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Este é o 15º de Greifo relatório anual de sustentabilidade cobrindo atividades e dados para 2023. A menos que indicado de outra forma, os dados divulgados neste relatório são para o ano fiscal de 2023 da Greif (AF 2023), que é de 1º de novembro de 2022 a 31 de outubro de 2023. As iniciativas discutidas no relatório seguem o ano civil, de 1º de janeiro de 2023 a 31 de dezembro de 2023.

miniatura greif 2023capa do relatório de sustentabilidade empilhado

Visão geral do relatório

GRI 2-3
Período de relato, frequência e ponto de contato

Este relatório é preparado de acordo com os Padrões GRI e o Guia de Aplicação SASB e atende aos requisitos Pacto Global das Nações Unidas (UNGC) Comunicação anual sobre o progresso (COP). Também alinhamos nossas divulgações relacionadas ao clima com as recomendações da Força-Tarefa sobre Divulgações Financeiras Relacionadas ao Clima (TCFD). Para perguntas sobre este relatório, entre em contato com Aysu Katun, vice-presidente de sustentabilidade, em

Uma carta do nosso CEO

GRI 2-22
Declaração sobre estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável
diretor executivo e1679067424897

Ole Rosgaard
Presidente e CEO

Ao divulgarmos o Relatório de Sustentabilidade do ano fiscal de 2023 da Greif, celebramos nosso 15º aniversárioo ano consecutivo de firme compromisso com a sustentabilidade. O relatório deste ano mostra nossa dedicação à administração ambiental e se alinha com nossa Comunicação sobre Progresso do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas (UNGC), destacando nossas conquistas, desafios e compromissos futuros em linha com os princípios do UNGC. Nossa jornada nos últimos 15 anos, impulsionada pela dedicação de mais de 12.000 colegas em todo o mundo, tem sido notável, apresentando avanços significativos em sustentabilidade.

Refletindo sobre o ano passado, estou orgulhoso de nossa resiliência, espírito inovador e progresso tangível. Apesar dos desafios econômicos, a Greif tem sustentado o crescimento e registrado nosso segundo ano fiscal mais bem-sucedido. Nossa ambiciosa Metas de sustentabilidade para 2030, anunciadas em 2023, já começaram a dar frutos, notavelmente alcançando a paridade salarial de gênero em toda a nossa empresa. Essa conquista é uma prova do nosso comprometimento com o crescimento equitativo e sustentável.

Expandindo nossos negócios

O ano fiscal de 2023 marcou um ano de crescimento para a Greif, em alinhamento com nossa estratégia Build to Last. Nossos investimentos na Centurion Container e ColePak e as aquisições da Lee Container e Reliance Products fortaleceram nossa posição no mercado ao expandir nossa rede de recondicionamento e aumentar nossas ofertas de produtos em divisórias de papel, galões e pequenas garrafas plásticas, onde tecnologias inovadoras e multicamadas apresentam oportunidades de crescimento regionais e focadas na sustentabilidade. Nosso crescimento em galões e pequenas garrafas plásticas continua em 2024 com a aquisição da IPACKCHEM Group SAS. Damos as boas-vindas calorosas aos nossos 1.400 novos colegas, unindo-nos sob o ethos One Greif para impulsionar nossa visão compartilhada.

Engajando e desenvolvendo colegas

Na Greif, acreditamos que nossa força está em nosso pessoal. Este ano, alcançamos marcos de engajamento e desenvolvimento inigualáveis, incluindo taxas de conclusão recordes para Revisões de Desenvolvimento de Desempenho e pontuações excepcionais na pesquisa anual da Gallup. O reconhecimento pela Newsweek como um dos Locais de Trabalho Mais Amados globalmente ressalta nossa dedicação em aprimorar ainda mais nossa cultura de local de trabalho e nosso compromisso com a excelência e a inovação.

Incentivando a inovação

A inovação é a pedra angular do nosso sucesso, gerando mais de $822 milhões em receita de produtos e serviços com etiqueta de sustentabilidade este ano. Nossa abordagem inclusiva à inovação capacita cada colega a contribuir, fomentando uma cultura de criatividade que aprimora nosso atendimento ao cliente, sustentabilidade e lucratividade. 

