
We are a tight-knit team that thrives on empowering our colleagues and working together to provide the best customer service possible.

Our Commitment to Our Colleagues

Wellbeing matters here. We aspire to foster a culture of purpose and well-being that will support our colleagues to be their best self at home and at work.

To stay competitive and to show our commitment to our colleagues, we continually evaluate our benefits and associated policies. While eligibility and availability of benefits and policies vary by region and country, some examples of Greif’s benefit offerings include the following:


Health & Medical Coverage


Dental & Vision


Paid Leave


Short-term & Long-term Disability


Sick/Parental leave





Our Safety First Culture is About Engagement.




We are packaging something special together: our customers’ success and yours.
在 Greif,我们为生活必需品创造包装解决方案。我们让美好时刻成为现实。终端用户喜爱或依赖的美味、必需或有趣的产品通过 Greif 包装来到全球社区。


Through process, materials and manufacturing innovations, we work in collaboration with our stakeholders to reduce environmental impact of our products and work towards a more circular economy.


In 2021, Greif joined the board of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) to expand our commitment to reducing waste and promoting a circular economy. Since 2019, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste has rallied around 90 member companies, project partners, allies and supporters committed to ending plastic waste in the environment. 

Greif participates in various work streams through this partnership, including Design for Circularity and Advanced Recovery & Recycling. We aim to bring the industrial packaging perspective to the group and partner with customers and other organizations to bolster our circular economy strategy. For more information about this partnership, please visit the Waste section of our sustainability report *need link*. 

可持续性 1

Our foundational principles that guide our business and the standards we hold for ourselves, customers, shareholders and suppliers.

img 学习发展

At Greif, we create packaging solutions for life’s essentials. 电视hat common purpose, combined with our vision to be the best performing customer service company in the world, binds our global colleagues and motivates us to perform at our best. 


We are packaging something special together: our customers’ success and yours.
在 Greif,我们为生活必需品创造包装解决方案。我们让美好时刻成为现实。终端用户喜爱或依赖的美味、必需或有趣的产品通过 Greif 包装来到全球社区。


Through process, materials and manufacturing innovations, we work in collaboration with our stakeholders to reduce environmental impact of our products and work towards a more circular economy.


In 2021, Greif joined the board of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) to expand our commitment to reducing waste and promoting a circular economy. Since 2019, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste has rallied around 90 member companies, project partners, allies and supporters committed to ending plastic waste in the environment. 

Greif participates in various work streams through this partnership, including Design for Circularity and Advanced Recovery & Recycling. We aim to bring the industrial packaging perspective to the group and partner with customers and other organizations to bolster our circular economy strategy. For more information about this partnership, please visit the Waste section of our sustainability report. 


Our foundational principles that guide our business and the standards we hold for ourselves, customers, shareholders and suppliers.

Greif plant visit

At Greif, we create packaging solutions for life’s essentials. 电视hat common purpose, combined with our vision to be the best performing customer service company in the world, binds our global colleagues and motivates us to perform at our best. 




该项目面向 Greif 全职员工的子女,由奖学金管理服务部(Scholarship Management Services,隶属于 Scholarship America)管理。自 2007 年以来,已有 276 名来自世界各地的学生获得了 Greif 赞助的奖学金。

Greif 奖学金计划

该项目面向全职 Greif 同事的子女,由 Scholarship Management Services(Scholarship Management Services 的一个部门)管理。Scholarship Management Services 是全美最大的奖学金和学费报销项目设计者和管理者,面向企业、基金会、协会和个人。奖学金的颁发不分种族、肤色、信仰、宗教、性取向、性别、残疾或国籍。奖学金管理服务负责选拔获奖者。在任何情况下,Greif 的任何官员或同事都不会参与选拔。自 2007 年以来,来自世界各地的 276 名学生获得了 Greif 赞助的奖学金。



