With over 200 production, warehouse, and office locations across the globe, Greif is a leading world producer of industrial packaging products and services. Our approximately 12,000 colleagues work in more than 35 countries, with a headquarters in Delaware, Ohio. During Fiscal Year 2020, we generated more than $4.5 billion in net sales.
- À propos de notre entreprise
- À propos de notre rapport
- Stratégies de développement durable
- Objectifs et performances
- Indices de reporting ESG
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Products, Services & Markets
At Greif, we produce steel, plastic and fibre drums, intermediate bulk containers, reconditioned containers, flexible products, containerboard, uncoated recycled paperboard, coated recycled paperboard, tubes and cores, corrugated sheets, bulk corrugated boxes and a diverse mix of specialty products.The company also manufactures packaging accessories and provides filling, packaging and other services for a wide range of industries. Soterra, our land management subsidiary, provides timberland management, consulting, wildlife stewardship and wetlands mitigation bank development. We sell to various industries including food and beverage, chemicals, agricultural, pharmaceutical, petroleum, automotive, home appliances and many more. To see a full description of our products, services and markets, please visit Greif.com.
Amérique du Nord | l'Amérique latine | Asie-Pacifique | Europe | Middle East | Africa |
Canada 1.3 Mexique1.2 États-Unis1.2.3.4 |
Argentine1 Brasil1.2 Chili1.2 Columbia1 Costa Rica1 Guatemala1 |
Chine1 Inde2 Malaisie1 Singapour1 Vietnam1.2 |
Autriche1 Belgique1.2 République tchèque1 Danemark1 France1.2 Allemagne1.2 Grèce1.1 Hongrie1 Irlande2 Italie1 Pays-Bas1.2 Pologne1 Portugal1 Roumanie2 Russie1 Espagne1 Suède1 Turquie1.2 Ukraine1.2 Royaume-Uni1.2 |
Israël1 Arabie Saoudite1 |
Algérie1 Egypte1 Kenya1 Maroc1 Nigeria1 Afrique du Sud1 |
1 Global Industrial Packaging: Rigid Industrial Packaging & Services | 2 Global Industrial Packaging: Flexible Products & Services
3 Paper Packaging & Services | 4 Gestion des terres
As of close of FY2020
Our Workforce
Employees by Region
Europe, the Middle
East and Africa
- Amérique du Nord
- Asie-Pacifique
- l'Amérique latine
Employees by Role
- Operations
- Professional
- Facilities/Engineering
- Transportation/Logistics
- Ventes
- Administrative
- Autre
- Management
Permanent Employees
Female Employees
Women in Management
Senior Executives
Europe, the Middle East, & Africa
l'Amérique latine
Amérique du Nord
Our people—principled, intelligent and reliable—reaffirm our reputation for integrity every day with their every action.
Years of Experience
For the past 144 years, the world’s most important products have travelled around the world in Greif industrial packaging.