
Climate Change is a visible reality. We are committed to do our part to limit our impact and preserve resources for future generations.


GRI 302: 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3 | 302-1 | 302-4; GRI 305: 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3 | 305-1 | 305-2 | 305-3 | 305-4 | 305-5;


Evaluation of the management approach



直接(范围 1)温室气体排放

能源间接(范围 2)温室气体排放

其他间接(范围 3)温室气体排放


Greif integrates our climate strategy into all aspects of operations to ensure we are reducing emissions and combating climate change to our fullest extent. We manufacture our products as efficiently as possible, implement energy and emissions reduction projects throughout our operations and engage with partners across our value chain to further extend our impact beyond our walls. In addition to being part of our responsibility as a global manufacturer, our climate efforts provide a competitive advantage.


Greif 的 2021 年 CDP 评分


Our carbon footprint and climate responsibility stretch across the lifecycle of our products – from the extraction of raw materials to the use and end-of-life of our products. Since 2010 Greif has maintained a Global Climate Team[1], comprised of representatives from all business units and regions, responsible for providing support, guidance and direction to facilities to identify energy and emissions reduction projects. The team is also responsible for helping facilities develop roadmaps and track progress towards our 2030 target. In 2019, we restructured the team to place an increased emphasis on including regional leadership to better engage and identify opportunities within each business unit and legacy Caraustar facilities. This change in structure has streamlined our energy roadmap process, allowing us to focus on and invest in the business units and facilities that have the most impactful opportunities.

This year, our Leadership Council focused on sustainability, with one subgroup of the council dedicated exclusively to climate. The council and the Climate Team held quarterly meetings to determine action items that need to be taken to drive progress towards our 2030 emissions target, increase awareness of our climate objectives throughout the organization and create accountability, reporting directly to the CEO to update and collaborate on environmental targets and initiatives.

This year, our Leadership Council focused on sustainability, with one subgroup of the council dedicated exclusively to climate. The council and the Climate Team held quarterly meetings to determine action items that need to be taken to drive progress towards our 2030 emissions target, increase awareness of our climate objectives throughout the organization and create accountability, reporting directly to the CEO to update and collaborate on environmental targets and initiatives.

Energy efficiency is a consideration in capital deployment. We include ESG in the criteria for capital requests as part of our capital allocation system and to further demonstrate the inclusion of ESG impact on our business. We screen for ESG benefits such as reduced energy consumption, reduced raw material usage, and increased health and safety of people and products in our decision-making process. Whereas each facility was responsible previously for developing its own roadmap, regional leadership is now responsible for collaborating with each business unit to identify energy reduction and efficiency opportunities.

In 2021, we implemented 23 energy efficiency projects, resulting in more than $440,000 of savings across our organization. These projects include replacing equipment and updating processes that reduce energy demand, such as replacing ovens, air compressors and boilers, adjusting water temperatures and implementing energy efficiency practices, such as lighting and HVAC replacements. For more information about our energy efficiency projects, please see section C4.2 and C4.3b of our 2021 CDP Climate Response.

In 2020, we conducted a gap analysis of our current climate management practices against the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations to identify priority areas of focus to advance our climate strategy and modeled potential climate targets under multiple temperature scenarios. This work led to the identification and approval of our new 2030 emissions target and revealed a need to conduct a more detailed scenario analysis to better understand both our transitional and physical climate-related risks and opportunities. As a result of the TCFD and climate strategy work, we implemented actions to improve governance through quarterly Sustainability Management Team meetings with the Sustainability Steering Committee, the Leadership Council’s focus on sustainability, and quarterly meetings between the VP of Sustainability, Chief of Marketing and the CEO. We report KPIs in the monthly Greif Business Systems (GBS) book, the monthly Must Win Battle (MWB) scorecard and in the CEO’s enterprise scorecard. We also include the ESG KPIs in our monthly and quarterly slide decks which managers use to keep their teams accountable.