人力资源学院是一个为期 24 个月的项目,包括 3-4 个轮岗,每个轮岗 6-9 个月。轮岗涵盖人力资源组织的多个领域,包括区域和全球经验。


人力资源学院是一个为期 24 个月的项目,包括 3-4 个轮换,每个轮换 6-9 个月。轮换涵盖人力资源组织的多个领域,包括区域和全球经验。该发展计划分别建立在经验、关系和教育的 70/20/10 模型之上。它为国际合作、跨业务和跨职能可见性提供了机会;并创建了一个全球专业同行网络。在项目结束时,学院毕业生将被安排在人力资源职能领域之一的全职职位上。目标:创造和培养具有各种能力和经验的下一代人力资源领导者。这些领导者将支持人力资源使命,即创建一支世界一流、多元化和敬业的员工队伍,以实现 Greif 的战略重点。


Supply Chain

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur, urna eget porttitor sollicin, purus lorem lobortis tortor, a scelerisque neque quam pelleque nibh. Donec ex velit, tincidunt id rhoncus sed, egestas et ligula.


我们正在一起包装一些特别的东西: 我们客户的成功和您的成功。

在 Greif,我们为生活必需品创造包装解决方案。我们让美好时刻成为现实。终端用户喜爱或依赖的美味、必需或有趣的产品通过 Greif 包装来到全球社区。

Engaging and Developing our Colleagues


At Greif, we believe our strength lies in our people. We continue to achieve unparalleled engagement and development milestones, including record-high completion rates for Performance Development Reviews and exceptional scores in our annual Colleague Engagement Survey. Recognition by Newsweek as one of the Most Loved Workplaces globally and our Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award underscores our dedication to further enhancing our workplace culture and our commitment to excellence and innovation.


At Greif, we believe that learning and development are the cornerstones of both personal and professional success. That’s why we created Greif University (GU)—our global learning platform dedicated to helping you grow and achieve your career goals. GU brings together over 20,000 learning experiences, making it the central hub for career development across our global workforce. Whether you’re just starting your journey or you’ve already gained years of experience, GU offers opportunities to expand your skills, explore new areas of interest, and advance your career. Our offerings cover a wide range of topics, including 客户服务环境健康与安全领导力发展Business Systems, and much more. No matter where you are in your career path, GU provides the tools you need to succeed.

Through innovative programs 和 technology-enabled learning, we make it easy for you to access world-class resources tailored to your unique needs, no matter where you are in the world. If you can’t find the solutions you need in our expansive library of content, the Greif Global Learning and Development team will help source or develop the content that fits your specific needs.

One of our standout programs is 引领至最后, a leadership development initiative focused on the principles of 仆人式领导. We believe that the best leaders are those who prioritize the growth, well-being, and empowerment of their teams. Lead to Last offers a 12-week, cohort-based program designed to teach inclusive, values-driven leadership. Available in multiple languages, this program has already helped over 1,000 global leaders improve their leadership style and impact their teams.

The Global Learning and Development team is continuously expanding and evolving our offerings to ensure they remain relevant and impactful ensuring that our learning experiences are aligned with both the needs of our colleagues and the growth of our business. Whether you’re sharpening existing skills or looking to explore new areas, GU is here to help you reach your full potential.

Join us at Greif, and let’s package learning together for a brighter, more successful future.




培训和发展是我们发展战略不可或缺的一部分。2021 年,我们推出了 Greif 大学,2022 年,我们扩大了战略学习主题的提供范围,例如 Greif 业务系统、合规性和领导力发展。

通过 Greif 大学,我们继续开展“与 Greif 一起了解和成长”计划:每月在全球举办由讲师指导的讲座。Greif 大学使我们能够更好地整合合规和行为准则培训,并为我们的同事提供轻松获得相关且有趣的学习机会。必要时,我们会结合区域培训计划来补充全球培训。

我们利用 Greif University 和 LinkedIn Learning 来跟踪所需的培训信息,以确保遵守内部政策和适用法规。自实施 Greif University 以来,我们的学习材料利用率有所提高,完成率也更高。


2022 年,我们推出了 Lead to Last 计划,即 Greif 的全球领导力发展框架。该计划通过 Greif 大学提供,为所有全球领导者提供统一的领导力期望模型,每月都会推出一批学员。该培训以 12 周为周期进行,参与者专注于包容性、安全性和价值观驱动的领导力。目前,培训以英语、西班牙语、中文和葡萄牙语提供。


