





Greif mitigates risks that may negatively impact our customers through risk management and our business continuity efforts. We employ risk management processes that can increase the stability of business operations while decreasing legal liability and providing protection from events that are detrimental to the company or the environment. By focusing on effectively managing our risks, we ensure quality in our products, safety of our colleagues and are able to maintain commitments to our customers.



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Greif 通过我们正式的企业风险管理 (ERM) 流程评估整个组织的风险,该流程考虑了 Greif 的所有业务部门和地区。整个组织的保证提供者(包括高管领导、内部审计、法律/合规、客户反馈和投资者参与以及 Greif 的可持续发展指导委员会 (SSC))通过 Greif 的风险和内容监控流程识别和分析风险信息。我们监控行业报告(例如世界可持续发展工商理事会 (WBCSD) ESG企业风险管理框架、世界资源研究所 评估2020年后清洁能源格局和 CSSR 第四次国家气候评估)、ESG 评级和排名、能源定价、不断变化的政府法规和计划,并与 ESG 特定协会和非政府组织(包括 WBCSD 和联合国全球契约 (UNGC))保持正式关系,以识别可能影响我们业务的新兴风险。来自这些团体的信息,包括长期新兴风险,提供给 Greif 的风险领导委员会 (RLC),该委员会由 Greif 的首席审计执行官领导,由 Greif 的执行、业务部门和战略业务部门领导团队成员、法律、IT 和人力资源等部门负责人以及 Greif 的可持续发展副总裁组成。RLC 与 Greif 的审计委员会一起识别、排名、审查和优先考虑风险,以根据潜在影响和发生可能性确定最关键的风险。对每种风险进行潜在机会评估,并每季度向 Greif 董事会的审计委员会报告以获得批准。RLC 评估风险以制定风险缓解和机遇把握计划。该委员会每季度召开一次会议。

气候相关风险和机遇直接融入我们的整体 ERM 流程,并与整个组织内保证提供商提供的所有信息一起考虑。通过这一流程,Greif 历来将极端天气事件、原材料价格和供应波动以及海平面上升视为我们最重要的气候风险。此外,在 2020 年,通过我们的 ERM 流程,我们将流行病确定为高风险主题。有关我们气候相关风险治理、风险和机遇的更多信息,请参阅我们的 C2 节 CDP 响应.

从 2019 年开始,Greif 开始将我们内部的《全球趋势报告》的结果纳入我们的 ERM 流程。根据对内部领导的采访和二次研究,该报告确定了与我们的业务特别相关的六个全球趋势:

  • 企业越来越注重环保
  • 制造业数字化和自动化
  • 供应链和物流数字化
  • 企业采购和B2B销售数字化
  • 劳动力短缺、过剩和技能差距
  • 新兴市场增长机遇不断增加

结合我们 ERM 流程中考虑的其他内部和外部来源,趋势报告提高了我们预测和规划可能影响我们未来业务的长期趋势的能力。为了响应“公司越来越环保”的趋势,我们在业务战略中提升了可持续性,特别是在创新方面,从而更加关注消费后树脂 (PCR) 产品、修复、设计以提高可回收性以及中型散装容器 (IBC) 修复网络的增长。有关我们的趋势报告的更多信息,请参阅 创新 我们的可持续发展报告部分。

In 2019, Greif participated in a working session led by 可持续发展工商企业联合会 to better understand how to consider and incorporate environmental, social and governance risks into our ERM process. Through the workshop, we discussed opportunities to better align risks that are communicated in our financial reporting with our sustainability risks, improve the line of communication regarding enterprise risks between our RLC, Operations, Executive Leadership Team and Board and better incorporate our preparedness to respond to enterprise risks into our assessments.

In 2020, we began executing on these learnings by incorporating sustainability updates and risk statements into our 10K and proxy statements and including ESG-related issues and risks in Leadership Council meetings. We also selected ESG as a strategic priority area for the Leadership Council in 2021, where a key focus area is embedding our sustainability priorities – climate, waste, environmental compliance, diversity and innovation – into our culture, colleagues’ daily behaviors and risk management processes. During 2021, we will begin reporting key sustainability KPIs to the Leadership Council, Executive Leadership Team and Vice Presidents on a regular basis while also providing monthly sustainability updates to the Executive Leadership Team. We are also developing a communication plan to provide regular sustainability updates to the entire organization including key updates on risks.

