

GRI 102-20
We integrate sustainability principles into all levels of our organization. The Board of Directors receives annual updates from the Vice President, Chief of Marketing and Sustainability Officer on behalf of our 17-member Sustainability Steering Committee. The Committee, which includes ten representatives from Greif’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and seven representatives from the Sustainability Management Team (SMT), is tasked with further integrating sustainability into our strategy and operations, reviewing our sustainability progress and priorities quarterly and ensuring accountability at all levels of our organization. The Board holds the Sustainability Committee accountable for reaching annual goals and determines the level of funding for Greif’s sustainability programs. The Steering Committee guides the activities of our Sustainability Management Team, which works with topic teams consisting of representatives from each region and business unit to drive facility level projects and priorities. The Leadership Council, comprised of the top leaders of the Company, prioritized and focused on ESG in 2021. The Council took ownership of ESG initiatives and steps to further integrate sustainability into the organization and determined action items to advance and accelerate sustainability initiatives. In 2021, we integrated ESG KPIs into different performance review systems. The KPIs were included in the monthly Greif Business Systems (GBS) book, the Must Win Battle (MWB) scorecard and in the CEO’s enterprise scorecard. We also included the ESG KPIs in our monthly and quarterly slide decks which managers use to keep their teams accountable. By linking ESG KPIs to performance we aim to encourage sustainability principles at all levels of the organization.




GRI 102-16
我们相信行为影响文化,文化决定绩效。我们的文化以及道德和合规期望基于以下原则: 格雷夫之道。我们每天都通过管理组织的政策践行这些原则。


GRI 102-12
Greif 致力于积极与与我们拥有共同价值观的组织合作,以扩大我们可持续发展工作的影响力。我们的一些主要合作伙伴包括:


为了扩大我们对减少浪费的承诺,Greif 于 2017 年签署了 清扫行动(OCS)。 OCS 是一项国际计划,最初由塑料行业设计,并得到英国塑料联合会和欧洲塑料协会的支持,旨在防止颗粒、薄片和粉末损失,以及防止颗粒进入海洋环境,从而造成垃圾并威胁海洋生物和野生生物。OCS 帮助塑料行业的各个部门(包括树脂生产商、运输商、散装码头运营商和塑料加工商)实施良好的内部管理和颗粒、薄片和粉末控制措施,以实现零颗粒、薄片和粉末损失。

有关我们与 OCS 合作的更多信息,请访问我们的 浪费 页。


2009 年,我们的 Soterra 业务与 传粉者伙伴关系 和 北美预防化学学会, 世界上顶尖的授粉问题专家,了解授粉媒介如何影响木材景观中的野生动物食物供应,在景观中饲养蜜蜂和养蜂人的附加价值,并发现森林景观生态系统服务的最佳管理实践。欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 生物多样性 页。


这 SmartWay 交通伙伴关系 is an innovative collaboration between the freight industry and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). It is a market-driven partnership aimed at helping businesses move goods in the cleanest, most efficient way possible. Its purpose is to accelerate the availability, adoption and market penetration of advanced fuel-efficient technologies and operational practices in the freight supply chain, while helping companies save fuel, lower costs and reduce adverse environmental impacts.

为了提高效率并减少我们车队的温室气体排放,Greif 于 2009 年加入了 SmartWay 运输合作伙伴关系。有关我们合作伙伴关系的更多信息,请参阅我们的 气候战略 页。


诚信和尊重人是 Greif 的核心价值观,我们相信社会和环境责任对于长期可持续发展至关重要。 联合国全球契约 是一项自愿的战略政策举措,针对致力于使其运营和战略与人权、劳工、环境和反腐败领域的十项普遍接受的原则保持一致的企业。

我们认为这些原则是我们 行为守则,概述了我们在与所有利益相关者打交道时保持开放、诚实和值得信赖的承诺。我们的政策和程序体现了我们对人权、结社自由、环境卓越以及健康和安全的承诺。

2016 年 4 月,Greif 签署了联合国全球契约,确认了我们对这些原则的承诺。我们每年都会发布我们的 进展通报 关于该契约的十项原则。


Greif has been a member of the 世界可持续发展工商理事会 (WBCSD) since 2008, a CEO-led global association of approximately 200 of the most environmentally-responsible companies in the world. Member companies are committed to providing business leadership as a catalyst for change toward sustainable development. Members are drawn from more than 30 countries and 20 major industrial sectors. We signed on to the organization’s Manifesto for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB). Additionally, we partnered with WBCSD to publish 从摇篮到坟墓:格雷夫的生命周期分析,关于我们如何在业务中实施生命周期分析的案例研究。我们还参加了四个 WBCSD 工作组:

  • Factor 10 – focused on tackling the systemic and value-chain specific barriers towards a circular economy
  • 塑料和包装(联合主席)——专注于制定工业包装行业循环转型路线图
In 2021, we began serving as a co-chair for the Plastics and Packaging work stream. We identified the barriers and opportunities companies encounter to implement circular solutions in the industrial packaging sector. We collaborated to develop recommendations to overcome the identified obstacles.


GRI 102-13

作为工业包装领域的全球领导者,Greif 参与各种行业协会,讨论相关问题和机遇,并继续推动行业朝着积极的方向发展。请查看我们的 行业协会 了解更多信息。







过去 144 年来,世界上最重要的产品都通过格莱夫工业包装运往世界各地。


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