We published our first sustainability report in 2009. While Greif has experienced incredible success in the past 13 years, we continue to evolve and refine the way we approach sustainability. In 2021, we enhanced the sustainability programs that make our company efficient, enhanced the management of our material topics, engaged internal and external stakeholders on sustainability and worked to further integrate Caraustar into our organization and our sustainability strategies. Our 2021 GRI Core report showcases our accomplishments and progress on our long-term 可持续发展目标.
In 2017, Greif conducted our first materiality assessment to identify and prioritize our material sustainability topics, identify and engage our key stakeholders and
inform our sustainability strategies, reporting and communications. The assessment was led by a third-party and conducted in accordance with industry best practices for material topic identification and stakeholder engagement. In late 2020, we refreshed our materiality assessment to ensure our sustainability strategy addresses current and emerging stakeholder expectations. As part of the materiality refresh process we:
- Reviewed a wide range of source documents to determine potentially material topics, including:
- Greif’s vision, strategic priorities, CEO scorecard, business unit strategies and colleague engagement survey
- In depth interviews conducted with customers as part of the “Voice of the Customer” project
- Peer sustainability reports
- ESG investment analyst reports
- Industry association priorities
- Global sustainability trend reports
- Conducted interviews and surveys with Greif leadership and external stakeholders and reviewed additional publicly available sources to collect feedback on material topics
- Consolidated feedback from interviews and surveys to prioritize our most material topics
Through the interview, survey and document review process, participants were asked to identify and provide specific evidence to reveal topics that posed impact, risk and/or opportunity for Greif. Participants were asked to consider impact, risk and opportunity in terms of financial gains or losses, reputation and trends that may alter the way Greif creates value and provide specific examples in support of their answers.
Through this process we prioritized 17 material issues based on their importance to internal and external stakeholders, adding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as a new material topic. We incorporated the results of the assessment into our sustainability strategy and significantly increased our focus on climate and circularity. The results of the assessment were reviewed and validated with Greif’s leadership during a third party-led validation workshop and serve as the basis for our reporting.
Greif’s most recent stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment process validated many topics that have historically been important to our company and our stakeholders. The process resulted in identifying the 17 most highly material issues described below. These issues guide and form our sustainability strategies. Our sustainability reporting serves to address topics that are of high concern to each group, as indicated below, and yielded topic owners in Greif and goals for 2025 and 2030. We continue to strengthen our approach to managing and addressing the opportunities available to our company.
Throughout this report you will learn about our goals, management approach and performance for our material topics.
实质性主题 | 边界 | 参与的利益相关者、利益相关者参与的类型和提出的关注点 | ||||
Greif 董事会 董事及领导 |
顾客 | 投资者 | 社会/社区 | 环境 | ||
参与类型 | 日常互动、影响地图访谈、重要性评估调查、可持续性季度更新 | 日常互动、每两年一次的满意度调查、重要性评估访谈 | 日常互动、投资者日活动、重要性评估访谈 | 社区参与(面对面会议、访谈、调查)、社区服务活动 | Greif LCA,采访可持续发展专家(例如 WBCSD) | |
提供卓越的客户体验 | ||||||
产品质量 通过卓越的设计和跨设施制造,生产出保持高性能和高价值的产品,提高客户满意度并避免一次性使用。 |
所有内部操作;使用过程中 | |||||
卓越的客户服务 制定有效的政策、系统、最佳实践和激励措施,以推动最高水平的客户服务;定期考虑客户反馈并建立系统来满足他们的需求;超越竞争对手。 |
所有内部运营;所有客户 | |||||
减少我们的碳足迹 | ||||||
环境管理系统 利用全面的环境管理系统,配备专门的环境管理资源(即人员、预算等)、环境政策、认证(例如 ISO 14001)和合规性。 |
所有内部操作 | |||||
所有内部操作 | |||||
水 减少用水量,特别是在用水量大的设施和缺水地区的用水量;将废水恢复到安全状态。 |
PPS operations | |||||
所有内部操作 | |||||
应对风险 | ||||||
道德与合规 维护促进道德行为并避免反竞争行为(贿赂、腐败等)的治理结构、实践和培训。 |
所有内部操作;所有供应商 | |||||
风险管理与业务连续性 定期进行风险评估,包括环境、社会和治理因素:确定高风险供应商(仅一家供应商)、高风险/政治不稳定地区(例如休斯顿的天气影响)和潜在的劳动力相关的停工;制定计划确保不间断的供应、运营和向客户交付(例如合格的备用供应商)。 |
所有内部操作;所有供应商 | |||||
安全 采取积极主动的方法保护信息安全(包括个人数据和知识产权),不仅要考虑 Greif 的内部保护水平,还要考虑与 Greif 有关联的实体(供应商、员工、客户等)的安全;采取必要措施确保 Greif 客户的客户收到的是他们订购的正品,而不是假冒产品。 |
所有内部操作 | |||||
重视我们的员工 | ||||||
确保公平的招聘流程和非歧视性的工作环境;培育反映 Greif 运营所在社区的包容性和多元化文化;努力实现所有员工的公平薪酬和待遇,不论其种族、民族、肤色、国籍、性别、性别认同、性取向、年龄、语言、宗教、信仰、社会地位、残疾或任何其他受法律保护的阶层。
所有内部操作 | |||||
人才吸引、发展和保留 吸引和留住合格且有才华的员工、经理和高管。通过教育、培训、指导、绩效评估、辅导等方式培养成长和发展的文化。 |
所有内部操作 | |||||
所有内部运营;社区 | |||||
人权与公平劳动实践 确保遵守人权和公平劳工实践领域内的法律、标准和内部政策,例如童工、强迫劳动、公平报酬、人口贩运、工作条件、结社自由、集体谈判、歧视和无冲突矿物。 |
所有内部操作;所有供应商 | |||||
推进循环经济 | ||||||
创新 根据环境和社会影响,认真考虑原材料投入以及替代材料和再生材料(例如,消费后树脂、水性涂料和衬里、再生木托盘);减少格瑞夫产品中使用的材料量;考虑客户的特定需求和格瑞夫的专业知识,并利用这些来推动创新、定制的解决方案,从而推动业务增长。 |
所有内部运营;供应商;客户 | |||||
通过采取行动对报废产品进行修复、再利用和回收,推动包装行业循环经济发展,包括避免混合塑料和开发可回收的设计(例如完全可回收的纤维桶);教育和激励客户退回/回收 Greif 的包装材料;制定政策、流程、目标和工具来支持这些努力。
修复操作;修复合作伙伴;客户 | |||||
供应链管理 筛选、教育和审核供应商的环境实践;制定和执行环境和社会供应链政策/标准。 |
所有内部运营;所有供应商;货运合作伙伴 | |||||
财务表现与盈利增长 | ||||||
财务表现与盈利增长 通过实施综合的经济实践来维持可持续的商业模式,使 Greif 能够为其利益相关者(例如员工、供应商和股东)提供经济价值并投资于长期增长。 |
所有内部操作 |
Our people—principled, intelligent and reliable—reaffirm our reputation for integrity every day with their every action.
Years of Experience
For the past 145 years, the world’s most important products have travelled around the world in Greif industrial packaging