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2019 年,Greif 位于比利时根特的 GIP 工厂采取措施进一步提高质量意识,举办了“质量日”,这是一个持续四小时的研讨会,专注于产品、工艺和客户服务的质量。共有 89 名同事参加,他们参加了特定的互动环节,旨在让参与者从不同的角度了解质量以及如何改进质量。许多同事报告说,他们更好地了解了自己对质量的具体贡献,并重新振作起来,积极提高整体客户满意度。

突出显示 ZeroLeak 计划 分钟 1

2014 年,我们的 CAR 数据显示,泄漏是客户最常见的质量投诉。为此,我们启动了一项零泄漏计划,以消除产品泄漏。收到泄漏投诉后,我们会上报给区域副总裁和总经理,我们的工程团队负责制定具体解决方案并将其分发给所有工厂。我们专注于减少泄漏,这使得泄漏投诉从 2014 年到 2018 年减少了 67%,并且 Tri-Sure 业务中的泄漏者数量也显著减少。

2020 年,我们成立了一个新的全球质量工作组,专门研究与产品质量相关的最突出的客户问题。我们的重点是分析外部和内部因素,以确定共同趋势。通过这种方式,我们发现我们最大的内部问题也与我们最大的外部问题相关。最大的客户问题仍然是产品完整性。该小组制定了各种行动计划,旨在解决这些内部问题,最终目标是减少我们最大的客户问题。我们制定了新的指标来跟踪这些计划的进展。

泄漏率 2019 财年 2020 财年 2021 财年
亚太地区 0.37 0.14 0.29
欧洲、中东和非洲 0.23 0.23 0.12
北美 0.22 0.22 0.16
拉美 0.07

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Greif’s Global Industrial Packaging facility in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia demonstrated customer service excellence when they rose to the occasion to solve a customer’s packaging crisis in the idle of the COVID-19 pandemic. An existing Greif customer discovered they were unable to secure unlined ultramarine blue drums, which were required to ship edible oil from one of Greif’s competitors. Since the facility did not offer that product at the time, the Petaling Jaya team quickly worked to prepare new artwork, obtain external drum color approval and create a new product stock keeping unit. The team immediately began production and secured transportation for the drums to meet the customer’s urgent need. Due to the responsiveness and ingenuity of the team in responding to this emergency, the customer has continued ordering the product from Greif.

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Greif’s Dalton, Georgia, PPS Recycling facility works closely with local flooring manufacturing plants to provide recycling services for tubes and cores, a significant waste stream produced by the industry. These same flooring manufacturers are also customers of Greif’s recycled paperboard tubes and cores. When the price for old corrugated cardboard (OCC) dropped in 2019, it became uneconomical to recycle these tubes and cores at market price. Greif engaged with the flooring manufacturers to develop a sustainable, circular solution that keeps waste out of landfills and allows Greif to continue providing our customers with excellent service and 100 percent recycled paperboard. Under the new business model, Greif receives payment for managing recyclable waste streams allowing us to process these materials and then send to our paper mills to manufacture 100 percent recycled paperboard.

