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Чому різноманітність, справедливість і залучення важливі
Основна цінність Greif: сильна завдяки різноманітності |
Ми заохочуємо та приймаємо наше розмаїття культури, мови, місця та мислення. Наші відмінності визначають, але не розділяють нас; спільні інтереси нас об'єднують. З багатьох ми єдині: Грайф. |
Building a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce and workplace is fundamental to Greif. In 2021, we continued our focus on formalizing our diversity, equity and inclusion commitment and strategy. We built our diversity, equity and inclusion framework upon a model of LEAD: Listen, Engage, Act and Develop colleagues for the good of Greif and the communities where we operate. Our HR Team and Global Talent Center lead the strategy and framework on this important topic, with frequent communication and support from our Board and Executive Leadership Team. We purposely do not employ a Chief Diversity Officer, as we feel every leader within Greif owns this position and responsibility. It is everyone’s job to advocate for and create an inclusive workplace.
In 2021, we worked to expand our Colleague Resource Groups (CRGs). Colleague Resource Groups are comprised of Greif teammates who share or are an ally for people who identify with a defining characteristic, whether it is gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, generational or other common interests. The groups exist to provide support in personal or career development and to create a space where colleagues can bring their whole selves to the table in alignment with our organization’s objectives. This year, we introduced a new CRG resource page to make CRG information more easily accessible. The page contains details on the benefits of joining a CRG and links to get involved. In 2021, Greif increased to four CRGs with a total of approximately 600 members. All four groups will report regularly to the Executive Leadership Team in 2022.
Група | опис | Кількість членів | Primary Activities in 2021 |
Жіноча мережа Грейфа (GWN) | To promote gender diversity in the organization and support progress towards our women in management goal. The organization was founded with the mission of creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive network working together to inspire, connect and develop women for the success of Greif and a vision to support and enhance the experience and contributions of women at Greif, and to elevate diverse perspectives across the organization through greater gender parity. | 330 |
Black Employees Engaging @ Greif (BEE@Greif) | To strengthen a world-class, diverse, engaged, and inclusive workforce to deliver on Greif's strategic priorities through a focus on recruitment, retention, learning, and advancement of black colleagues at Greif. This organization helps to shape a culture that empowers the voices and fosters engagement among black colleagues and their allies at Greif. | 115 |
¡HOLA! | ¡HOLA! is a global community which aims to promote a deeper understanding of the Latino/Hispanic culture and the connection it has within our Greif family. | 62 |
NextGen | Бачення: розвинути мережу підтримки для молодих спеціалістів і створити культуру, яка охоплює їхні можливості та гарантує, що їхні голоси будуть почуті у формуванні майбутнього Greif. | 119 |
In 2021, Greif completed its study of pay equity on the basis of gender to assess whether pay disparity gaps exist between men and women performing substantially similar work within the Company globally. The study examined pay of colleagues performing substantially similar work, reviewing statistically significant differences in pay earned by men and women after controlling for factors such as job level, career stage and location. In groups where we identified opportunities to adjust a colleague’s compensation, strategic plans were developed to make the adjustments. In 2021, we announced Greif’s commitment to pay equity and pay transparency to a broader audience of Greif colleagues at a townhall held by the Greif Women Network. Our achievements in 2021 include the clean-up of our job structure in all regions, the development of the Job Catalog and Global Job Descriptions, as well as the pay ranges in all countries and in all global grades. These achievements serve to contribute to advancing towards pay transparency. In 2022, we will continue to monitor gender diversity and pay equity across the organization. Greif continues the journey towards pay transparency with a strong focus on educating and equipping its leaders to make objective pay decisions in line with Greif’s pay policies and will develop best practices to sustain the gains previously made and prevent future pay inequities.
In the United States, we are partnering with universities and national institutions to attract a more diverse candidate pool. We strive to achieve broad reach and cast a wide net with all opportunities available at Greif. Throughout 2021, we attended virtual and in-person career fairs and other platforms to increase our exposure in regions where we do not have a physical presence.
In addition to attracting diverse talent, we are also placing emphasis on retaining and increasing diverse talent at all levels of the organization. In 2021, Greif’s succession plans for key positions include diversity considerations as we plan toward the future. We are also implementing Workday’s Value, Inclusion, Belonging, and Equity, VIBE, tool that will track our diversity measures and allow us to benchmark ourselves against competitors. Please see the Залучення, розвиток і утримання талантів section of this report to learn more about how we are continuing to integrate diversity, equity & inclusion into our talent strategy.
In 2021, colleagues at the manager level and above (including the Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team) completed unconscious bias and inclusive leadership training through Greif University. A global, third-party vendor developed our inclusive leadership training to align with our Greif Framework and Values. Regional facilitators deliver the training and tailor the program to how biases show up in each region while accounting for cultural demographics and other regional characteristics. In 2021, we had 213 leaders participate in this program. In 2022, we plan to continue rolling out diversity, equity and inclusion training to all remaining managers. The training will address unconscious bias, inclusive leadership and our goals. Greif will also facilitate quarterly sessions to provide an open forum for managers to share best practices and their experiences in their day-to-day role. Any Greif colleague has access to take these trainings as well.
Цілі та прогрес
Greif’s current Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goal is: Using a fiscal year 2017 baseline, increase the proportion of women in management positions by 25 percent by the end of fiscal year 2025.
In 2021, 16 percent of our management level colleagues identified as women, the same percentage as 2020. We continue to leverage our Leadership Council and the GWN to reinforce the importance of creating a diverse pipeline of talent and ensuring we attract and retain female leaders across Greif. We are leveraging our CRGs to tap into professional networks and associations that can broaden our recruiting strategies and will continue to educate our leaders through our Inclusive Leadership Learning journey.
Інклюзивне навчання лідерства
The Inclusive Leadership Journey is for people managers and senior leaders at Greif to learn about inclusive leadership. The program covers the foundations of inclusive leadership for global leaders to develop and exhibit inclusive behaviors in the workplace. The training goes in-depth about defining and discussing the impact of unconscious and implicit bias, best practices for inclusion and actionable steps, and examining the impact of inclusion. The learning journey includes a confidential assessment of current level of inclusive behavior for each participant and a personalized action plan for implementation of key topics. The sessions began in October 2021, and will continue through April 2022.

