次咨询投票。在 2023 年年度股东大会上,股东有机会投票批准公司的薪酬政策,并投票决定未来六年内进行此类投票的频率。 |
| |
2-21 Annual total | 2023 Proxy Statement,薪酬比率,第 50 页 Our pay ratio was 1 to 187 in 2021 and 1 to 88 in 2022, a 47 percent |
| |
2-22 Statement on |
| ||
2-23 Policy |
| ||
2-24 Embedding |
| ||
2-25 Processes to | 2022 Annual Report, Greif considers and responds to the remediation of identified impacts on |
| |
2-26 Mechanisms for |
| ||
2-27 Compliance with | 2022 Annual Report,第 3 项,第 19 页 | 2-27 (d) | Information | How significant | |
2-28 Membership |
| ||
2-29 Approach to |
| ||
2-30 Collective | The working conditions and terms of employment of employees is not |
| |
实质性主题 | |||||
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 | 3-1 Process to |
| |
3-2 List of material |
GRI 标准/其他来源 |
披露 |
位置/响应 |
省略 |
省略的要求 |
原因 |
解释 |
产品质量 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 416:客户健康与安全 2016 |
416-1 产品和服务类别的健康和安全影响评估 |
Greif 生产的每件产品都会根据完整性和适用规范的合规性进行产品质量评估。 |
416-2 与产品和服务的健康和安全影响有关的不合规事件 |
During the reporting period, we recorded seven instances of non-compliance that resulted in fines. |
客户服务 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
绩效指标 |
净推荐值 |
客户服务指数得分 |
GRI 标准/其他来源 |
披露 |
位置/响应 |
省略 |
省略的要求 |
原因 |
解释 |
环境管理系统 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 308:供应商环境评估 2016 |
308-1 使用环境标准筛选的新供应商 |
308-1 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
We are not currently screening new suppliers based on environmental criteria. In 2023, we plan to request new suppliers accounting for over $1 million in business to be rated by EcoVadis and we plan to send RFQ with steel suppliers that include multiple questions on environmental and sustainability criteria. |
308-2 供应链中的负面环境影响及采取的行动 |
In 2022, we assessed 60 suppliers with EcoVadis, one of which was determined to have a low theme score for the environment. From the assessment 15 areas of improvement have been highlighted for the suppliers. We have not yet collaborated with the supplier to made improvements or removed them as a supplier for Greif. |
308-2 |
气候战略 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 302:能源 2016 |
302-1 Energy consumption within the organization |
302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization |
302-2 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Energy consumption is not tracked outside of the organization. Greif collects information on our suppliers’ energy consumption through EcoVadis. Of the 40 percent of our supply chain that we have assessed, 71.67 percent are actively reporting on energy consumption. There is no detail provided in the EcoVadis scorecard on their actual energy consumption. |
302-3 Energy intensity |
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption |
302-5 减少产品和服务的能源需求 |
GRI 305:排放 2016 |
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions |
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions |
2022 CDP Response,
C6.3 |
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions |
2022 CDP Response,
C6.5, C6.7, C6.7a |
305-4 GHG emissions intensity |
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions |
2022 CDP Response,
C4.3 |
305-6 臭氧消耗物质(ODS)的排放 |
305-6 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
我们目前尚未跟踪臭氧消耗物质 (ODS) 的排放,并且我们也没有计划在未来跟踪这些信息。 |
305-7 氮氧化物 (NOx)、硫氧化物 (SOx) 和其他重大空气排放 |
305-7 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Significant air emissions are not tracked. There currently are no plans to track this information. |
水 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 303 水和废水 2018 |
303-1 与水作为共享资源的互动 |
水 |
303-2 水排放相关影响的管理 |
水 |
303-3 Water withdrawal |
303-4 Water discharge |
绩效仪表板 |
303-5 Water consumption |
303-5(三) |
不适用 |
Greif 在我们的 PPS 工艺中不使用储水罐。 |