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Greif’s 2021 Dempsey Award for Customer Service Excellence was awarded to our Greif adhesives operations within our Paper and Packaging Services business unit in Kernersville, NC and Atlanta, TX. This group earned a Customer Service Index Rating of 99.6 while facing a significant disruption in these plants’ supply chains in 2021. In February, Texas endured devastating winter storms, resulting in acetate emulsions, VAE, plasticizer and alcohol shortages. Despite the challenges, Greif adhesives operations maintained quick response times and innovative ideas. Our chemists worked weekly on replacement chemicals as various materials or additives became impossible to procure. Our plant manager collaborated with local and global sourcing colleagues to contract additional suppliers, eliminating our single-source dependency. Through all of the obstacles, 2021 was a record sales year for both adhesive plants.
CorrChoice GreenGuard 为客户提供可回收、可再制浆且符合 FDA 标准的涂层纸解决方案。一位重要客户购买了三壁瓦楞纸容器以保持食品质量。Greif 与客户合作,用我们的 GreenGuard 200 纸涂层代替塑料衬里。这一改变消除了对塑料衬里的需求——节省了客户的时间和人工成本——并使运输容器 100% 可回收和可再制浆。
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Greif partnered with one of our global key accounts to resolve ordering process challenges and operational inefficiencies. Greif’s Global Supply Chain team, Warminster, Pennsylvania, facility and Global Account Lead partnered with the customer’s Operations Excellence and Logistics teams to design and pilot a simple-to-use Kanban process that triggers production only when product is needed. Within the first three months of implementation we achieved zero stock-outs, a seven-day lead-time reduction and a 25 percent reduction in inventory. The new process has also simplified ordering, improved visibility of customer demand for more stable production runs and improved Greif’s relationship with the customer.
在拉丁美洲,我们推出了 PerforMAXXI,这是一种用于跟踪客户送货情况和监控实时绩效的网络解决方案。PerforMAXXI 是送货司机手机上的一款移动应用程序,可向客户更新包裹在送货过程中的进度。该应用程序利用 Waze 或 Google 地图协助司机,并将在第二阶段更新以包括数字道路通行费支付。该应用程序还可以在整个行程中与司机进行沟通,准确衡量准时送货情况,并通过客户签名的发票照片提供电子送货证明。该应用程序大大简化了沟通和送货流程。
nouryon 的发音 nouryon [ zh ]
Greif 很高兴获得 Nouryon 颁发的 2021 年度供应商奖,以表彰其在疫情期间提供的出色支持。我们因针对 Ekabox 制定的积极业务连续性规划而获得认可,Ekabox 是一种定制塑料容器,仅在瑞典法尔肯贝格生产。我们遇到了设备故障;但是,由于我们的风险管理和业务连续性规划,我们能够将 Ekabox 的生产转移到第三方制造商。因此,我们保护了 Nouryon 及其最终客户的业务不受干扰。照片:Greif 全球大客户总监 Hans Vanwynsberghe(左)和 Greif 战略营销和全球商业卓越副总裁 Philippe Marty(右)从 Nouryon 董事长兼首席执行官 Charlie Shaver(中)手中接过奖项。
2021 年,休斯顿的 Greif 工厂在转移垃圾填埋场的能力方面取得了显著的进步。该工厂安装了一台除屑机,这是一种旨在安全有效地移除用于固定纤维桶顶部和底部的金属盖的设备。移除盖后,纤维和金属就可以被引导到单独的废物流中进行回收。自 2021 年 7 月安装除屑机以来,该工厂已将 90% 以上的废物从垃圾填埋场转移。该工厂将纤维送到我们的 PPS 回收集团,进一步降低了废物处理成本。
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During 2020, the Hadımköy team in Turkey developed a waste roadmap by assessing their waste streams and determining a path to reduce their waste going to the landfill. The Hadımköy team introduced separation bins for paper waste in production, separated leftover food waste and sent it to local animal shelters, and introduced separation bins for packaging and paper waste in the cafeteria. In total, these efforts led to a seven percent reduction in their waste to landfill. By the end of 2020, Hadımköy used the projects on their waste roadmap to further reduce their waste to landfill an additional five percent and already exceeded the corporate 2025 waste target. In 2021, Hadımköy further reduced their waste sent to landfill by an additional 15 percent from the previous year.
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Greif is committed to using water-based exterior paints in our operations where possible, rather than high volatile organic compound (VOC) exterior paints. In Global Industrial Packaging (GIP) North America, eight out of our nine steel plants use water-based paints. In GIP China, the Greif Zhuhai plant has converted to over 75 percent water-based paints and, in 2021, they began testing the use of water-based regular drum liners in our products to further reduce the VOC impact of our products. The Greif Shanghai plant begun the conversion process in 2021 as well. In EMEA, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, and Poland use water-based paints alongside solvent-based paints.
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In 2019, Greif’s Global Industrial Packaging (GIP) facility in Sweden received a customer complaint that jerrycans were being damaged during unpacking because the plastic film used to wrap the pallets was too tight and difficult to remove. In response, the facility tested a number of film alternatives that were easier to remove and posed less risk of damaging the cans and ultimately selected an alternative that reduced the use of film by 48 percent, saving 7,500 kg of materials annually. The transition also led to $12,000 USD savings and a 22,000 kg emission reduction. In order to scale the project, the team has updated the standard operating procedure for using similar films and have worked with our procurement team to update the supplier and material for the film.
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Our GIP Flexibles Facility in Thirsk, UK has implemented a variety of initiatives related to recycling and reuse, in close collaboration with customers and suppliers. The facility introduced programs to reuse cardboard dividers, pallets, thread spools, solvent, bag on roll tubes and scrap wood. Our reuse initiatives include close collaboration with suppliers to return spools and cardboard dividers for them to reuse, reducing costs and environment impacts for both companies. We also work with our customers to collect pallets and tubes for our own reuse. The facility also recycles all plastic, cardboard, paper and solvent that cannot be reclaimed. These practices help reduce Greif’s footprint and can often reduce costs, such as incineration expenses.