Redução de resíduos em aterros sanitários

Nosso compromisso com a redução de resíduos é firme, com progresso considerável em direção às nossas metas de desvio de resíduos. Alcançar o status de zero resíduos para aterro em 49 instalações e atingir nossas metas de desvio de resíduos para 2025 antes do previsto na América Latina, Europa, Oriente Médio e África, bem como na Ásia-Pacífico, reflete nossa dedicação a um futuro mais sustentável.

Melhorando a experiência do cliente

Este ano, pilotamos com sucesso nossa Customer Digital Platform (CDP), revolucionando a experiência do cliente com processos de pedidos on-line eficientes. A expansão da CDP pela América do Norte e os planos para implementação global exemplificam nossa ambição de liderar em excelência em atendimento ao cliente.

Ao olharmos para o futuro, convido você a explorar nosso relatório de sustentabilidade, que destaca as conquistas notáveis da nossa equipe e o compromisso contínuo de promover um futuro sustentável e lucrativo. Nossa jornada continua com dedicação inabalável para impulsionar mudanças positivas para nosso planeta e comunidades.


Assinatura Ole

Ole Rosgaard  
Presidente e CEO 


This is Greif’s 14o annual sustainability report, based on our fiscal year, November 1, 2021, through October 31, 2022.
Thumbnail Greif 2022 Sustainability Report cover stacked

Visão geral do relatório

GRI 2-3
Período de relato, frequência e ponto de contato

Welcome to Greif’s 14th annual sustainability report, based on our fiscal year, November 1, 2021, through October 31, 2022. This report is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards and SASB Application Guidance and fulfills the Pacto Global das Nações Unidas (UNGC) Comunicação anual sobre o progresso (COP). Também alinhamos nossas divulgações relacionadas ao clima com as recomendações da Força-Tarefa sobre Divulgações Financeiras Relacionadas ao Clima (TCFD). Para perguntas sobre este relatório, entre em contato com Aysu Katun, vice-presidente de sustentabilidade, em

Uma carta do nosso CEO

GRI 2-22
Declaração sobre estratégia de desenvolvimento sustentável
diretor executivo e1679067424897

Ole Rosgaard President and Chief Executive Officer

In 2022, Greif launched its Build to Last Strategy to help us achieve our vision of being the best-performing customer service company in the world. The strategy, focusing on four specific missions – Creating Thriving Communities, Delivering Legendary Customer Service, Protecting Our Future and Ensuring Financial Strength – establishes a roadmap for the company and outlines our commitment to our colleagues, our customers and stakeholders and our planet.

Sustainability is at the core of this strategy and is a part of everything we do. It includes decarbonizing our operations, advancing circular solutions, striving for a more diverse and inclusive workplace and capitalizing more fully on sustainable innovation. Our recently announced 2030 Sustainability Targets capture these priorities and underscore our commitment to building a more sustainable and equitable future.

In the attached report, serving as our communication of progress to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), I am pleased to share our sustainability performance for the 14th consecutive year. Below are a few highlights of our work from 2022:

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Greif added two new Colleague Resource Groups (CRGs): PRIDE (supportive network for LGBTQIA+ colleagues) and EDGE (Embrace Diversity of Greif), focused on expanding diversity within the company and bringing the total number of CRGs to six. Last year we had more than 1,000 active members globally. The company also had 90 percent of our colleagues complete the Gallup Engagement Survey. The results of the survey showed continuous year over year improvement in engagement and provided managers with targeted learning resources to construct action plans to further increase colleague engagement.

Customer Engagement

We achieved a score of 65.0 on our annual Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey, a five-point improvement from the previous year. This accomplishment underscores our focus on driving high-quality customer engagement to drive satisfaction and deliver on our promise of providing legendary customer service. Our ability to understand our customers’ urgency and provide accurate information is at the heart of everything we do at Greif and is fundamental to helping our customers accomplish their sustainability goals.


