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Створення процвітаючих спільнот разом

Грайфська громада

At Greif, investing in our communities is more than a commitment—it’s part of who we are and how we operate. Today – on Global Community Engagement Day – we’re taking a moment to reflect on the milestones of 2024, and look at the meaningful collaborations, active engagement, and innovative initiatives we accomplished. The Power of […]

ModCan™ чудово! 

Modcan Top Down title card

What People Are Saying About the Latest Innovation from Greif In the world of industrial packaging, innovation often comes incrementally. However, every once in a while, a product emerges that makes you wonder why it wasn’t invented sooner. Enter ModCan, the latest innovative addition to Greif’s comprehensive packaging portfolio. ModCan is causing healthy agitation* among […]

Центр обслуговування клієнтів

Ассаф Шелег

Assaf Sheleg, Account Sales Manager from Ein Hahoresh, Israel, has worked for Greif for nine years and services more than 100 customer accounts spanning the industries of agrochemical, pharma, food, edible oils, citrus inks, and more. One of the accounts is ADAMA, the largest account for Greif Israel. ADAMA is an agrochemical company with three […]

Запуск ModCan™ – розмова з винахідником

Шон Коулман пояснює свій винахід на Pack Expo в Чикаго

Запуск ModCan – зустріч із винахідником інноваційного продукту Шоном Коулманом

ModCan починає розвиватися після свого успішного дебюту на Pack Expo в Чикаго минулого року.

Представляємо ModCan™


In November 2024, Greif announced the launch of ModCan™, an innovative modular packaging solution designed to improve efficiency and safety in shipping and storing dissimilar materials and waste. The product was featured at the Pack-Expo conference in Chicago.  Using a unique wedge-shaped design, the modular jerrycans are engineered to fit precisely into a Greif 55-gallon […]

Greif включено до списку найбільш відповідальних компаній Америки 2025 року

Сцена природи

For the sixth year in a row, Newsweek has recognized Greif as one of America’s Most Responsible Companies in 2025!  The award has been issued for the industry of Materials & Chemicals. It is a testament to Greif’s dedication to doing what’s right—from environmental stewardship and community support to responsible operations. It demonstrates our leadership in driving positive change. […]

Обслуговування в центрі уваги: Кеті Беннет і команда обслуговування клієнтів на Середньому Заході

Прожектор обслуговування клієнтів Greif

There are specific nuances demonstrated by our Customer Service colleagues that differentiate Greif over our competition.  Yet we very rarely hear about them!  The #BeLegendary campaign has been launched to help us do that and bring these stories to the forefront where we can continue to engage with our colleagues and learn from each other’s […]

Greif Florence досягає рубежу безпеки в 1000 днів

Команда Greif Florence

On October 23, the Florence, Kentucky Steel Drum Plant marked a significant achievement of 1,000 Days Safe. Corey Adkins, Florence Plant Manager, expressed, “The Florence team commits to safety each day by watching out for one another through active listening while genuinely caring for one another’s safety. We have spent years building a strong and […]

Служба в центрі уваги: Лінда Мейсі

Лінда Мейсі

For Linda Macey, to #BeLegendary means she is recognized and appreciated for her dedicated years of service to Greif customers. “When you love what you do, it is easy to give it all you’ve got. We have wonderful internal and external customers, and I am thankful to have worked with so many over the years. […]


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