Welcome to our informative dive into all things land management!
Land management refers to the process of overseeing and making decisions about the use, development, and conservation of land resources. It involves the planning, administration, and implementation of strategies and practices to ensure the sustainable and responsible management of land for various purposes. Greif does land management as Сотерра.
Private industry has the potential to be a powerful force in driving effective land stewardship. By adopting sustainable practices, fostering partnerships, supporting conservation efforts, and promoting awareness, private companies can contribute to the preservation and responsible use of our land and natural resources.
Effective land management requires collaboration and coordination among various stakeholders, including government agencies, private landowners, indigenous communities, conservation organizations, and local communities. It aims to balance the needs of different users while ensuring the long-term sustainability and health of the land and its resources.
Resource responsibility, like land stewardship, is essential to helping us achieve our Цілі сталого розвитку до 2030 року. It plays an important role in how we live our daily lives, protecting planet Earth by preserving finite resources and places defined by nature.

Talking With Soterra: Ep 5 | Drones
https://youtu.be/jEihS4MVksA?si=NmazAhXWjcFuZ-tE In this discussion, viewers learn how drones have revolutionized business operations at Soterra. Key topics included the process of becoming a certified drone pilot,

Talking With Soterra: Ep 4 | Carbon
In this session, Andy Callahan, director of business development at Soterra, discusses carbon sequestration and the voluntary carbon market. The conversation touches on Soterra’s role in this market and how it is contributing to its growth.

Talking With Soterra: Ep 3 | Pine Straw
A conversation between partners in the pines: Josh Smith, the manager of the Land Resource Group at Soterra, and Cole Pierce, the Operations Manager at Swift Straw, discuss their work together…

Розмова з Сотеррою: серія 2 | Круїз по дереву
Viewers get a detailed walkthrough of a forest check-up or “cruise,” led by Josh Smith, manager of the land resource group. This session provides a comprehensive overview of the process, tools, and safety measures involved in a forest cruise…

Talking With Soterra: Ep 1 | Tree Talk [VIDEO]
In this informative session, experts from Soterra discuss the life cycle of trees, from planting and growing to harvesting and its role in sustainability.

Управління землею зараз важливіше, ніж будь-коли
Управління землею зараз має більше значення, ніж будь-коли, оскільки наша планета стикається з безпрецедентними екологічними проблемами. Від збереження природних середовищ існування та біорізноманіття до відповідального використання ресурсів, ефективне управління землею відіграє вирішальну роль у забезпеченні стійкості та добробуту наших екосистем.