In 2021, we held a series of internal climate risk workshops to better understand the climate-related risks and opportunities our business faces. Through the workshops, colleagues from cross-functional departments and across our global footprint collaborated to identify, rank and evaluate regulatory, market and physical climate-related risks and opportunities. Through these workshops we identified the most significant risk and opportunities to our business. We then conducted a scenario analysis and financial modeling to better understand the potential impacts to our business. The teams created a list of action items for Greif to mitigate and manage risks as well as strategies to capitalize on the opportunities. The outcomes of this work will be further integrated into our business strategy and risks management process. To learn more about our enterprise risk management process, please visit the 风险管理与业务连续性 我们的可持续发展报告部分。









碳定价法规(例如限额与交易制度和碳税)正在一些市场(欧洲和北美)对 Greif 产生影响,并且可能在其他地区出现。这表现为一笔可观且不断增长的开支。



A lack of resources to fully understand the impact regulatory changes may have on strategic decisions and investments may lead to a sub-optimal capital allocation. This includes facilities becoming obsolete more quickly than expected as well as a lower-than-expected ROI.



卓越的组织能力、相关的业务弹性、准备和敏捷性将使 Greif 能够更快地恢复生产水平,并在发生中断和灾难变得更加常见时更好地支持同事、客户和社区。  


Risk and Opportunity 客户偏好的转变 对可持续产品的需求正在增加。如果 Greif 未能迅速采取行动应对生产过程中再生材料的使用增加,则可能会减少对 Greif 产品和服务的需求。此外,限制 Greif 产品终端市场(如石油和天然气行业)的气候相关法规可能会限制 Greif 的业务,因为关键市场对其产品和服务的需求会减少。Greif 可以利用这一机会,迅速扩大我们的可持续产品组合。
Opportunity 对 Greif 回收业务的影响 更宏伟的气候情景依赖于提高钢铁和塑料的回收率。如果定位正确,Greif 或许能够扩大其目前的修复实践规模。


卓越的组织能力、相关的业务弹性、准备和敏捷性将使 Greif 能够更快地恢复生产水平,并在发生中断和灾难变得更加常见时更好地支持同事、客户和社区。

*Please see Greif’s 2021 CDP Climate Change Response for additional information

[1] Formerly the Global Energy Team


In 2020, we conducted a detailed analysis and evaluation with a third party of our ability to commit to a goal that would be approved by the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). We then announced our commitment to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 28 percent by 2030, from a 2019 baseline. This new target is aligned with prevailing climate science to limit overall global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and builds upon the Company’s 11 percent emissions reduction per unit of production accomplishment in 2020. By the end of 2023, Greif will also complete an assessment of its Scope 3 emissions and determine the feasibility of a long-term net zero emissions aspiration in alignment with the Science Based Targets Initiative.

In 2021, we focused on improving data collection while continuing to advance the energy efficiency of our operations. These efforts included conducting studies to determine the percentage of our facilities that have transitioned to LEDs and laying the groundwork to begin metering and sub-metering. Four of our production facilities achieved ISO 50001 certification for energy management. We also started to develop roadmaps for 2030. One component of our long-term roadmap is the implementation of Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs). In 2022, we will commence work on phases one and two of this project which includes engaging with internal stakeholders, developing our strategy and completing RFPs to select developers. In 2022, we will also develop and publish a holistic energy policy that includes procurement and sustainability elements.

2030年目标: 在 2019 年的基础上,将范围 1 和范围 2 的绝对温室气体排放量减少 28%。Greif 还将完成对范围 3 排放量的评估,并在 2023 年底前确定长期净零排放目标的可行性。



FY 2017

2018 财年

2019 财年

2020 财年

2021 财年






% Reduction in Energy per Unit of Production




GHG Emissions (Metric Tons)

Scope 1


Scope 2 (Location-based)2


Scope 3




% 单位生产排放量减少3





  1. Total Energy includes biomass and non-renewable fuel, renewable and non-renewable electricity, and purchased steam consumed.
  2. 由于 Greif 修改了能源使用数据,2019 财年范围 2 排放量自 2021 年起已重新表述。
  3. The reduction for FY2021 is calculated using FY2019 as the baseline year.