2021 年,我们推出了 Greif 大学,这是我们的培训平台,提供 100 多种不同的战略学习课程。Greif 大学是所有员工可以去发展的统一场所。



Greif 致力于与同事保持持续的绩效对话。我们的绩效管理使我们能够有效地传达绩效期望并进行年度绩效评估。

能力框架有助于评估和发展我们同事的知识、态度、技能和行为。所有专业、文职和行政同事(约占 Greif 员工总数的 29%)都参加年度绩效发展评估。

作为我们全球人才管理流程的一部分,我们鼓励领导者进行季度检查并关注个人发展计划 (IDP),为同事提供学习和发展的机会。Greif 为管理者提供资源,帮助他们与团队成功沟通,创建 IDP,在职业道路上取得进步,设定短期和长期目标并协商公平工资。





培训和发展是我们发展战略不可或缺的一部分。2021 年,我们推出了 Greif 大学,2022 年,我们扩大了战略学习主题的提供范围,例如 Greif 业务系统、合规性和领导力发展。 

通过 Greif 大学,我们继续开展“与 Greif 一起了解和成长”计划:每月在全球举办由讲师指导的讲座。Greif 大学使我们能够更好地整合合规和行为准则培训,并为我们的同事提供轻松获得相关且有趣的学习机会。必要时,我们会结合区域培训计划来补充全球培训。 

我们利用 Greif University 和 LinkedIn Learning 来跟踪所需的培训信息,以确保遵守内部政策和适用法规。自实施 Greif University 以来,我们的学习材料利用率有所提高,完成率也更高。


2022 年,我们推出了 Lead to Last 计划,即 Greif 的全球领导力发展框架。该计划通过 Greif 大学提供,为所有全球领导者提供统一的领导力期望模型,每月都会推出一批学员。该培训以 12 周为周期进行,参与者专注于包容性、安全性和价值观驱动的领导力。 目前,提供英语、西班牙语、中文和葡萄牙语的培训。  


大号2021 年,我们推出了 Greif 大学,这是我们的培训平台,提供 100 多种不同的战略学习课程。Greif 大学是所有员工可以去发展的统一场所。

我们提供 数百 数以千计 不同类别的课程和学习模块,包括卓越客户服务、环境健康与安全、领导力与专业发展。

可持续性 1

Greif 致力于与同事保持持续的绩效对话。我们的绩效管理使我们能够有效地传达绩效期望并进行年度绩效评估。

能力框架有助于评估和发展我们同事的知识、态度、技能和行为。所有专业、文职和行政同事(约占 Greif 员工总数的 29%)都参加年度绩效发展评估. 

作为我们全球人才管理流程的一部分,我们鼓励领导者进行季度检查并关注个人发展计划 (IDP),为同事提供学习和发展的机会。Greif 为管理者提供资源,帮助他们与团队成功沟通,创建 IDP,推进他们的 职业道路、设定短期和长期目标并协商公平工资。 

我们将继续  探索 有机会利用导师计划、内部认证教练和职业规划实施。我们相信,实施这些计划,以及对个性化目标设定的更深入讨论,将进一步促进员工参与。

img 学习发展





该项目面向 Greif 全职员工的子女,由奖学金管理服务部(Scholarship Management Services,隶属于 Scholarship America)管理。自 2007 年以来,已有 276 名来自世界各地的学生获得了 Greif 赞助的奖学金。

Greif 奖学金计划

该项目面向全职 Greif 同事的子女,由 Scholarship Management Services(Scholarship Management Services 的一个部门)管理。Scholarship Management Services 是全美最大的奖学金和学费报销项目设计者和管理者,面向企业、基金会、协会和个人。奖学金的颁发不分种族、肤色、信仰、宗教、性取向、性别、残疾或国籍。奖学金管理服务负责选拔获奖者。在任何情况下,Greif 的任何官员或同事都不会参与选拔。自 2007 年以来,来自世界各地的 276 名学生获得了 Greif 赞助的奖学金。



