מסננים גנריים
התאמות מדויקות בלבד
חפש בכותרת
חפש בתוכן
חפש בקטע

Greif Sadat City

תופי פלדה ו-IBCs

Greif Green 300 dpi

Greif Sadat City

Steel Drums and IBC

Second Industrial Area Plot 34
Sadat City 32958 

מידע על המוצר

Steel Drums and IBC in Sadat City, Egypt

We are proud to offer Steel Drums and IBC in Sadat City, Egypt. The address of this facility is Second Industrial Area Plot 34 Sadat City 32958 Egypt.

Sadat City – Steel Drums and IBC
Sadat City - second Industerial area - plot 34
Sadat City - 32958
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