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Greif, Inc. Releases 2017 Sustainability Report, Announces 2025 Goals and Gasser Award Winner

DELAWARE, Ohio (April 23, 2018) – In conjunction with Earth Day, Greif, Inc. (NYSE: GEF, GEF.B) today announces the launch of its online 2017 Sustainability Report, which details its 2025 global sustainability goals.

A global leader and industrial packaging solutions provider, Greif’s ninth annual Sustainability Report demonstrates the company’s commitment to continuous improvement through an integrated approach to environmental and social responsibility.

“Sustainability is defined in the Greif Way as using financial, natural and human resources wisely without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs,” explains Pete Watson, Greif’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “We view sustainability holistically as being good for the environment while also being good for our business, good for our colleagues and helping us deliver superior customer value.”

O online Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2017 features comprehensive pages, interactive charts and stories of Greif colleagues who demonstrate the epitome of sustainability and The Greif Way. Highlights from the report include:

  • Estratégias de sustentabilidade: fornecer um serviço superior ao cliente, reduzir nossa pegada, abordar riscos, valorizar nosso pessoal, promover a economia circular, o desempenho financeiro e o crescimento lucrativo
  • Greif’s value chain and how that relates to stakeholder engagement and materialityThe report is prepared in full accordance with the GRI Standards Core guidelines and fulfills the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) annual Communication on Progress (COP).Additionally, Greif announces that the Rigid Industrial Packaging & Services (RIPS) and Tri-Sure businesses in Brazil were recently awarded the 2017 Michael J. Gasser Sustainability Award, recognizing the successful efforts of the Brazilian team to reduce energy costs and overall environmental impact. By migrating to renewable energy, these operations have experienced a 30 percent reduction in energy costs on an annual average consumption basis and a 70 percent reduction in CO2 emissions, significantly reducing Greif’s carbon footprint in Brazil in the first year.“The efforts and accomplishments of the RIPS and Tri-Sure Brazilian teams demonstrate the dedication and ownership our colleagues have toward sustainability,” describes Ole Rosgaard, Senior Vice President and Group President, Rigid Industrial Packaging & Services – Americas, and Global Sustainability. “Our colleagues embody our global commitment of reducing our environmental impacts and risks across our value chain while keeping our products and people safe.”

Sobre a Greif, Inc.

A Greif é líder global em produtos e serviços de embalagens industriais e está buscando sua visão: em embalagens industriais, ser a empresa de atendimento ao cliente com melhor desempenho do mundo. A empresa produz tambores de aço, plástico e fibra, contêineres intermediários a granel, contêineres recondicionados, produtos flexíveis, papelão para embalagens e acessórios para embalagens e fornece serviços de enchimento, embalagem e outros para uma ampla gama de indústrias. A Greif também administra propriedades de madeira no sudeste dos Estados Unidos. A empresa está estrategicamente posicionada em mais de 40 países para atender clientes globais e regionais. Informações adicionais estão no site da empresa em


Investor contact:         Matt Eichmann, 740-549-6067;

Media contact:            Debbie Crow, 740-657-6992;

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