Sustainability is more than a fun thing to talk about and ponder.
It’s needed.
Sustainability is important because the world’s resources are finite, and if we continue to use them at the current rate, we will eventually deplete them.
Serious consequences.
The consequences for the environment, the economy, and society as a whole would be astronomical. Additionally, many resources we rely on, such as carbon-based fuels, have negative environmental impacts when extracted or used.
Sustainability is a highly intentional and pragmatic emphasis seeking to address these issues by finding alternative ways to use resources without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
By adopting sustainable practices, we can help protect the planet and its natural systems, reduce pollution and waste, and ensure that all people can live healthy, productive lives.
Estos objetivos establecen metas específicas y mensurables que se basan en el anuncio de la empresa en 2021 de reducir las emisiones absolutas de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) de alcance 1 y 2 28% para el final de la década.
El enfoque de sostenibilidad más amplio de la empresa sigue siendo promover una economía circular, reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y defender iniciativas de diversidad, equidad e inclusión.
Alcanzar Cero Residuos en Vertedero en 97% de sus Instalaciones de Producción
Al reducir, reciclar, compostar, reutilizar e incinerar con recuperación de energía, Greif apunta a que el 97% de sus instalaciones de producción logren cero residuos en vertederos para 2030.
Hacer que el 100% de sus productos sean reciclables
Al trabajar con una amplia cartera de materias primas y productos, los objetivos de reciclabilidad de Greif se compararán por peso y se consolidarán a nivel de empresa.
Lograr un contenido promedio de materia prima reciclada de 60% en todos los productos
Los objetivos de contenido reciclado para los productos Greif son promedios mínimos comparados con una cartera de materiales y productos por peso, consolidados a nivel de empresa.
Lograr la paridad salarial de género a nivel mundial
Greif está en camino de garantizar que sus colegas reciban el mismo salario por el mismo trabajo para 2024 y se compromete a mantener la paridad salarial de género.
Evaluar el desempeño de sustentabilidad para 80% del gasto total con proveedores
Al intentar aumentar la evaluación del desempeño de sostenibilidad de sus proveedores, Greif puede tener un mayor impacto en toda su cadena de valor.
You’re likely wondering why a company would care so much about sustainability. Beyond fitting in with our high standards for doing the right thing for our colleagues and customers, there are logical business factors that drive sustainable innovations and investments.
Here are some of the reasons why companies like yours should care about sustainability:
- Financial benefits: Implementing sustainable practices can help a company reduce costs by reducing energy use or waste. The company could save money and increase profits.
- Risk management: Companies that are not sustainable may face regulatory fines, legal action, and negative publicity. Brand reputation is a powerful business dynamic that poses a risk. A company can reduce its risk of encountering these types of issues by being sustainable.
- Customer demand: Many consumers want sustainability. They are growing increasingly aware of the environmental and social impacts of the products they buy, and they may prefer to purchase products from companies committed to sustainability.
- Employee attraction and retention: Sustainability can be essential for many job seekers, and companies committed to sustainability may be more attractive to employees.
- License to operate: Companies rely on natural resources, such as water and forests. By being sustainable, a company can ensure that it has a long-term supply of these resources and can maintain its “license to operate.”
- Social responsibility: Greif cares about sustainability because we feel a sense of social responsibility to operate ethically and responsibly. We want to contribute positively to society and leave a positive legacy for future generations.