Greif 与供应商合作,以确保我们对可持续发展的承诺不仅仅涵盖我们自己的运营。我们希望我们的供应商能够像我们一样保持同样的诚信、责任感和对可持续发展的承诺。通过积极与供应商合作,我们最大限度地降低了潜在的环境和社会风险,同时创造了有效利用材料和实施对客户产生积极影响的解决方案的机会。
Greif 采购树脂、油漆和钢材等直接材料以及消耗品、服务和运输等间接材料。作为 Greif 业务系统 (GBS) 的一部分,Greif 的全球采购和供应链团队 (GSSC) 每月跟踪材料成本、营运资本、交易条款和库存的改善情况。我们在以下文件中概述了对供应商的期望 供应商行为准则 ,我们于 2021 年对其进行了更新。我们根据评分卡评估前 20 家供应商,评分卡考虑质量、交付、成本、增值服务、环境影响和技术支持。可持续性标准(例如减少材料、使用对环境影响较小的材料和供应商可持续性计划)占供应商评分卡的 5%。
Greif 遵守适用法律,以管理我们供应链中潜在的侵犯人权行为。由于某些 Greif 产品含有锡,我们致力于了解我们供应链中的 3TG 金属。为了评估整个供应链中的冲突风险,我们验证了我们的 冲突矿物政策 并发布我们的 冲突矿物报告 每年。根据 2010 年加州供应链透明度法案,Greif 采取措施防止和消除直接供应链中的强迫劳动,如我们的《供应商行为准则》和 Transparency in Supply Chain Disclosure.
在我们的企业风险管理过程中,我们认识到供应链是一个需要谨慎管理的关键风险,因为它可能会影响我们的业务连续性或履行客户承诺的能力。我们必须能够为我们的同事和设施提供他们所需的一切,以提供卓越的客户服务并满足我们的产品质量标准。在 2020 年,保持连续的供应链对于在 COVID-19 疫情期间支持业务连续性至关重要。我们利用现有的程序、控制和流程来确保我们的设施拥有所需的所有物资,包括个人防护设备。通过与供应商合作,我们在需要时利用备用供应商和新供应商,最大限度地减少了短缺。
Supply chain sustainability objectives are supported by our Sustainable Procurement Team, which evaluates opportunities to minimize material use and finds more sustainable raw material alternatives. The team, made up of colleagues from each region, evaluates opportunities across the globe and works to share best practices in sustainable sourcing with the Global Procurement Team. In 2018, we began replacing combustible gasoline and LPG powered forklifts with electricity-powered forklifts. The transition both supported Greif’s Renewable Forklift Policy and resulted in significant emissions savings. Through 2020, we have converted 99 percent of our forklifts in EMEA to electricity power while we reduced fleet size by 17 percent and realized a cost savings of $352,000 in 2020. In North America, we have replaced 2 percent of our fleet and saved $250,000 in 2020.
We have also made changes to impact energy and emissions use among our trucks and colleague vehicle fleet. We have transitioned 50 percent of our North American fleet to solar-powered GPS units through 2020. In EMEA, we have set stringent emission guidelines for approved colleague vehicles to promote more energy efficient and, where feasible, electric vehicles. We have transitioned 41 percent of our vehicle fleet in EMEA through this program and realized $166,000 in cost savings in 2020.
During 2020, we began an initiative to improve compressed air efficiency that will lead to significant energy use reduction in EMEA. In 2020, we also began replacing old and small copiers across our global footprint with units that are more functional. The new copiers include software that limits printing for users and will reduce paper and toner use globally. At our Delaware headquarters, the new copiers led to a nearly 3 million reduction in prints over four years. Collectively we continue to track procurement projects that have potential to provide positive sustainability impacts through GBS. In 2020, we identified 10 projects with $587,000 in savings on sustainability impact projects.
Greif works to identify and implement chemical substitutions in our products and operations to remove and reduce hazardous waste, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Since 2015, we have focused on lowering steel coil material volume and potentially hazardous paint within our operations. We now use safer alternatives in many of our products, including our Tri-Sure Vreeland linings and water-based acrylic paints. All our North America facilities, except in Auburndale, Florida, are using water-based paints. Five facilities in APAC are transitioning to water-based paints, including our Zhuhai facility where 70 percent of their paint usage was water-based in 2020. The steps we take to reduce hazardous waste align with our Environmental Health and Safety Policy.
所有新供应商均可访问我们的 供应商行为准则 通过 Greif.com 并期望遵守其中的原则。在全球范围内,我们的《供应商行为准则》是供应商必须签署的每份采购订单和协议的一部分。2020 年,我们开始将《供应商行为准则》与传统的 Caraustar 采购订单一起发送。这开始提升《供应商行为准则》以及环境、社会和治理主题对供应商和采购决策过程的重要性。
We are revising our Supplier Code of Conduct to set better expectations for our suppliers and better address environmental and social risks within our supply chain based on the key industries that we serve. We will issue an updated Supplier Code of Conduct as a formal policy and begin stronger enforcement among our suppliers, including integration into supplier audits. In 2020, we developed an internal Purchasing Policy that provides guidelines for procurement to our colleagues. The policy includes considerations for environmental and social procurement criteria including green materials, waste and supplier diversity. We also published updated Temporary Labor Policies in the United States and Canada. The Temporary Labor Policy formalizes additional requirements for temporary labor agency providers and maintains compliance with all regulatory requirements.
