Greif Merced


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Greif Merced


2400 Cooper Ave
Merced, CA 95348

Attention greif - Merced CUSTOMERs


Greif+ is here and ready for orders in Merced, CA. What that means for you is a simpler, more efficient way to do business with Greif. 

Steel drums in the central valley - Fresno, Stockton, Merced, and beyond.

Located between Fresno and Stockton, Merced, CA is in the heart of agricultural riches. According to, there are 250 different agricultural products grown in the central valley. That ends up totaling $17 billion each year.  

Greif steel drums are widely used in the food and beverage industry, including California’s Central Valley, for various purposes due to their durability, sustainability, and regulatory compliance.

Steel drums store and transport large quantities of ingredients like syrups, concentrates, oils, and other liquids. This aspect is beneficial in the Central Valley, where many food processing and beverage production facilities are located.

Merced – Steel Drums
2400 Cooper Ave
Merced 加州 95348

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