
Built for maximum performance and maximum appeal.
Ground and polish film cores are typically purchased by manufacturers of films, foils, and other flexible packaging products requiring a smooth surface.
Ground and polish film cores see use in the food and beverage industry, as well as in pharmaceuticals and other industries where cleanliness and hygiene are essential.
Customers count on Greif to deliver high-quality corrugated material in a timely manner. Greif tubes and cores are engineered to provide exceptional smoothness for minimal surface marking and provide improved winding and unwinding performance.
The resulting products are consistently smooth, aesthetically pleasing ground and polish film cores.
The GP300 Formax Cores
Seamless surface for a variety of film and foil applications. Works especially well for tape adherence.
The GP400 Gold Coat Cores
Enhanced smoothness, concentricity and run out. Ideal for thinner gauge films.
The GP500 Plate Coat Cores
Coated high-density surface where surface waviness of 2 microns or less is required.
Ground and Polished Film Cores Features

All GP cores are customized to application with optimized radial crush for maximum performance. Wide variety of crush strengths.

Packaged to customer specifications. Inside printing available. Seamless cores - Skived methods.

Pre-applied startup adhesive tape available. Blade end-cut or saw-cut. Parent or pre-cut lengths. Burnishing available. Moisture resistant ply available.
GREIF 的纸张循环利用
Greif 纸质包装是净正回收者。简而言之,我们回收的比我们制造的多!我们的大多数纸质包装都是由可再生和可回收的资源制成的——旧瓦楞纸箱。换句话说,就是你的旧披萨盒!
Greif 及其同事使公司成为纸包装制造领域的领导者,他们与每一位客户合作,为他们的需求提供最佳解决方案。协作流程为您、您的客户和产品的最终用户找到最佳结果。
Did you know that Greif established an updated mission statement to be the best-performing customer service company in the world? What that means for you is whether you are selecting the extensive ground and polish core capabilities or looking for anything else in the Greif 目录,我们所有人都有责任确保满足您的需求并超出您的期望。 格雷夫的方式。
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若要以保密和匿名的方式举报可能违反道德或合规规定的问题,请访问 www.greif.ethicspoint.com 或者,在北美,您可以拨打免费电话 866-834-1825。在北美以外地区,请按照以下指示操作 www.greif.ethicspoint.com 在“报告消息”下。