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צינורות נייר וליבות


גרייף וויניפג

צינורות וליבות

1707 Dugald Rd
Winnipeg, MB R2J 0H3, 

מידע על המוצר

Corrugated tubes and cores in Winnipeg

The Greif plant making tubes and cores in Winnipeg is located on the east side of the city. The address is 1707 Dugald Road.

The Greif plant has been at this location for almost 50 years and has remained a leader in tube and core production. It offers a variety of products, including paperboard tubes and cores. In addition, the plant is equipped with the latest technologies to ensure high-quality production. The plant has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best customer service possible. They are committed to meeting customer needs and providing excellent products and services at a competitive value. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, the plant is constantly striving to improve its processes and products. The Greif plant is committed to providing the highest level of service and quality to its customers.

Winnipeg – Tubes and Cores
1707 Dugald Road
ויניפג MB R2J 0H3
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