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Service Spotlight: Rits van Griethuysen

Rits van Griethuysen, a Customer Service Representative based in Amstelveen, Netherlands, has worked for Greif since 2007. Initially working in RIPs for four years, he transitioned to the paint and linings business, where he has spent the past 12 years. Rits has been a key contributor to the segment’s growth, witnessing its expansion from an annual output of 2 million to 6 million liters. Rits works closely with his clients, ensuring they are well-informed about their orders, especially those involving global exports. “My motivation comes from wanting to provide the best possible customer service to all my customers and building long-lasting relationships with my customers,” he says.

Rits services customers from Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa. “Managing the complexity of global shipments to all international ports is the greatest challenge of my role. Each country has different requirements concerning imports. I have to ensure that all the paperwork is correct and delivered on time to avoid any complications with customs at the customer port. Being structured, organized, and proactive helps me overcome these challenges.”

He ensures his customers receive a response within 24 hours with clear updates, even when the news is not favorable. His transparency and service allow customers to make necessary adjustments to their production. “I enjoy creating my own work procedures, building contacts with foreign customers, and learning about their diverse cultures. Positive customer feedback gives me immense satisfaction and motivates me to keep improving.”

Martijn Lute, Vreeland Plant Manager, praises Rits’s dedication to the Vreeland team. “Rits is incredibly knowledgeable about our products and shipping terms worldwide. He brings a lot of energy to his role, visiting the Vreeland plant weekly to stay updated on product innovations.”

Rits’s deep understanding of his customers’ needs allows him to provide samples and accurately track feedback, positively boosting Greif South Africa’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) to 91 out of 100.

Eli de Hond, EMEA NW Customer Service Manager, adds, “Rits’s work is essential and creates a smooth operation for the customer. His entrepreneurial way of working with the plant, transportation, and the customer makes his customer service legendary. With his worldwide delivery, there is no mountain too high, no river too deep for Rits. He moves limits every day.”

Thank you, Rits, for demonstrating what #BeLegendary means.

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