Greif created a new company function dedicated to sustainable innovation. Through this new program, we focus on circularity and dematerialization principles as the central focus of our innovation efforts while continuing to develop our existing innovative solutions, such as the Greif Green Tool. Our immediate progress in innovation is apparent as we had over $1 billion in revenue from sustainability-tagged products, including life cycle services, for Greif’s Global Industrial Packaging (GIP) business unit in the past year alone.

Awards and Recognition

Finally, our sustainability and ESG initiatives continued to receive external recognition. Greif was awarded an A- rating from CDP on climate change and an AA rating from Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI). Greif was featured in Newsweek’s America’s Most Responsible Companies for the fourth consecutive year, Newsweek’s America’s 100 Most Loved Workplaces for the second consecutive year and Investor Business Daily’s List of 2022 Best ESG Companies for the first time.

I am proud of what we accomplished and the commitment our colleagues have shown to making sustainability an integral part of how the company does business. I look forward to building on that work this year as we embark on our 2030 sustainability targets.


Assinatura Ole

Ole Rosgaard

President and Chief Executive Officer


This is Greif’s 13o annual sustainability report, based on our fiscal year, November 1, 2020, through October 31, 2021.

Greif 2021 sustainability report cover stacked

Visão geral do relatório

GRI 102-50 | 102-52 | 102-53 | 102-54
Reporting period
Reporting cycle
Contact point for questions regarding the report
Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

Welcome to Greif’s 13th annual sustainability report, based on our fiscal year, November 1, 2020, through October 31, 2021. In February 2019, Greif completed the acquisition of Caraustar Industries, Inc., a leading vertically-integrated paperboard manufacturer in North America (“Caraustar”). In 2021, we continued integrating some management practices and data systems from Caraustar with the rest of Greif’s operations, creating alignment of Caraustar’s sustainability data and practices with Greif’s pre-existing programs unless otherwise noted. This report is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option, SASB Application Guidance and fulfills the Pacto Global das Nações Unidas (UNGC) Comunicação anual sobre o progresso (COP). Também alinhamos nossas divulgações relacionadas ao clima com as recomendações da Força-Tarefa sobre Divulgações Financeiras Relacionadas ao Clima (TCFD). Para perguntas sobre este relatório, entre em contato com Aysu Katun, vice-presidente de sustentabilidade, em

A Letter From Our Chairman

GRI 102-14
Statement from senior decision-maker


Peter G. Watson
Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors

In 2021, we at Greif continued on our journey to make remarkable progress toward our sustainability goals and initiatives. We advanced our strategic priorities: cultivating an engaged workforce, providing industry-leading customer service and striving for performance excellence, while navigating and overcoming significant external challenges.

Despite ongoing obstacles related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we delivered on our purpose to meet the needs of our stakeholders as an essential business and our vision to be the best performing customer service company in the world. We overcame considerable external challenges and reinforced our commitment to customer service and product quality, achieving Greif’s highest annual Customer Service Index score of 93.2 in 2021. We also continued to prioritize our colleagues by taking active measures to maintain colleague health, safety and well-being.

We further elevated our focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors throughout 2021 to enhance our business performance. We are proud to share this progress in our 13o annual sustainability report. Our Leadership Council, a group comprised of Greif’s top leaders from around the world, focused on accelerating our ESG performance across five key areas—Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Waste Reduction, Energy Reduction, Environmental Compliance, and Circularity and Innovation—through quarterly meetings and by developing and implementing strategic action plans.


Attracting and retaining top talent remains a priority for Greif, and motivated and engaged colleagues are the foundation of our success. We are dedicated to cultivating a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion where every colleague feels engaged and valued. In 2021, we expanded our Colleague Resource Groups (CRG) to provide support in personal and career development and to foster a more inclusive culture. In addition, we conducted our fourth annual colleague survey to assess the state of our workforce’s engagement and motivation. Results were exceptional – our colleague engagement survey received a 91 percent response rate, and Greif ranked in the 90o percentile of all companies measured in Gallup’s global manufacturing database.

