The EMEA Falkenberg, Sweden plant held an Open House on Saturday, April 15, to demonstrate their commitment to our Creating Thriving Communities mission. As planned by the Falkenberg management team, family and friends of Greif colleagues were invited to the factory to learn about the business.
The Open House involved a Greif company presentation, guided factory tours, a meal, and a Greif quiz to win prizes. For the children, the event offered a “Fishpond” for children where they could catch candy bags and a Ball shooting competition organized by a local football club, sponsored by the Falkenberg plant.
Walking routes were clearly marked to keep the visitors safe, and visitors were only permitted to enter the factory with a guide. Everyone wore PPE, including safety glasses and hearing protection, and touching anything was prohibited. A few machines were running, yet no forklifts were operating within the walking route.
The Open House drew in good attendance, and visitors provided insightful feedback. The plant held a similar event ten years ago, and due to the positive feedback received this time, they are planning another event within the next few years. Falkenberg colleagues and the community alike had a lot of fun. Most visitors had no idea how a drum line or a blow molder works, and it was nice to see what a family member does in their daily work.