Greif 位于智利的 Pudahuel 钢铁厂是我们在拉丁美洲第一家 100% 使用可再生能源的工厂。通过与能源供应商 IMELSA ENERGIA 合作的为期两年的项目,该工厂能够将其全部电力供应转向 100% 可再生能源。该工厂为化学品、润滑油和食品饮料市场生产大型钢桶、锥形桶和水瓶。这一转变推进了我们的可持续发展战略,支持我们 2030 年的温室气体减排目标,并有助于支持我们客户的范围 3 减排目标。
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In an attempt to lower Greif’s emissions of air pollutants such as Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Greif’s paperboard mills in Los Angeles, California and Fitchburg, Massachusetts replaced equipment with more energy efficient technology that reduces air pollutants. Operations in Massachusetts, alone, saved 96 tons of NOx and 27 tons of VOCs in a single year. The updates also allowed Greif to take advantage of Cap-and-Trade programs in California and Massachusetts that provide ERCs for similar activates. In 2019, Greif was awarded $1,037,100 in ERCs through these programs.
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As part of our overarching goal of having more efficient and sustainable equipment, in 2018 we began transitioning our fleet of forklifts from being powered by combustion gasoline to electricity, which reduces our forklift emissions approximately 50 percent. Through 2021, we have converted 85 percent of our forklifts in EMEA to electricity power and realized a cost savings of $365,000. Due to the success of the program, and in support of our overall Renewable Forklift Policy, the program will be rolled out globally. In addition to the environmental benefits, the transition provides a safer working environment for our colleagues by reducing the need to keep containers of gasoline in our facilities.
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Greif recently made a large-scale investment in a new blow molding machine used to manufacture Greif’s plastic jerrycans at our Casablanca, Morocco plant. The new machine uses up to 30 percent less energy than older generation machines while also delivering significantly higher productivity levels. The new equipment increases production capacity by up to 25 percent for our one- to five-liter bottles and is designed to optimize and reduce raw material usage, extending the environmental benefit of the machine beyond energy use.
highlight AdvancingRenewableEnergy 1 min 1
Renewables, such as biomass, solar and wind energy, will play a major role in addressing the challenges of climate change over the long term. We are committed to testing and expanding the use of renewable energy technologies across our global operations when doing so is economically viable and in the best interest of our stakeholders. Across our global operations, we have installed over 6,900 solar panels capable of 1.87 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of solar production. Due to our continued investment, renewables now account for 12 percent of Greif’s energy use. In North America, we have installed more than 2,000 solar panels in seven facilities, delivering 760,000 kWh of energy and saving more than $112,000 annually. In 2016, three of our largest Brazilian plants began sourcing their energy partly through renewable resources. In 2017, we expanded the program to three additional plants in Brazil, reducing emissions by 70 percent and saving $1.4 million USD annually. In April 2017, Greif’s Shanghai RIPS facility completed installation of solar panels, converting 15.4 percent of the facility’s electricity to a renewable source and saving over $16,000 USD annually. Throughout our China operations, we source renewable energy through 4,800 solar panels via energy purchase contracts. Our Turkey FPS operations produce over two million kWh of energy through wind turbines and windmills. In 2020 and 2021, we installed solar panels on the roof of our Israel facility. These panels provide emissions savings of 748 tons of CO2 annually, converting 12 percent of the facility’s annual energy consumption to clean solar energy and supporting reduced heating and cooling costs. In 2021, solar panels at our two facilities in Ede, Netherlands produced over 1 million kWh of electricity.
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To manage logistics in an environmentally-responsible manner, Greif uses carriers that are approved through the EPA’s 智能通道 initiative whenever possible. We include SmartWay certification during our new carrier certification process. Greif’s SmartWay-approved carrier base accounts for 77 percent of total miles traveled.
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在格鲁吉亚州奥斯特尔的 Greif 工厂,我们启动了废水残余物脱水项目,将废物转化为生物燃料。循环经济实践将浓缩固体从漂浮沉积物层扫到脱水压机上。可流动的固体被脱水,直到它们可以被运送到风干的地方,与其他材料混合,并作为补充锅炉燃料使用。这一过程不仅允许材料重新利用以获得从头到尾的最大收益,而且还节省了设施垃圾填埋场处理费用。
巴尔的摩高亮纸卷 最少 1
2019 年底,Greif 位于肯塔基州佛罗伦萨的工厂安装了废水处理设施,以减少我们的危险废物负荷并将水回收回城市。该过程的工作原理是将水引入系统,去除油漆过程中近 100% 的污染物,并将清洁的水送往当地的处理厂。然后,处理厂回收水,重新分配给社区。该过程中剩余的材料通过垃圾而不是危险废物处理。随着设备于 2020 年中期全面投入使用,该过程不仅显著降低了工厂产生的危险废物,而且还每月减少了 $40,000 的废物成本。
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The year 2013 marked the conclusion of a multi-year pollinator research project that occurred on Greif/Soterra LLC timberlands in south Mississippi. The study was conducted in conjunction with the Pollinator Partnership and NAPCC—the world’s foremost experts on pollination issues—to learn how pollinators impact wildlife food availability on timber landscapes, the added value of hosting honey bees and beekeepers on the landscape and to discover the best management practice for ecosystem services on forest landscapes. The study produced some interesting recommendations for sustainable timberland management practices that should benefit timberland owners, pollinator species, local wildlife and ecosystems alike. Greif is committed to its sustainable land use platform and will help distribute any resulting publications to industry partners, regulators and members of the academic community globally to influence positive environmental management in timberland systems. In 2013, the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) recognized Soterra LLC and the Pollinator Partnership with its coveted Conservation Leadership Award for this research. The state of Louisiana also recognized the efforts on the program by declaring a state-wide Pollinator Week in the spring of 2018. As of 2021, Soterra LLC continues its support for education, outreach, conservation and scientific research relating to the importance of pollinators in our ecosystem by maintaining its involvement in the Pollinator Partnership as an active Board of Directors member. To learn more, please see our article in Bee Culture Magazine .
