מסננים גנריים
התאמות מדויקות בלבד
חפש בכותרת
חפש בתוכן
חפש בקטע


פעולות קטנות של כל אחד יכולות לעשות את ההבדל

We believe that every person can positively impact protecting the environment. Our colleagues in Hadımköy, Turkey, applied an innovative and sustainable mindset to reduce their landfill waste by 45%.


The target of the team was zero waste to landfill. Twenty team members were responsible for the project, including meeting with production, support teams, and training for all 500 colleagues. Also, an external cleaning company helped to contribute to the project.

The level of engagement was critical to accomplishing the goal. Thus, all Hadımköy colleagues received one hour of training regarding the project and the global requirements for ISO 14001. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the communications were done in small groups, which helped our colleagues work together to share their ideas during the training sessions.

The entire team chose to have two primary goals:

1. Decreasing the amount of confection waste sent to landfills. During production a sticky tape is used to attach the liner to the main body of the FIBC. The team started collecting the coated paper liner waste into big-bags and placing them in the Waste Recycling Center. An external company collects the big-bags and continues with the recycling process.

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2. Decreasing dining hall and cafeteria related landfill waste by separating leftover food from packaging materials and recycling paper, glasses and plastic bottles.


The team would like to share three observations:

  1. Directing the packaging waste to the right location helped to increase the reuse of the materials.
  2. Directing the leftover food to the animal shelters helped provide for these animals.
  3. Finally, the exercise contirubed to an increased awareness and understanding within the team on how they can contribute to preserving or restoring their environment.

Everyone can truly make a difference.

Learn more about Greif’s sustainability efforts

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