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בלוג, סיפור מקומי, בְּטִיחוּת

Greif דרום מזרח אסיה: מצוינות וקיימות חלוצית בתעשיית המזון והמשקאות

Greif Southeast Asia Receives FSSC 22000 and Eco-Manufacturing Certifications

Greif Southeast Asia’s recent certifications are testament to its commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and environmental responsibility. The FSSC 22000 Certification and Eco-Manufacturing Certification have placed Greif at the forefront of the food and beverage industry, showcasing its dedication to quality, safety, and sustainability.

FSSC 22000 Certification received by the Greif Malaysia Petaling Jaya facility ensures our products meet the highest food quality requirements and adhere to safety standards throughout the supply chain. By mitigating potential hazards and implementing comprehensive production and management processes, Greif assures customers of their unwavering commitment to food safety. Furthermore, this certification helps build trust and credibility in the food and beverage industry, giving customers confidence in their purchase of products.

On the other hand, the Eco-Manufacturing Certification highlights Greif’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The Top Tier Platinum level certification achieved by their Singapore facility reinforces the company’s efforts to reduce its environmental impact and implement green practices. By prioritizing energy, water and resource efficiency, and carbon emission reduction, Greif sets an example for other manufacturing companies. As customers become more environmentally conscious, they can be confident that Greif’s manufacturing processes align with their values and expectations for eco-friendly products.

Both certifications are significant achievements for Greif Southeast Asia, and this success would not have been possible without their colleagues’ dedication and hard work. Their commitment to exceeding customer expectations for customers has been instrumental in achieving these milestones.

With these certifications, Greif is shaping a better future for the industry and the environment. As a customer, you can rest assured that Greif’s products meet the highest standards and align with your quality, safety, and sustainability values.

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