highlight photos 2019.05 min 1
In 2018, Soterra established a partnership with the National Estuary Program to use donated Greif drums to collect rainwater. Through the program, each drum is outfitted with a rain barrel conversion kit to help store, capture and put rainwater to good use. The barrels are installed in impoverished areas with historically high utility costs that are also prone to flooding and water pollution associated with excessive water runoff. In 2021, 200 drums capable of providing 260,000* gallons of water were installed in the community. In 2019, we received an Environmental Stewardship award from Partners for Environmental Progress in recognition of the program. In 2022, we will deliver another 200 drums to expand this project. We will also provide homeowners the proper training and instruction upon instillation. *According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, a rain barrel saves 1,300 gallons of water during peak summer months.
过去几年,Greif 因野火而面临新的挑战。为了减轻与这些事件的破坏性相关的风险,我们正在采用新的保险策略。我们将这些风险置于风险管理方法的最前沿,并考虑气候变化的影响如何进一步加剧这些风险。
突出自然灾害 分钟 1
In 2020, hurricanes moving through the Gulf of Mexico impacted the Mobile Recycling, Bay Minnette and Woodbine Paper Packaging & Services (PPS) plants and a derecho impacted our Tama, Iowa mill. In all cases, we worked to supply customers through capacity at other locations as plants faced downtime of one-half to two days depending on the event. Our business continuity plans ensured the downtime resulted in no lost business and we delivered on our promises to our customers. In 2021, our Texas facilities were impacted by severe winter storms. We enacted our Crisis Management Protocols and shut down our facilities to ensure the health and safety of our colleagues. Our facilities were closed anywhere between four and ten days to allow enough time to restore power and repair damages. Since the winter storms impacted our local customers as well, our customer supply was not affected. We maintained colleague safety during the storms and prioritized a safe work environment for our colleagues before they returned to our facilities.
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Since 2018, Greif’s Flexible Products and Services (FPS) Turkey operations have been ISO 27001 certified, reflecting of our commitment to keeping Greif’s, and Greif’s customers’, information assets secure. The certification demonstrates that the information security management system (ISMS) meets international best practices and shows the significant efforts made by FPS Turkey towards compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. The certification builds on FPS Turkey’s impressive quality credentials, which include ISO 9001 certified Quality Management Systems, Grade AA BRC IoP Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials Issue 6-compliant Product Safety Management Systems and ISO 14001 compliant Environmental Management Systems.
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Greif made Newsweek’s list of Most Loved Workplaces in 2021. The results are determined through surveying more than 800,000 employees on a variety of topics areas including employee feelings of inclusion, respect and alignment with personal values. The survey also gauges employee feelings of support in achieving results and a positive vision for continuous improvement as well as overall employee satisfaction. Greif is proud to have earned a spot on the list, and we will continue making Greif a great place to work.
2007 年,Greif 设立了奖学金计划,以帮助计划继续接受大学或职业学校教育的同事子女。奖学金获得者的选拔基于经济需求、学业成绩、表现出的领导能力、参与学校和社区活动、荣誉、教育愿望和目标声明、不寻常的个人和家庭情况以及外部评估。该计划由 Scholarship Management Services(Scholarship America 的一个部门)管理。Scholarship Management Services 是美国最大的奖学金和学费报销计划设计者和管理者,面向公司、基金会、协会和个人。奖学金的颁发不分种族、肤色、信仰、宗教、性取向、性别、残疾或国籍。奖学金管理服务负责选拔获奖者。在任何情况下,Greif 的任何官员或同事都不会参与选拔。2022 年,我们支持了 63 项奖学金。自 2007 年以来,来自世界各地的 276 名学生获得了 Greif 赞助的奖学金。
In 2021, we launched Greif University, our training platform with over 100 different strategic learning offerings. Greif University serves as a unified place where all employees can go for development. We currently offer 58 courses and 247 learning modules in 14 different categories, including Customer Service Excellence, Environmental Health & Safety, and Leadership & Professional Development. Each module is available in English and Spanish to offer training to employees in their local language. Since launching Greif University there has been a significant increase in the use of development materials and higher training completion rates.
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加拿大和美国的所有 Greif 同事都可以享受员工援助计划 (EAP)。Greif 的 EAP 是一项保密的工作干预计划,为同事及其家人提供信息服务,旨在增强情绪、精神和整体心理健康。该计划提供预防性和主动性干预措施,以便尽早发现、识别和/或解决可能对绩效和幸福感产生不利影响的工作和个人问题。这些问题和问题可能包括但不限于人际关系、健康、创伤、药物滥用、赌博和其他成瘾、财务问题、抑郁症、焦虑症、精神障碍、沟通问题和应对变化。
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Greif 的长期健康和安全目标是实现全球所有工厂零事故。虽然我们认识到这一目标的挑战,但我们的 10 个全球工业包装 (GIP) 工厂(包括以下工厂)已实现 10 年或更长时间的无事故运营:

