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Greif to Roll Out a New Fleet of Branded Trailers

DELAWARE, OH – December 11, 2017 – Greif, a global leader in industrial packaging products and services, announces the company is deploying 3,000 new branded trailers to serve its customers throughout North America. 

“This multi-million dollar investment is an expression of our commitment to be industrial packaging’s best performing customer service company in the world,” explained Adam Galliers, Senior Manager Logistics & Supply Chain for Greif.  “These new trailers will provide our customers additional assurance their valued packaging will be protected from contamination and reduce the risk of damage during transit.” 

The new modern fleet provides optimized load capacity by increasing the number of containers per trailer by five to 10 percent which reduces the number of trailers on the road. Additionally, this allows for safely loading and unloading of the trailers and reducing the man hours needed for customers to unload their shipments.  The improved fuel efficiency and dependability of the trailers are environmentally beneficial to the customer with reduced emissions.

 “Greif strives to deliver on time and in full,” said Galliers. “This new fleet will help to ensure we meet these goals and help our customers be more successful.”

New trailers will begin delivering product to Greif’s customers this month. The process for replacing the older trailers will take approximately six months.  Greif will continue to partner with trucking companies to manage the trailers. 


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