智利 Greif Pudahuel 实现 100% 可再生能源

Greif 位于智利的 Pudahuel 钢铁厂是我们在拉丁美洲第一家 100% 使用可再生能源的工厂。通过与能源供应商 IMELSA ENERGIA 合作的为期两年的项目,该工厂能够将其全部电力供应转向 100% 可再生能源。该工厂为化学品、润滑油和食品饮料市场生产大型钢桶、锥形桶和水瓶。这一转变推进了我们的可持续发展战略,支持我们 2030 年的温室气体减排目标,并有助于支持我们客户的范围 3 减排目标。


Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)

In an attempt to lower Greif’s emissions of air pollutants such as Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Greif’s paperboard mills in Los Angeles, California and Fitchburg, Massachusetts replaced equipment with more energy efficient technology that reduces air pollutants. Operations in Massachusetts, alone, saved 96 tons of NOx and 27 tons of VOCs in a single year. The updates also allowed Greif to take advantage of Cap-and-Trade programs in California and Massachusetts that provide ERCs for similar activates. In 2019, Greif was awarded $1,037,100 in ERCs through these programs.

Emission Reduction Credits

Transitioning to Electric Forklifts

As part of our overarching goal of having more efficient and sustainable equipment, in 2018 we began transitioning our fleet of forklifts from being powered by combustion gasoline to electricity, which reduces our forklift emissions approximately 50 percent. Through 2021, we have converted 85 percent of our forklifts in EMEA to electricity power and realized a cost savings of $365,000. Due to the success of the program, and in support of our overall Renewable Forklift Policy, the program will be rolled out globally. In addition to the environmental benefits, the transition provides a safer working environment for our colleagues by reducing the need to keep containers of gasoline in our facilities.

Transitioning to Electric Forklifts

Energy Efficiency in Production

Greif recently made a large-scale investment in a new blow molding machine used to manufacture Greif’s plastic jerrycans at our Casablanca, Morocco plant. The new machine uses up to 30 percent less energy than older generation machines while also delivering significantly higher productivity levels. The new equipment increases production capacity by up to 25 percent for our one- to five-liter bottles and is designed to optimize and reduce raw material usage, extending the environmental benefit of the machine beyond energy use.

The team in Morocco also implemented other energy efficiency projects such as eliminating air leakages in our plastic and steel plants, replacing hydraulic extruders with electric ones on four machines, upgrading old equipment and replacing DC motors with AC motors on several blow molding machines that help to significantly reduce our energy consumption.



Renewables, such as biomass, solar and wind energy, will play a major role in addressing the challenges of climate change over the long term. We are committed to testing and expanding the use of renewable energy technologies across our global operations when doing so is economically viable and in the best interest of our stakeholders. Across our global operations, we have installed over 6,900 solar panels capable of 1.87 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of solar production. Due to our continued investment, renewables now account for 12 percent of Greif’s energy use.

In North America, we have installed more than 2,000 solar panels in seven facilities, delivering 760,000 kWh of energy and saving more than $112,000 annually.

In 2016, three of our largest Brazilian plants began sourcing their energy partly through renewable resources. In 2017, we expanded the program to three additional plants in Brazil, reducing emissions by 70 percent and saving $1.4 million USD annually.

In April 2017, Greif’s Shanghai RIPS facility completed installation of solar panels, converting 15.4 percent of the facility’s electricity to a renewable source and saving over $16,000 USD annually. Throughout our China operations, we source renewable energy through 4,800 solar panels via energy purchase contracts.

Our Turkey FPS operations produce over two million kWh of energy through wind turbines and windmills.

In 2020 and 2021, we installed solar panels on the roof of our Israel facility. These panels provide emissions savings of 748 tons of CO2 annually, converting 12 percent of the facility’s annual energy consumption to clean solar energy and supporting reduced heating and cooling costs.

In 2021, solar panels at our two facilities in Ede, Netherlands produced over 1 million kWh of electricity.


EPA 的 SmartWay 交通合作伙伴关系

To manage logistics in an environmentally-responsible manner, Greif uses carriers that are approved through the EPA’s 智能通道 initiative whenever possible. We include SmartWay certification during our new carrier certification process. Greif’s SmartWay-approved carrier base accounts for 77 percent of total miles traveled.

Transport Partnership





Greif's 2021 CDP Score



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