  • Amaititlan, Guatemala – 14 years
  • Midland Warehouse – 14 years
  • Angarsk, Russia – 13 years
  • Beloyarsky, Russia – 13 years
  • Esteio, Brazil – 13 years
  • Chino, USA – 13 years
  • Volgograd, Russia – 13 years
  • Vologda, Russia – 13 years
  • Delta Cincinnati, USA -12 years
  • Kazan, Russia – 12 years
  • Manaus, Brazil – 12 years
  • Mandra, Greece – 12 years
  • Pioneer, Singapore – 12 years
  • Rio de Janeiro – 12 years
  • Huizhou, China – 11 years
  • Mombasa, Kenya – 11 years
  • Vung Tau, Vietnam – 11 years
  • San Juan, Argentina – 10 years
  • Delta Shanghai, China – 10 years
  • Houston Plastic, USA – 10 years
  • 这些成就以及 2023 年的其他零伤害设施,为我们在全球所有设施实现零事故的愿望提供了强有力的典范。

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    每家实现 MCR 为零的工厂都将获得董事长安全卓越奖。2023 年,我们在全球范围内有 97 家生产工厂获得了该奖项,并在虚拟颁奖典礼上获得表彰。



    The Inclusive Leadership Journey is for people managers and senior leaders at Greif to learn about inclusive leadership. The program covers the foundations of inclusive leadership for global leaders to develop and exhibit inclusive behaviors in the workplace. The training goes in-depth about defining and discussing the impact of unconscious and implicit bias, best practices for inclusion and actionable steps, and examining the impact of inclusion. The learning journey includes a confidential assessment of current level of inclusive behavior for each participant and a personalized action plan for implementation of key topics. The sessions began in October 2021, and will continue through April 2022.

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    Diversity Week in LATAM

    At Greif, we encourage and embrace our diversity of culture, language, location and thought. During the week of August 9-13, 2021, the Human Resources Teams in LATAM held a Diversity week event to educate our colleagues on the importance of respecting others and living The Greif Way. The week-long event included virtual learning sessions covering the topics of Unconscious Bias, Gender, Women & Career, Generations, LGBTQIA+ and Diversity of Origins / Ethnicity. In total, more than 700 colleagues participated.

