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Полегшений підхід до упаковки з гранованим відкритим барабаном

At Greif we recognize that you and your customers have unique requirements and we will work with you to come up with the best possible packaging solution. Our technical expertise and years of experience means our colleagues can work with you to develop new packaging solutions and solve difficult supply chain challenges. Recently, in Latin America a customer came to us with a specific requirement for a large open head drum that weighed less than a standard drum but offered the same performance and quality. Our team at Greif LATAM set out to work on modifying an existing drum mold. The result is an innovative, lighter-weight drum with a unique geometric design featuring the same high performance and mechanical properties of a standard drum suitable for chemicals and food products. Using fewer raw materials, the drum weighs 14 percent less than a standard drum. As well as weight reduction, the new drum optimizes pallet utilization due to the faceted design. Furthermore, the four exterior molded handles offer improved handling. Contact you LATAM account manager for more information or visit the product page by clicking here.
lighter approach

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