Following our Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) gap analysis and the announcement of our goal to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions 28 percent by 2030, we gathered leaders from across our business to conduct our climate risk workshop. This workshopa first for Greifculminated in the identification of key climate-related risks and opportunities to the business which will be further shared and considered in our enterprise strategy in the year ahead. Findings from the workshops were presented to the CEO, CFO and General Counsel. The Executive Leadership Team will determine how we integrate these risks into our Enterprise Risk Management Process and our business strategies in 2022.

Strong governance ensures we follow a transparent decision-making process that takes the interest of all stakeholders into account. This year, we strengthened our ESG strategy governance structure by implementing quarterly ESG steering committee reviews and integrating ESG data, measurement and tracking into the Greif Business System, capital approval process and enterprise scorecard. Beginning in 2022, we will include ESG data in monthly performance reviews with our Leadership Council.

Our sustainability and ESG initiatives continue to receive external recognition. We were awarded a gold rating from EcoVadis for our fourth consecutive year and earned a B rating on CDP Climate in 2021. Greif was included in Newsweek’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies. We were also featured in Newsweek’s Most Loved Workplaces list for 2021, ranking number 59 among the top 100 companies, highlighting that our commitment to foster an environment where colleagues can learn, contribute, succeed and perform at their best while doing things O Caminho Greif is well recognized.

I am immensely proud of all that Greif has accomplished as an organization over my twenty-two-year career with the Company and I am grateful to all Greif colleagues for their excellence and dedication. As I retire, I look forward to my successor and Greif’s next Chief Executive Officer, Ole Rosgaard, growing the value of our company while advancing our sustainability initiatives even further. I know his strategic guidance, passion for team building and extensive experience will prove invaluable to the Company and I am excited for the future of Greif under his committed leadership.

Our report, prepared in full accordance with the GRI Standards Core guidelines and SASB Containers and Packaging standards, serves as our annual Communication on Progress to the United Nations Global Compact.



Peter G. Watson

Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors



Recognition from EcoVadis

Received for our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, placing us in the top four percent of all assessed suppliers.


CSI Score

Our highest scores ever, demonstrating our commitment to serving our customers better.


This is Greif’s 12th annual sustainability report, based on our fiscal year, November 1, 2019, through October 31, 2020.


Visão geral do relatório

GRI 102-50 | 102-52 | 102-53 | 102-54
Reporting period
Reporting cycle
Contact point for questions regarding the report
Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

In February 2019, Greif completed the acquisition of Caraustar Industries, Inc., a leading vertically-integrated paperboard manufacturer in North America (“Caraustar”). While Caraustar is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Greif, some management practices and data systems will continue to be integrated through 2021. This report reflects the status of Caraustar’s integration through October 31, 2020, with a primary focus on the alignment of Caraustar’s sustainability data and practices with Greif’s pre-existing programs. This report is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option, SASB Application Guidance and fulfills the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) annual Communication on Progress (COP). We also align our climate-related disclosures with recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). For questions on this report, please contact Aysu Katun, Director of Sustainability at

A letter from our Chairman

GRI 102-14
Statement from senior decision-maker


Peter G. Watson
Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors

We are pleased to share our 2020 Sustainability Report with you. Despite unprecedented challenges related to the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Greif delivered on its status as an essential business and generated significant value for our stakeholders. That we overcame such obstacles highlights our colleagues’ discipline, resolve and extraordinary dedication to our business and customers.

Greif made meaningful progress across our three strategic priorities – Engaged Teams, Differentiated Customer Service and Enhanced Performance – in 2020, all while advancing our sustainability focus as we continue the pursuit of our vision: In industrial packaging, be the best performing customer service company in the world.

The health and safety of our Greif colleagues is our first priority. We responded to COVID-19 from a position of strength and took proactive steps to prioritize the safety and well-being of our colleagues. We adapted our work practices and methods within our operations to reliably serve our customer needs. The Company implemented a variety of safety measures in response to the pandemic, formed global and regional task forces and launched a dedicated micro site internally for colleagues to access the latest Company and health authority information, guidelines and policies. Thanks to these efforts and the ongoing dedication of our colleagues, we lowered both our medical case and lost workday case rates compared to 2019 despite challenging external circumstances.