    Greif 女性网络 (GWN) 庆祝其对推进多元化、公平和包容 (DE&I) 之旅的持续承诺。GWN 加强了其促进 DE&I 的使命,鼓励我们的同事提名同事为多元化冠军,因为他们表现出对 DE&I 的赞赏。我们在 GreifNews 和 GWN InsideGreif 页面上介绍了每位多元化冠军获奖者。同事们也通过慈善捐款回馈社会。我们通过在线商店销售多元化 T 恤,并将收益捐赠给 Dress for Success Columbus,这是一个全球非营利组织,通过提供支持网络、职业装和发展工具来帮助女性实现经济独立,帮助女性在工作和生活中茁壮成长。通过这些努力,GWN 通过鼓励社区多元化来推进其使命。

    突出显示 IBC 溶剂标记 2 1 分钟 1

    IBC 上的激光标记

    Greif Sweden/Nordic 是市场上第一家在中型散装容器 (IBC) 上用激光标记取代喷墨标记的公司,从而减少了生产过程中溶剂型油墨的使用。通过消除溶剂和油墨的使用,生产环境更加清洁。我们还能够通过移除传统上用于激光标记的板材,将 IBC 的重量减轻一公斤。我们相信这项创新将为 IBC 上的标记树立新的标准。

    主图 KDD 鼓 min

    适用于偏远地区的击倒鼓 (KDD)

    格雷夫 击倒鼓 (KDD) 为将钢桶运输到偏远地区提供最佳的可持续解决方案。半成品钢桶部件在现场运输和组装,所需人员和设备最少。独特的概念允许在 20 英尺海运集装箱中运输多达 1,176 个 KDD,而完整的成品钢桶则为 80 个,从而节省了宝贵的空间,优化了运输成本,并在较长的运输时间内最大限度地减少了客户的碳足迹。钢桶直接运送到客户的加油站,有助于提高效率,减少库存和人工处理。