浪费 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 301:材料 2016 |
301-1 Materials used by weight or volume |
301-1 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Total weight or volume of materials that are used to produce and package the organization’s primary products and services during the reporting period is not tracked. In the coming years we will attempt to isolate this metric within our waste stream. |
301-2 Recycled input materials used |
301-3 回收产品及其包装材料 |
GRI 306:废弃物 2020 |
306-1 废物产生及重大废物相关影响 |
306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts |
306-3 Waste generated |
301-3(一) |
不适用 |
Materials we reclaim is not exclusive to our products and includes products from competitors. |
306-4 Waste diverted from disposal |
306-4(四) |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
对于每次回收作业,现场和场外危险废物和从处置中转移的无害废物的总重量(以公吨为单位)的明细均未得到跟踪。我们目前没有计划在未来跟踪这些信息。我们认为跟踪这些信息对我们的业务没有太大意义。 |
306-5 Waste directed to disposal |
306-5(四) |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
对于每次回收作业,现场和场外危险废物和从处置中转移的无害废物的总重量(以公吨为单位)的明细均未得到跟踪。我们目前没有计划在未来跟踪这些信息。我们认为跟踪这些信息对我们的业务没有太大意义。 |
GRI 标准/其他来源 |
披露 |
位置/响应 |
省略 |
省略的要求 |
原因 |
解释 |
道德与合规 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 205:反腐败 2016 |
205-1 接受腐败风险评估的运营点 |
道德与合规 |
205-2 反腐败政策和程序的传达和培训 |
205-2(三) |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Total number and percentage of business partners that the organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated to, broken down by type of business partner and region is not tracked. Our policies are publicly available for all stakeholders to access. |
205-3 已确认的腐败事件及采取的行动 |
There were no confirmed incidents of corruption during the reporting period. |
GRI 206:反竞争行为 |
206-1 针对反竞争行为、反垄断和垄断行为的法律行动 |
There were no legal actions pending or completed during the reporting period regarding anti-competitive behavior and violations of anti-trust and monopoly laws. |
Risk Management & Business Continuity |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 402:劳工/管理关系 2016 |
402-1 有关运营变更的最短通知期限 |
安全 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 410:安全实践 2016 |
410-1 接受过人权政策或程序培训的安保人员 |
安全 |
GRI 418:客户隐私 2016 |
418-1 有关侵犯客户隐私和丢失客户数据的已证实投诉 |
GRI 标准/其他来源 |
披露 |
位置/响应 |
省略 |
省略的要求 |
原因 |
解释 |
多样性、公平性和包容性 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 405:多样性和平等机会 2016 |
405-1 治理机构和员工的多样性 |
多样性、公平性和包容性 |
405-1(二) |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
不跟踪每个员工类别的员工多样性。目前没有计划在未来跟踪这一点。 |
405-2 女性与男性基本工资和报酬的比例 |
In 2022, unadjusted pay gap was one percent. The adjusted pay gap was four percent. |
GRI 406:非歧视 2016 |
406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken |
406-1 |
Confidentiality constraints |
Total number of
incidents of discrimination, status of incidents and actions taken is
not shared. All AlertLine claims are investigated and actions are taken consistent with Greif
policies. In some cases, items are identified due to litigation and we do not discuss matters that involve active litigation. |
Talent Attraction, Development & Retention |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 401:就业 2016 |
401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover |
401-2 提供给全职员工但不提供给临时或兼职员工的福利 |
绩效仪表板 |
401-3 育儿假 |
401-3(b、c、d、e) |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Total number of employees that took parental leave, by gender, total number of employees that returned to work in the reporting period after parental leave ended, by gender, total number of employees that returned to work after parental leave ended that were still employed 12 months after their return to work, by gender, and return to work and retention rates of employees that took parental leave, by gender are not tracked. We currently do not have plans to track this information. |
