
Recycling Plant Meets Safety Milestone

Greif’s paper recycling plant in Dalton, Georgia reached an impressive safety milestone in October, operating seven years without a medical case. This achievement by the Dalton team supports the company’s aspiration of achieving zero accidents worldwide.

“Our colleagues demonstrate a high level of tenacity and dedication to plant safety,” said Mike Griffin, general manager at the Dalton recycling plant. “Our team keeps personal and plant safety at the forefront in their daily lives. It is their determination and commitment that has enabled Greif Dalton to reach this safety milestone.”

The Dalton team is comprised of a veteran group that is well-versed in safety. Each colleague is trained to do every job on the plant floor from sorting to operating machinery. Colleagues often rotate jobs to better familiarize themselves with each position. The team believes job rotation helps colleagues maintain focus, which has a direct impact on safety. In addition, the comprehensive knowledge of every job helps each colleague fully understand the potential risks.

Each morning the team starts its shift with a meeting dedicated to safety. The team covers general safety topics, but also analyzes risks that might have been discovered.

“Everyone has bought in and that is key in keeping safety as our top focus,” said Mike.



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