可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
3.7 到 2030 年,确保人人享有性健康和生殖健康保健服务,包括计划生育、信息和教育,并将生殖健康纳入国家战略和方案 | Providing maternity or paternity leave |
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3.9 到 2030 年,大幅减少危险化学品以及空气、水和土壤污染造成的死亡和患病人数 | Performance Dashboard: GRI 305-1, 305-2, 305-3 |
可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
4.1 到 2030 年,确保所有男孩和女孩完成免费、公平和优质的小学和中学教育,取得相关、有效的学习成果 | Enforcing zero-tolerance child labor policies within own operations, and influencing child labor policies within the supply chain |
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4.3 到 2030 年,确保所有男女平等获得负担得起的优质技术、职业和高等教育,包括大学教育 | Performance Dashboard: GRI 404-1 |
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4.7 到 2030 年,确保所有学习者掌握促进可持续发展所需的知识和技能,包括开展可持续发展和可持续生活方式教育、人权教育、性别平等教育、弘扬和平与非暴力文化、全球公民意识教育、赞赏文化多样性和文化对可持续发展的贡献教育等 | Including information on human rights, gender equality and sustainable development in internal policies, such as employee and supplier codes of conduct, and increasing awareness and practice by ensuring that these policies are thoroughly shared and understood by all employees including those in the supply chain |
可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
5.1 消除世界各地针对妇女和女童一切形式的歧视 | Including non-discrimination clauses in supplier code of conduct policies and supporting suppliers in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. |
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5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life | Performance Dashboard: GRI 406-1 |
可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
6.3 到 2030 年,通过减少污染、消除倾倒、最大限度减少危险化学品和材料的排放、将未经处理的废水比例减半、大幅增加全球回收和安全再利用来改善水质 | Performance Dashboard: GRI 303-3, 306-1 |
6.6 By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes | Performance Dashboard: GRI 304-3 |
可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
8.2 通过多样化、技术升级和创新,包括重点关注高附加值和劳动密集型行业,实现更高水平的经济生产力 | Improving the efficiency of use of energy, water, (raw) materials and other resources. |
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8.4 到2030年,逐步提高全球消费和生产资源效率,努力使经济增长与环境恶化脱钩 | Performance Dashboard: GRI 302-1 |
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8.7 立即采取有效措施消除强迫劳动、现代奴隶制和人口贩运,禁止和消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动,包括招募和使用童兵,到 2025 年消除一切形式的童工劳动 | Performance Dashboard: GRI 408-1 |
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8.8 保护劳工权利,为所有工人,包括移民工人,特别是女性移民和不稳定就业工人,创造安全有保障的工作环境 | Performance Dashboard: GRI 403-2 |
可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
9.2 促进包容和可持续的工业化,到 2030 年,根据国情大幅提高工业在就业和国内生产总值中的比重,使最不发达国家的工业比重翻一番 | Embedding policies which promote diversity and inclusion throughout own operations, and encouraging suppliers and other business partners to do the same. |
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9.4: By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities | Performance Dashboard: GRI 305-4 |
可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
10.2 到 2030 年,增强所有人的权能,促进所有人的社会、经济和政治包容,无论年龄、性别、是否残疾、种族、族裔、出身、宗教、经济或其他地位如何 | Embedding policies which promote diversity and inclusion throughout own operations, and encouraging suppliers and other business partners to do the same. |
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10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard | Ensuring non-discrimination across business operations including remuneration and benefits, product impact (for example the impact of product design on harmful gender stereotypes), and the inclusion of the supply chain |
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10.4 采取政策,特别是财政、工资和社会保护政策,逐步实现更大程度的平等 | Paying at a minimum the living wage and providing insurance for employees, such as income protection, life or accident insurance and social security |
可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
12.2 到2030年,实现自然资源的可持续管理和高效利用 | Performance Dashboard: 302-1, 302-4 |
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12.4 到 2020 年,按照商定的国际框架,实现化学品和所有废物在其整个生命周期内的无害环境管理,并大幅减少其向空气、水和土壤的排放,以尽量减少其对人类健康和环境的不利影响 | Performance Dashboard: GRI 306-2 |
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12.5 到 2030 年,通过预防、减量、回收和再利用,大幅减少废物产生 | Performance Dashboard: GRI 306-2 |
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12.6 鼓励公司,特别是大型公司和跨国公司,采用可持续的做法,并将可持续性信息纳入其报告周期 |
可持续发展目标 | 相关指标 | 支持指标 | 实质性主题对齐 |
13.1 加强各国抵御和适应气候相关危害和自然灾害的能力 | GRI Content Index; GRI 201-2 |
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