
Greif offers a wide variety of large, intermediate and specialty fibre, plastic or steel drums or IBCs that offer a truly customized solution with the appropriate components for the chemical market.

Greif Knows Commodity Chemicals

We understand your packaging must protect your product. We have the right technology, capabilities, and people to meet the technical and regulatory requirements of the chemical industry.

Top Products for Commodity Chemical


Registration to various quality and food safety systems including ISO 9001, FSC 22000, BRC, SQF are available throughout the network. Additionally, some locations offer clean room solutions and independent kosher certifications.  

ISO Certification Logo

Benefits of Using Greif Products

Extensive Global Footprint

Protect your brand and packaging standards by receiving equivalent products manufactured worldwide. Our global network of more than 200 facilities in 37 countries are strategically located near you, which helps reduce transportation costs and improves the environmental footprint of your package. By partnering with a single supplier, you minimize supply chain risks with back up production facilities to ensure continuity of supply.

A Focus on Sustainability

Sustainability is one of our top priorities because we understand every improvement, we make not only protects our earth but helps you achieve sustainability targets. We have dedicated products and services to help you achieve your goals. Further, we are the only global network to collect, recondition or recycle several types of spent packaging. Do you really want to make an impact? Use the Greif Green Tool to evaluate the environmental impact of packaging using a variety of metrics.


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