Greif recently earned an overall Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 50 in its seventh wave of conducting the NPS survey with customers. Greif’s score of 50 is the highest the company has earned since adopting the survey in November 2015. The survey allows Greif to gather feedback from customers as it progresses towards its vision of: in industrial packaging, be the best performing customer service company in the world. Greif conducts its NPS survey twice annually. Wave 8 is scheduled to take place in Spring 2019.
Greif’s Flexible Products and Services (FPS) business unit was named the Fiscal 2018 winner of the Dempsey Award for Customer Service Excellence. This annual award recognizes a business, function or team within the company that demonstrates the very best performance aligned with achieving its vision.
During NPS wave 7 in 2018, FPS earned an overall NPS of 63, which was the highest improvement seen among any of Greif’s business units, when compared to the previous wave. FPS’s accomplishment is a result of strong leadership and a commitment by all team members to provide superior customer service every single day. The team has built strong relationships with key customers by clearly understanding their needs, developing solutions to solve those needs, and earning recognition from customers for its performance. Greif is committed to having this customer service philosophy and mindset become steadfast across its organization.
The FPS business was selected from the 31 winners of the 2018 Greif Customer Service Excellence Award. Those businesses (listed below) each achieved a Customer Satisfaction Index of 95 or greater, a Net Promoter Score of 55 or more and demonstrated “best in class performance.”
Greif would like to congratulate the winners for their accomplishment and thank all of its customers for participating in the NPS survey.