We embraced virtual training and promoted personal development opportunities. We are proud to remain as a recognized leader in colleague engagement in the manufacturing sector. We also expanded customer service training programs in 2020 that contributed to the Company once again achieving record Net Promotor Score and Customer Service Index scores.

A strong culture of servant leadership provides the foundation for better business results. Although the macroeconomic uncertainty caused by COVID-19 impacted our profitability in 2020, we still advanced our financial priorities of generating cash and paying down debt, delivering strong free cash flow while returning capital to shareholders via dividends.

Our sustainability initiatives also continued to receive external recognition. We were awarded with our third consecutive gold rating from EcoVadis and our third consecutive A- rating on CDP Climate Change. We were once again awarded an A for Supplier Engagement by CDP for our actions and strategies to reduce emissions and manage climate risks in our supply chain. The Company was also recognized as one of America’s most responsible companies for the second consecutive year by Newsweek underscoring our commitment to be a conscientious global citizen, a responsive community neighbor and a responsible steward of our natural resources.

To ensure that our sustainability programs continue to meet the expectations of internal and external stakeholders, we conducted our second materiality assessment in 2020. The assessment confirmed that Greif’s strategic priorities and sustainability initiatives are well aligned while highlighting opportunities to further develop our climate strategy, circular economy practices and efforts to foster a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.

While we are proud of our climate-related achievements to date, we recognize the urgency that climate change related impacts have on our organization and planet. To further assess and mitigate our climate impacts and exposures, we utilized recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and conducted a detailed gap analysis and review of our current strategy. We also recently commenced our first climate change scenario analysis.

We are pleased to announce that we have established our most ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target to date. Greif will reduce its absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions 28 percent by 2030, over a 2019 baseline. This new target is aligned with prevailing climate science to limit overall global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and builds upon the Company’s 11 percent emissions reduction per unit of production accomplishment achieved in 2020. To achieve this new goal, the Company will pursue a strategy and build upon our existing investments in energy efficient equipment and examine options to further utilize grid-sourced renewable energy and other alternative energy sources. We will also pursue sourcing offsite, large-scale renewable energy. Finally, by the end of 2023, we will assess our Scope 3 emissions to determine the feasibility of a long-term net zero emissions aspiration in alignment with the Science-based Targets Initiative.

Our circular economy strategy focuses on reducing, reusing and reconditioning / recycling products at the end of their useful lives. Greif is already a net-positive recycler in our Paper Packaging & Services business and we continue to grow reconditioning capabilities in our Global Industrial Packaging business to better service evolving customer needs. We are also advancing our circular supply chain and innovation capabilities by reducing waste in our operations. In 2020 we achieved 39 zero-waste to landfill facilities, saved over 86,000 metrics tons of virgin materials and diverted 71 percent of our operational waste globally from going to landfills. In 2021, we will accelerate our progress and further embed our circular economy capabilities deeper into our business strategy.

We are serious about attracting and retaining the best talent at Greif and are taking steps to create a stronger culture of diversity, equity and inclusion within our organization. In 2020, senior leaders participated with colleagues in active listening sessions about race and equality to ensure our behaviors align to our value systems outlined in The Greif Way. We also introduced additional colleague resource groups, personally sponsored by me, to strengthen our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. Finally, we conducted a pay equity study and implemented concrete actions, in addition to an improved pay equity policy, based on study findings.

We are proud to share our 2020 progress in our 12th annual sustainability report. Our report, prepared in full accordance with the GRI Standards Core guidelines and SASB Containers and Packaging standards, serves as our annual Communication on Progress to the United Nations Global Compact. We are also proud to issue our first report demonstrating our current alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.



Peter G. Watson

Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors



Recognition from EcoVadis

Received for our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, placing us in the top three percent of all assessed suppliers.


Customer Satisfaction Index Score

Our highest scores ever, demonstrating our commitment to serving our customers better.


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