Diversity Week in LATAM
At Greif, we encourage and embrace our diversity of culture, language, location and thought. During the week of August 9-13, 2021, the Human Resources Teams in LATAM held a Diversity week event to educate our colleagues on the importance of respecting others and living The Greif Way. The week-long event included virtual learning sessions covering the topics of Unconscious Bias, Gender, Women & Career, Generations, LGBTQIA+ and Diversity of Origins / Ethnicity. In total, more than 700 colleagues participated.

Місяць глобального розмаїття
Жіноча мережа Грайфа (GWN) відзначила свою постійну відданість прогресу нашої подорожі до різноманітності, справедливості та інклюзії (DE&I). GWN підсилила свою місію сприяння DE&I, заохочуючи наших колег призначати колег як Чемпіона різноманітності, оскільки вони демонструють вдячність DE&I. Ми представили кожного переможця Diversity Champion у GreifNews і на сторінці GWN InsideGreif. Колеги також долучилися, віддавши благодійні пожертви. Ми продавали різноманітні футболки через наш онлайн-магазин і пожертвували виручені кошти Dress for Success Columbus, глобальній некомерційній організації, яка допомагає жінкам досягти економічної незалежності, надаючи мережу підтримки, професійний одяг і інструменти для розвитку, щоб допомогти жінкам процвітати на роботі та в житті. Завдяки цим зусиллям GWN просунула свою місію, заохочуючи різноманітність у нашій спільноті.

Жінки в менеджменті
Our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts include our 2025 goal for women in management.
Members in Greif CRGs
Our 4 CRGs are comprised of 626 members who share or are an ally for people who identify with a defining characteristic.