To improve our ability to respond to potential crises, we launched a Crisis Management Program in 2019. Greif partnered with a third-party mass notification system to launch an alert system capable of notifying and updating our colleagues via text message, phone call, email and smartphone app during emergencies and significant situations that pose danger or disrupt work operations. The system is also used to convene Greif’s Crisis Response Team, a team of executive leaders responsible for coordinating communications and response to crises and executing Greif’s Crisis Communications Playbook. In 2020, all new Caraustar facilities were trained on the platform, which is now active across the Greif business portfolio. In 2021, we plan to conduct one or more crisis response tabletop exercises to ensure appropriate procedures are in place to respond to unforeseen emergencies.


我们的灾难恢复/业务连续性计划于 2017 年在我们的全球工业包装 (GIP) 业务中建立,通过库存和生产冗余能力、设施风险评估和主动劳资关系来管理风险和业务连续性。该计划概述了一个 25 步骤的流程,用于识别如果灾难影响我们的某个设施之一,可能会受到影响的客户订单、符合客户规格的替代产品以及能够生产客户订购产品的设施。2021 年,我们进行了 15 次随机模拟灾难,以确保组织充分了解该流程,并在发生灾难时可以实施。该计划以及我们相关的灾难恢复业务连续性政策每年都会进行审查。销售、客户服务、运营、营销和物流部门的同事与业务部门领导层共同管理该计划。

Greif 的全球网络遍布 244 个地点,使我们能够在多个地点生产相同的产品,使我们能够根据库存、客户需求或在发生停工事件时灵活地转移生产。集中库存管理和我们强大的销售和运营规划流程 (S&OP) 实现了这一能力,该流程使我们能了解我们各个工厂的原材料和成品材料。每个工厂都从多个来源采购原材料,确保生产不会因供应商的延误或短缺而中断。

Greif’s facilities undergo loss control engineering inspections by our property insurance company periodically. These inspections are conducted by engineers and focus on identifying risks to the facility, including those that may be caused by natural disasters, and ways to reduce and control those risks. We make capital investments in our facilities to mitigate the risks identified in these inspections. For example, Greif recently opened a new facility in Pennsylvania. During the site selection process, we evaluated the risk of flooding to ensure the new facility was not located in a flood zone. We also installed a custom designed sprinkler system to best protect the facility in the unfortunate event of a fire.

在 COVID-19 疫情爆发之初,我们成立了全球和地区疫情工作组,以确保我们保障同事的健康以及对我们尊贵客户的供应和服务的连续性。这些工作组继续定期开会,以确保我们能够继续运营并维护同事的安全。作为一项基本业务,我们能够继续在 40 多个国家/地区的几乎所有生产设施运营。我们的全球产品组合证明了我们有能力在充满挑战的宏观经济条件下满足全球客户的需求。为了继续履行对客户的承诺,我们利用了现有的自然灾害恢复协议。该协议要求所有产品必须能够在多个设施共同生产,并且每个设施必须维护设施中使用的前 35 种材料的替代供应商名单。维护这些供应商名单是为了确保供应的连续性,并确保在供应商受到自然灾害或其他事件影响的情况下,Greif 能够维持生产。




过去几年,Greif 因野火而面临新的挑战。为了减轻与这些事件的破坏性相关的风险,我们正在采用新的保险策略。我们将这些风险置于风险管理方法的最前沿,并考虑气候变化的影响如何进一步加剧这些风险。



2017 年,Greif 的北美业务受到飓风哈维和伊尔玛的袭击,对我们的业务造成了约 $5 百万美元的影响。尽管受到影响,但我们的风险管理和业务连续性实践使我们能够在恢复期间履行对客户的承诺,而无需宣布不可抗力。Greif 支持直接受到飓风影响的同事,在生产停工的一周内继续支付工资,支付酒店和租车费用,并为北美同事设置愿望清单,以便为同事购买物品。Greif 还与同事一起向红十字会捐赠现金以支持救援工作,捐赠了 $11,745 美元。

2020 年,穿越墨西哥湾的飓风影响了 Mobile Recycling、Bay Minnette 和 Woodbine Paper Packaging & Services (PPS) 工厂,一场德雷科风暴影响了我们位于爱荷华州塔马的工厂。在所有情况下,我们都努力通过其他地点的产能为客户提供产品,因为工厂可能会根据事件情况而面临半天到两天的停工时间。我们的业务连续性计划确保停工期间不会造成业务损失,我们兑现了对客户的承诺。

突出自然灾害 分钟 1


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