    精彩照片 2019.18 分钟 1
    2015 年,Greif 制造了我们首款重量更轻的 20 升和 25 升油桶模型。这种设计比之前的型号轻 15%,同时保持了之前设计的性能规格。由于重量减轻,新油桶在生产过程中使用的材料和能源减少了高达 15%,并减少了排放影响。2019 年,我们扩大了该产品线,包括 16 升和 18 升尺寸。我们现在在意大利、以色列、瑞典和新加坡生产我们的轻型油桶。
    COEX 多层塑料包装将多层不同的塑料材料组合成一个单一结构,具有许多阻隔性能优势,尤其适用于农用化学品和食品包装应用。然而,重新研磨后,COEX 塑料只能用于低性能应用。为了满足客户对具有卓越阻隔性能的可回收包装的需求,我们创建了 ECOEX 系列油桶。ECOEX 技术使 Greif 能够生产创新的多层油桶,该油桶可通过再研磨工艺回收,以生产高性能、经联合国认证的油桶和瓶子。ECOEX 还为我们的客户降低了成本,因为客户在使用后通常会为 COEX 包装收集支付更高的收集费。我们继续推动创新,以支持我们的循环经济战略并满足客户的需求。LATAM GIP 团队因其在满足客户需求的同时为我们的循环经济战略做出的贡献而荣获 2021 年 Michael J. Gasser 可持续发展奖。
    hs easypour
    Greif’s high-quality 100% recycled paperboard concrete forming tubes offer superior performance for demanding concrete projects including columns, footings, piers and other structures. EasyPour tubes are one example of our efforts throughout 2021 to commercialize new product lines that replace virgin-based products with recycled material products and remove plastic by incorporating our aqueous-based barrier coatings. EasyPour tubes also provide our customers with products that have improved end-of-life solutions, thereby advancing our circular economy strategy. EasyPour’s built-in weather shield technology provides moisture resistance and increased strength and durability. EasyPour tubes are LEED® qualified, made of 100% recycled paperboard produced by Greif mills and are fully recyclable and repulpable.
    突出显示较浅,最少 1
    为了满足客户减轻重量和优化运输成本的需求,我们的格瑞夫拉丁美洲同事设计了一种新颖的塑料桶创新,采用前所未有的多面侧壁方法处理大型塑料桶。这项改进在保持性能的同时,减少了桶中高达 14% 的树脂。该设计不仅减少了原材料的使用,还优化了托盘利用率,因为它的独特配置允许在与传统设计相同的空间内运输更多桶。多面桶是一种更可持续的解决方案,既可以减少自然资源消耗,又可以降低运输过程中基于化石燃料的原材料使用量和二氧化碳排放量。
    亮点鼓 360 分钟 1
    在 Greif,我们现在有能力 打印高分辨率图像 直接使用最新的印刷技术将油墨印在钢桶上。这一能力是投资的直接成果,旨在满足客户的需求,这些客户正在寻找方法来区分他们的产品并产生有影响力的包装设计,以支持高价值产品的价格点。除了为我们的客户增加价值外,该工艺还消除了对标准燃气炉的需求,在生产过程中使用基于 LED 的紫外线固化。这种新工艺每桶可节省 0.5 公斤二氧化碳。Greif 战略性地将新的 Drum 360 技术放置在靠近使用这项新技术的客户的工厂中,这些工厂位于比利时、法国、荷兰、意大利、德国和波兰。
    突出显示 GCUBE 与笔记本电脑连接最少 1
    格雷夫 GCUBE 连接 解决方案, 推出 在 LogiChem 虚拟会议上,通过应用基于物联网的设备提供有关客户 IBC 的实时跟踪信息。基于客户的仪表板实时显示 IBC 的位置、已填充产品的水平和环境温度。该仪表板允许客户提前计划已填充产品的交付和新 IBC 的到达,以及安排空 IBC 的收集。GCUBE Connect 还支持更好地管理 IBC 中的残留物。进入设施的每个 IBC 都会自动称重,以确定容器中有多少残留物,以确定如何处理。这项创新与 Greif France 能够从客户供应链上的任何站点(而不是一个单一地点)提取和运送翻新的 IBC 的能力完美结合。它们共同简化了客户的物流并提高了透明度。
    hs meeting
    Consumer demand for sustainable food and beverage packaging is increasing demand for more sustainable products. Our PPS business works with customers and partners to develop innovative products that replace virgin-based products with recycled material products or products that replace plastic from packaging with our barrier coatings. We developed the EnviroBev商标 beverage carrier to replace a virgin-based product with a 100% recycled, wet-strength material for craft brewery beverage carriers. In 2021, PPS also commercialized food grade packaging—cupstock, platestock and bowls—made from recycled fiber with an aqueous-based coating. This coating replaces the polyethylene extrusion typically used in food grade packing and enables the packaging to be more readily composted or recycled. Combined, these innovations will replace 14,000 tons of virgin-based material with recycled material. The PPS innovation team was awarded the 2021 Michael J. Gasser Sustainability Award for their contribution towards our circular economy strategy while meeting the needs of our customers.
    精彩照片 2019.13 分钟 1
    Greif 位于 Carol Stream 的 Tri-Sure 工厂与 RIPS 北美采购部、RIPS 意大利和四家 RIPS NA 工厂合作,采购了 800,000 磅再生塑料树脂,用于生产 IBC 后/角脚和护角。这种内部采购策略将成本降低了 $100,000。该团队还重新使用空瓦楞纸散装箱来运输他们制造的再生产品,将瓦楞纸散装箱的购买量减少了 84%。该项目创造了公司价值并建立了环境和财务效益,同时关闭了两个内部循环系统,并通过将垃圾从垃圾填埋场转移并为其找到新用途为我们的循环经济做出了贡献。由于该项目对可持续发展的突出影响及其可扩展到其他成型和注塑设施的能力,该项目和 Tri-Sure Carol Stream 团队荣获了 2019 年 Michael J. Gasser 可持续发展奖。