人力资源学院是一个为期 24 个月的项目,包括 3-4 个轮岗,每个轮岗 6-9 个月。轮岗涵盖人力资源组织的多个领域,包括区域和全球经验。


人力资源学院是一个为期 24 个月的项目,包括 3-4 个轮换,每个轮换 6-9 个月。轮换涵盖人力资源组织的多个领域,包括区域和全球经验。该发展计划分别建立在经验、关系和教育的 70/20/10 模型之上。它为国际合作、跨业务和跨职能可见性提供了机会;并创建了一个全球专业同行网络。在项目结束时,学院毕业生将被安排在人力资源职能领域之一的全职职位上。目标:创造和培养具有各种能力和经验的下一代人力资源领导者。这些领导者将支持人力资源使命,即创建一支世界一流、多元化和敬业的员工队伍,以实现 Greif 的战略重点。

Engaging and Developing Our Colleagues

At Greif, we believe our strength lies in our people. We continue to achieve unparalleled engagement and development milestones, including record-high completion rates for Performance Development Reviews and exceptional scores in our annual Colleague Engagement Survey. Recognition by Newsweek as one of the Most Loved Workplaces globally and our Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award underscores our dedication to further enhancing our workplace culture and our commitment to excellence and innovation.



At Greif, we believe that learning and development are the cornerstones of both personal and professional success. That’s why we created Greif University (GU)—our global learning platform dedicated to helping you grow and achieve your career goals. GU brings together over 20,000 learning experiences, making it the central hub for career development across our global workforce.

Whether you’re just starting your journey or you’ve already gained years of experience, GU offers opportunities to expand your skills, explore new areas of interest, and advance your career. Our offerings cover a wide range of topics, including 客户服务环境健康与安全领导力发展Business Systems, and much more. No matter where you are in your career path, GU provides the tools you need to succeed.

Through innovative programs 和 technology-enabled learning, we make it easy for you to access world-class resources tailored to your unique needs, no matter where you are in the world. If you can’t find the solutions you need in our expansive library of content, the Greif Global Learning and Development team will help source or develop the content that fits your specific needs.

One of our standout programs is 引领至最后, a leadership development initiative focused on the principles of 仆人式领导. We believe that the best leaders are those who prioritize the growth, well-being, and empowerment of their teams. Lead to Last offers a 12-week, cohort-based program designed to teach inclusive, values-driven leadership. Available in multiple languages, this program has already helped over 1,000 global leaders improve their leadership style and impact their teams.

The Global Learning and Development team is continuously expanding and evolving our offerings to ensure they remain relevant and impactful ensuring that our learning experiences are aligned with both the needs of our colleagues and the growth of our business. Whether you’re sharpening existing skills or looking to explore new areas, GU is here to help you reach your full potential.

Join us at Greif, and let’s package learning together for a brighter, more successful future.

Greif 培育包容性文化,打造世界一流、多元化、敬业的员工队伍,反映我们全球社区的利益,以实现 Greif 的战略重点。我们的多元化、公平和包容性 (DE&I) 框架建立在 LEAD 模型之上:倾听、参与、行动和培养同事,造福 Greif 和我们运营所在的全球社区。
Greif 提供良好的工作环境和立即产生影响的机会,公司始终欢迎您提出自己的想法。我们提供有竞争力的工资、优厚的福利和成长机会。
People Focused


Greif 认识到,吸引和招募多元化人才是不够的。我们努力培养、发展和吸引多元化人才,对于实现我们的长期多元化、公平和包容性目标以及执行我们的持久发展战略至关重要。 


Black Employees Engaging @ Greif


Embrace Diversity of Greif Employees


Hispanic Organization & Latinos Awareness


Greif Women's Network


LGBTQIA+ Network


NextGen - Network for young professionals


Greif Veterans Colleague Resource Group

在您所在的地区没有找到职位? 联系我们



使命:¡HOLA!是一个全球社区,旨在促进对拉丁裔/西班牙裔文化及其与我们 Greif 家庭的联系的更深入了解。.


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