我们继续将环境和社会标准纳入供应商审计。为了确保供应商在同事健康和安全等领域不断改进,我们将符合标准和 ISO 认证发展的语言纳入供应商审计。我们以行业最佳实践为基准,改进我们的供应商记分卡, Supplier Code of Conduct, and rating procedures. We created legal training on anti-trust policies and products, which are available to all colleagues through our online training system. We are utilizing EcoVadis assessments to analyze the sustainability performance of our suppliers. We began requesting that our 40 largest suppliers complete EcoVadis assessments in 2020. Thus far, suppliers accounting for 11 percent of our supplier spend have submitted EcoVadis responses and we target assessing 25 percent of our supplier spend by the end of 2021. As part of this program, we trained our buyers on EcoVadis to understand the assessment, recognize the factors EcoVadis is rating and best utilize information from the assessments.
In 2020, we developed strategic roadmaps detailing our supply chain strategy through 2023. As part of this roadmap, we have identified sustainability project opportunities related to our major procurement work streams. Based on the outcomes of our Voice of the Customer project, we are also working to involve our GSSC team more in the execution of customer service. Involving our GSSC team allows us to take a more proactive approach, improve communication with facilities and customers, and realize additional cost savings.
- 以2017财年为基准,将生产当前产品所需的原材料/物流成本降低百分之一。
- 如果经济上可行并且能够为我们的客户提供高质量的产品,则从非绿色(石油基、能源密集型)材料采购转向绿色材料采购。
到 2021 年底,我们将原材料用量减少了 0.7%,并且有望实现到 2025 年减少 1% 的目标。为了继续实现 2025 年的目标,我们在招揽潜在供应商时将目标纳入了 RFQ 流程。我们的采购经理将碳含量、可回收性和包装改进等主题纳入与许多供应商的对话中,以寻找推进目标的机会。我们已经进行了绿色材料替代,以增加产品中消费后再生塑料的使用。我们提高了瓦楞纸箱和其他包装材料的效率,以提高可重复使用性,同时优化物流路线,以减少运输费用。在一些 EMEA 工厂,我们引入了一种更易生物降解的油来清洁我们的油漆生产线。从非绿色产品和材料(如油基产品)的转变促使我们从供应商那里采购绿色材料。我们已经开始从溶剂型涂料转向水性涂料和桶衬里。我们通过内部变革(例如转向 LED 灯)来补充这项合作工作。这些举措都是与供应链团队合作的一项更大规模培训计划的一部分,旨在思考和开发新项目,并将可持续性纳入我们 13 个买家(包括钢铁、树脂和物流买家)的绩效评估中。
Greif 纸板厂已获得可持续林业倡议 (SFI®) 认证、森林管理委员会 (FSC®) 认证和森林认证认可计划 (PEFC®) 产销监管链认证。这些认证系统提供第三方认证,以跟踪和传达来自可持续管理土地的产品数量。
![highlight forest min 1](https://www.greif.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/highlight_forest-min-1.jpeg)
In 2020, Greif earned Gold Recognition level from EcoVadis for superior Corporate Social Responsibility performance. This score places Greif in the top three percent all suppliers assessed by EcoVadis.
![highlight EcoVadis min 1](https://www.greif.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/highlight_EcoVadis-min-1.jpeg)
Since 2014, Greif has worked with Together For Sustainability (TfS), to help build an industry-wide sustainability standard for suppliers to chemical manufacturers. On behalf of its more than 20 chemical manufacturer members, TfS audits supply chain partners on more than 30 management, environment, health and safety, labor and human rights and governance criteria. TfS distributes results to their members to support purchasing decisions, replacing the need for company-specific audits and holding suppliers to a consistent standard for the industry. Nine Greif facilities have been audited, achieving an average score of 93.9 percent, indicating no major concerns at our facilities. In 2020, TfS conducted an audit of our Sultanbeyli, Turkey facility.
TfS 审计绩效
- RIPS 伊利诺伊州内珀维尔: 100%
- 德国科隆RIPS: 98%
- RIPS Lockport, Germany: 98%
- 土耳其苏丹贝利FPS: 98%
- 荷兰RIPS Europoort: 97%
- 德国阿滕多恩 RIPS 电视台: 96%
- 捷克共和国乌斯季 RIPS: 95%
- 阿根廷坎帕纳的RIPS: 83%
- RIPS上海,中国: 80%
![photo highlight 0 min 1](https://www.greif.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/photo-highlight-0-min-1.jpeg)
Gauge Improvement
Each month, Greif tracks specifications of incoming raw materials. We work with our suppliers to consistently meet our minimum specifications, helping us reduce logistics costs and minimize virgin material used in our products compared to materials at our maximum specifications. In 2019, our gauge improvement efforts resulted in $1 million in savings.
![highlight Gauge 1 min 1](https://www.greif.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/highlight_Gauge_1-min-1.jpeg)