GRI 404:培训与教育 2016 |
404-1 每位员工每年接受培训的平均小时数 |
404-2 员工技能提升计划和过渡援助计划 |
绩效仪表板 |
404-3 接受定期绩效和职业发展评估的员工百分比 |
404-3 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
没有跟踪按员工类别接受定期绩效和职业发展评估的新员工信息。 |
Health & Safety |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 403:职业健康与安全(2018) |
403-1 职业健康安全管理体系 |
403-1(一) |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Currently, we are not tracking this information at this time Due to the global nature of our operations, we determine relevant legal requirements and guidelines for our occupational health and safety management systems at the local level. There are no plans to track this in the future. |
403-2 危害识别、风险评估和事件调查 |
403-3 Occupational health services |
403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety |
403-5 工人职业健康与安全培训 |
403-6 Promotion of worker health |
403-7 预防和减轻与业务关系直接相关的职业健康与安全影响 |
403-8 受职业健康安全管理体系覆盖的工人 |
403-9 Work-related injuries |
健康与安全 |
403-9(a、b) |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
不跟踪员工或非员工的工作时长。目前没有计划在未来跟踪这一点。 |
403-10 Work-related ill health |
报告期内,Greif 记录到雇员和非雇员工人因工作相关疾病死亡的人数为零。 |
人权与公平劳动实践 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 407:结社自由和集体谈判 2016 |
407-1 结社自由和集体谈判权可能受到威胁的运营和供应商 |
407-1 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk is not tracked. We aim to re-establish the HR review process to better assess this risk in the future. |
GRI 408:童工 2016 |
408-1 存在重大童工事件风险的运营点和供应商 |
408-1 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor is not tracked. We aim to re-establish the HR review process to better assess this risk in the future. |
GRI 409:强迫或强制劳动 2016 |
409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor |
409-1 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor is not tracked. We aim to re-establish the HR review process to better assess this risk in the future. |
GRI 标准/其他来源 |
披露 |
位置/响应 |
省略 |
省略的要求 |
原因 |
解释 |
创新 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
绩效指标 |
Revenue from sustainability-tagged products |
循环经济 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 301:材料 2016 |
301-1 Materials used by weight or volume |
301-1 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Total weight or
volume of materials that are used to produce and package the |
301-2 Recycled input materials used |
301-3 回收产品及其包装材料 |
301-3(一) |
不适用 |
Materials we reclaim is not exclusive to our products and includes products from competitors. |
供应链管理 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 414:供应商社会评估 2016 |
414-1 使用社会标准筛选的新供应商 |
414-1 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
We are not currently screening new suppliers based on social criteria. In 2023, we plan to request new suppliers accounting for over $1 million in business to be rated by EcoVadis and we plan to send RFQ with steel suppliers that include multiple questions on environmental and sustainability criteria. |
414-2 供应链中的负面社会影响及采取的行动 |
414-2 |
Information unavailable / incomplete |
Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken are not tracked. In 2023, we plan to request new suppliers accounting for over $1 million in business to be rated by EcoVadis and we plan to send RFQ with steel suppliers that include multiple questions on environmental and sustainability criteria. |
GRI 标准/其他来源 |
披露 |
位置/响应 |
省略 |
省略的要求 |
原因 |
解释 |
财务表现与盈利增长 |
GRI 3:实质性主题 2021 |
3-3 Management of material topics |
GRI 201:2016 年经济绩效 |
201-1 产生和分配的直接经济价值 |
2022 Annual Report, Form 10-K, p.37-41 |
201-2 气候变化带来的财务影响以及其他风险和机遇 |
2022 Annual Report, Form 10-K, p.11, 16 |
201-3 确定福利计划义务和其他退休计划 |
2022 Annual Report, Form 10-K, p.15, 33, 39-40, 60-66 |
201-4 从政府获得的财政援助 |
Greif did not receive financial assistance from government during the reporting period. |