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Greif Inc Introduces new Branding: Packaging Success Together

Press Release (PDF 56 KB)

DELAWARE, Ohio–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Greif, Inc. (NYSE: GEF, GEF.B), a global leader in industrial packaging products and services, today announced a new corporate tag line being featured during the Interpack Trade Fair in Düsseldorf, Germany, May 4 – 10.

The tag line – PACKAGING SUCCESS TOGETHER™ – is the embodiment of the company’s vision of “In industrial packaging, be the best performing customer service company in the world.” It symbolizes the commitment of all Greif colleagues around the world to provide excellent customer service.

“Long term success is achieved by consistently and reliably serving our customers’ needs to earn their trust, and loyalty,” explained Pete Watson, President and Chief Executive Officer. “We will serve our customers together and earn the opportunity to grow with them as strategic partners.”

Greif chose “Packaging Success Together” because the world’s most important products travel around the globe in Greif industrial packaging. Greif colleagues know that relationships matter, and working together means their customers can focus on their next innovation, their customers, and their business growth. Together, Greif’s 13,000 colleagues around the world are working to deliver an effortless customer experience, to deliver packaging success that benefits Greif’s customers, investors, and the planet.

Sobre a Greif, Inc.

A Greif é líder global em produtos e serviços de embalagens industriais e está buscando sua visão de se tornar a empresa de atendimento ao cliente com melhor desempenho do mundo em embalagens industriais. A empresa produz contêineres de aço, plástico, fibra, flexíveis, corrugados e recondicionados, contêineres intermediários a granel, papelão para contêineres e acessórios para embalagens, e fornece serviços de enchimento, embalagem e recondicionamento de embalagens industriais para uma ampla gama de indústrias. A Greif também administra propriedades de madeira no sudeste dos Estados Unidos. A empresa está estrategicamente posicionada em mais de 40 países para atender clientes globais e regionais. Informações adicionais estão no site da empresa em

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Fonte: Greif, Inc.

Greif, Inc.

Debra Crow, 740-657-6992

Director, Corporate Communications

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