Éthique et conformité
Creating a culture The Greif Way
- À propos de notre entreprise
- À propos de notre rapport
- Stratégies de développement durable
- Goals & Performance
- Indices de reporting ESG
- Téléchargements de rapports
Pourquoi l’éthique et la conformité sont importantes
GRI 302 : 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3 ; 305 : 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3
Explication du sujet et de ses limites
Expliquer les composants de l'approche de gestion
Évaluer l'approche de gestion
201-2 Conséquences financières et autres risques et opportunités liés au changement climatique
The principles set forth in La voie Greif establish a company culture rooted in ethics and compliance. We believe that behavior influences culture and culture determines performance, which is why establishing positive behaviors is important to our business. Every day, our colleagues implement these principles, which are formalized through the policies that govern our organization.
Greif maintains a broad set of policies that promote ethical behavior and support us in meeting our compliance obligations:
- Politique de conformité anti-corruption
- Politique de lutte contre le harcèlement et la discrimination
- Politique de conformité aux lois antitrust et à la concurrence
- Politique sur le travail des enfants
- Code de conduite et d'éthique des affaires
- Lignes directrices sur la gouvernance d’entreprise
- Politique de confidentialité des données
- Politique de sanctions économiques et commerciales
- Politique de traitement équitable des autres
- Politique des droits de l'homme
- Politique relative aux opérations d'initiés
- Politique de gestion et de conservation des documents
Each policy is managed, reviewed and implemented by a diverse team comprised of representatives from human resources, finance and legal. We regularly review our policies and revise them as necessary to strengthen language, address emerging risks and communicate best practices. Greif leverages training and audits to actively implement our policies. We require each of Greif’s over 2,800 manager-level and above colleagues to complete policy training. We actively encourage our colleagues to anonymously report ethics and compliance violations through our Ethics Hotline. The Hotline is administered by a third-party provider to protect the anonymity of our colleagues and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Information on the Hotline, and related policies, is included in the Code of Conduct – which all colleagues receive training on through our internal colleague portal and via posters at each facility. Complaints can also now be reported via an online portal or e-mail as well as by phone globally. All reported incidents are sent to our newly formed Ethics Committee, chaired by Greif’s General Counsel, for review. Incidents are reported to the Audit Committee of Greif’s Board of Directors quarterly. In 2020, we investigated and resolved 97 percent of the complaints from our Ethics Hotline.
To validate our compliance to our established policies, we conduct annual Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) audits for all our facilities that are material to our financial statements. Each year we ensure that facilities accounting for at least 75 percent of our revenue are included in our Sarbanes-Oxley scope. In total, Greif has 281 auditable entities. In addition to required SOX audits, Greif conducts risk-based audits at each of our facilities at least once every five years. Facilities that are audited are identified through a multi- layered process that includes management surveys, discussions, approval by executive leadership and reports to the Ethics Hotline. Following this process, in 2020 we completed 21 risk-based audits. We continue to strengthen our internal control environment as we leverage shared processes across locations.
In 2020, we published an updated Code of Conduct communicating our commitment to The Greif Way and defining globally applicable standards of conduct. The updated Code of Conduct presents this information in a more easily understood and digestible format, which more clearly reinforces the key behaviors we desire our colleagues to demonstrate. We accompanied the updated Code of Conduct with a new online training course that will also be included in Greif University. During 2020, we also developed an updated Supplier Code of Conduct for publication in early 2021. The updated Supplier Code of Conduct will better outline our business ethics expectations.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic our global and regional task forces met at least weekly to develop protocols, communications and monitoring to maintain the health and safety of our colleagues and compliance with national and local regulations. Through collaboration with outside counsel, our Human Resources, Health and Safety and other Greif teams were able to stay abreast of changing regulations and develop a set of protocols that are consistent across all our plants.
Objectifs et progrès
Audits SOX terminés
Nous travaillons pour garantir que nos politiques internes sont mises en œuvre et que nos opérations sont conformes aux réglementations en vigueur.
In 2017, we established our first ethics and compliance goals. By the end of fiscal year 2025 we will:
- Provide online training of the Greif Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to 100 percent of colleagues with access to computers
- Provide training and information on the Greif Anti-bribery Policy to 100 percent of colleagues for whom training is relevant
- Fournir une formation en ligne sur la politique de traitement équitable des autres à 100 % des collègues ayant accès à des ordinateurs et fournir des informations accessibles et traçables à tous les collègues d'ici la fin de l'exercice 25.
In 2020, 91.1 percent of colleagues with access to computers completed training on Greif’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. As we transition our training program to Greif University, we will leverage this platform to further promote and distribute training to our colleagues. Greif University will allow us to more readily push training to the relevant colleagues. In 2020, 83 percent of eligible colleagues completed anti-bribery training. In addition, 74 percent of colleagues for whom training is relevant received training on our Insider Training Policy.