


图示为 Greif 的 Greenguard 产品图示为 Greif 的 Greenguard 产品

Innovation: sustainability and a good barrier in one product

GreenGuard® makes it so you don’t have to sacrifice sustainability for a good barrier.

Greif’s GreenGuard provides a sustainable barrier coating for containerboard packaging applications that offers an eco-friendly alternative to wax (or paraffin-based) coatings and plastic linings, which helps reduce environmental impact for end users.

Greif GreenGuard Rain, 100, and 200 series are specialty coatings for linerboard and paperboard that provide superior resistance for an extensive range of end-use packaging.

A cardboard cooler coated to defend against moisture is seen with bottles and ice

GreenGuard® Rain

Superior moisture and water resistance.

A bakery liner that's coated to keep this pan of brownies from sticking

GreenGuard® 100

Water, oil, and grease resistance with exceptional release properties for the bakery industry.

A pizza box that's coated to keep the crust and cheese from sticking to the box

GreenGuard® 200

Water, oil, and grease resistance with exceptional release properties for the meat industry.

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GreenGuard® 300 for concrete tubes

GreenGuard® 300 is used as the inside ply on concrete forming tubes. The coating is a 100% recyclable and repulpable aqueous-based coating that has replaced poly. Wet concrete can be poured directly into the forming tube, and once the concrete is cured, the tube can be removed with no paper fibers sticking to the concrete.

GreenGuard Capabilities


Built for sustainability

Paperboard coated with GreenGuard is fully recyclable and repulpable. GreenGuard can be applied to multiple substrates, including linerboard, paperboard, corrugated sheets, corrugated boxes, and trays.


Customized to meet your needs

GreenGuard is offered in various colors, and printable options are available. GreenGuard helps you go green without sacrificing barrier or branding effectiveness.

Greif Sustainability


Changing the game with innovation

The development of GreenGuard is a game changer for the environment. 


Rigorous testing and QA

We use industry-leading equipment in our labs to ensure maximum quality outputs for our customers. This equipment includes Sutherland Rub Testers, COBB Testers, Slide Angles, Moisture Oven Testers, and more. 



GreenGuard is water, oil, and grease resistant. Moreover, it complies with the FDA’s food contact regulations, making it suitable for packaging various food items, including seafood, meat, poultry, fruit, vegetables, and bakery products.

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