    高亮多色管 最少 1
    2020 年,我们位于佐治亚州道尔顿的回收工厂与道尔顿地区的地板覆盖物制造商合作,加工回收的纤维,并为纸板芯创建“闭环”。每年,道尔顿回收团队都会从这些制造商那里回收数万吨芯废料,并回收这些废纤维。Greif 的造纸厂使用同样的纤维制造 100% 回收的新纸板,然后在 Greif 的工业产品集团 (IPG) 将其转化为新的管和芯。这项举措不仅有助于维持道尔顿的回收计划,而且还能保持我们为 IPG 客户提供的卓越客户服务水平。每年,该计划有助于回收北乔治亚州地板行业的 25,000 吨芯、10,000 吨纸板、5,000 吨箱板和 2,000 吨塑料薄膜。
    精彩照片 2019.03 分钟 1
    过去 20 年来,Greif 位于葡萄牙伊比利亚的 RIPS 工厂一直为客户提供翻新的锥形滚筒,已翻新了超过 1000 万个滚筒,节省了 50,000 吨钢材、197,600 吨二氧化碳排放量、2,600,000 千兆焦耳的能源和 343,200 立方米的水。该项目最初是为了帮助满足客户减少浪费、降低碳足迹和全面提高客户满意度的愿望而启动的。该团队与客户合作,了解他们的需求,包括数量、规格要求和安全性,开发了翻新工艺,并最终安装了一条翻新生产线,开始为客户提供服务。如今,该工厂为众多客户提供服务,每年翻新 500,000 个锥形滚筒,节省 5,200 吨钢材。
    2020 年,Greif 进行了投资并成立了多家合资企业,以扩大我们提供的再利用、回收和修复服务的规模和能力。4 月,Greif 收购了 Centurion Container LLC 的少数股权,扩大了我们在北美的中型散货容器 (IBC) 修复网络。8 月,Greif 与英国领先的修复 IBC 独立供应商 Delta Plastics 成立了合资企业。最后,在 12 月,Greif 收购了 LAF srl 的少数股权,扩大了我们为意大利客户提供的 IBC 修复服务。我们期待与合作伙伴合作,继续通过从摇篮到摇篮的解决方案减少对环境的影响。
    hs green
    The Greif Green Tool is a flexible calculator that uses independent lifecycle data of Greif industrial packaging products – designed to assist our customers in making informed decisions about which industrial packaging best suits their products and to achieve their sustainability goals. The Green Tool allows customers to review and compare the environmental impact of plastic drums, steel drums, IBCs, fibre drums and big bags specifically related to their business. Results can be used to create an environmental baseline and help customers make meaningful comparisons between different packaging types and track their progress over time. To supplement the Greif Green Tool, we launched the Greif Green Tool Lite, which allows us to provide information more quickly to our customers. The Greif Green Tool Lite provides carbon footprint and reduction metrics that our customers can achieve by switching to a more sustainable product.
    精彩照片 2019.11分 1
    Greif 位于法国里尔的 LCS 工厂已采取重大措施,革新与为客户提供修复服务相关的物流。传统上,空 IBC 会从单个客户所在的单一地点提货并运送到该地点。LCS Lille 已开始从客户供应链上的各个地点提货,然后将修复后的 IBC 送回客户,从而简化了客户的物流。里尔还实施了 Datamatrix,这是一种可追溯系统,使我们能够记录从接收到交付的所有生产步骤,了解 IBC 的来源,并实时查看我们的库存,以支持全面增强客户服务。Datamatrix 还支持更好地管理他们收集的 IBC 中的残留物。进入工厂的每个 IBC 都会自动称重,以确定容器中的残留物量并告知如何处理。借助 Datamatrix,这些信息可以直接发送回客户,以改善他们管理准备提货的 IBC 的方式。里尔采用闭环水系统来清洗IBC,并对其用水进行100%的回收利用,同时还收集、处理和粉碎用于制造新IBC和塑料桶的塑料。
    CorrChoice GreenGuard® 产品系列为我们的客户提供食品安全、可回收和可再制浆的补充材料替代品,例如塑料衬里。我们的 GreenGuard® 系列纸张涂层可安全地与大多数食品类型直接接触,具有防油、防脂、防水、防潮和耐磨性,以及创新的蜡替代技术。通过将涂层应用于瓦楞纸容器,我们消除了许多食品应用中使用的补充材料的需求。我们与客户合作,确保我们的产品满足他们对安全可靠的食品处理的需求,同时提供 100% 可回收和可再制浆的包装产品,推进我们的循环经济战略,同时使我们的客户能够实现其可持续发展目标。
    highlight forest min 1
    Greif 纸板厂已获得可持续林业倡议 (SFI®) 认证、森林管理委员会 (FSC®) 认证和森林认证认可计划 (PEFC®) 产销监管链认证。这些认证系统提供第三方认证,以跟踪和传达来自可持续管理土地的产品数量。
    highlight EcoVadis min 1
    2021 年,Greif 荣获 生态Vadis 凭借卓越的企业社会责任表现,Greif 跻身 EcoVadis 评估的所有供应商的前 4%。
    photo highlight 0 min 1
    Together for SustainabilitySince 2014, Greif has worked with 共同实现可持续发展 帮助为化学品制造商的供应商建立行业范围内的可持续发展标准。TfS 代表其 20 多家化学品制造商成员,根据 30 多项管理、环境、健康和安全、劳工和人权以及治理标准对供应链合作伙伴进行审核。TfS 将结果分发给其成员以支持采购决策,从而取代了对公司特定审核的需求,并要求供应商遵守行业一致的标准。自 2014 年以来,Greif 工厂一直接受审核,平均得分为 94%,表明我们的工厂没有重大问题。2021 年,TfS 对我们位于德国门迪希的工厂进行了审核。
    • RIPS 伊利诺伊州内珀维尔: 100%
    • 德国门迪希(RIPS Mendig): 98%
    • 德国科隆RIPS: 98%
    • RIPS 伊利诺伊州洛克波特: 98%
    • 土耳其苏丹贝利FPS: 98%
    • 荷兰RIPS Europoort: 97%
    • 德国阿滕多恩 RIPS 电视台: 96%
    • 捷克共和国乌斯季 RIPS: 95%
    • 阿根廷坎帕纳的RIPS: 83%
    • RIPS上海,中国: 80%

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