土地管理 by Soterra


Our Mission

To be the premier land management company. We currently manage more than 240,000 acres of land in the Southeastern United States.

greif image buck in clearing of pine

Habitat Management

The buck stops here... to graze and be healthy.

Soterra has the experience and capabilities to support our customers in implementing a full-scale management plan for habitat or food plot management. We are a valued partner who works with customers to get the most out of each customer’s unique conditions.

Property Assessments

Includes tree planting, drone survey services and timber sales.

Soterra understands the important role that private landowners hold when it comes to the growth of our nation’s forest industry.
property assessment

Hunting Leases

We are dedicated to managing our wildlife resources as intensively as we manage our timber resources. We have properties located in some of the finest hunting areas in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

What is land management?

The team at Soterra has put together a digital series on all things land management.

Soterra knows land management, and it’s their goal to share their wealth of knowledge. From defining what it is and why it’s important to the everyday aspects of the job, you’ll learn the key details about land management.

fawns shelter in the shade of a tree line on protected lands


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