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Quality Management
Greif’s CorrChoice facilities, part of our Paper Packaging & Services (PPS) business, have implemented a set of tools that enable us to monitor and correct for potential quality issues in real-time. The tools establish alerts for a variety of factors that may impact quality, such as temperature and material storage capacity, and correct any deviations before they fall out of specification. This ability allows us to reduce waste, track potential recurring deviations and avoid long runs of products that would not meet customer expectations. As part of our Zero Defect System, our production lines are lined with ultrasonic sensors capable of detecting any separation or variation that may occur during the manufacturing process, such as differences in caliper spacing and paper weights. The system tracks defects as they move down the production line, removing defective products and recycling scrap.
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CorrChoice GreenGuard provides customers a recyclable, repulpable and FDA compliant coated paper solution. A key customer was purchasing a triple wall corrugated container to maintain food quality. Greif worked with the customer to replace the plastic liner with our GreenGuard 200 paper coating. This change eliminated the need for the plastic liner – saving the customer time and labor costs – and made the shipping container 100 percent recyclable and repulpable.
In LATAM, we introduced PerforMAXXI, a web solution used for tracking deliveries to customers and monitoring real-time performance. PerforMAXXI is a mobile app on the delivery driver’s phone that provides customers updates on where their package is in the delivery process. The app utilizes Waze or Google Maps to assist the driver and will be updated to include digital road toll payments in the second phase. The app also enables communication with the driver throughout the trip, accurate measurement of on time delivery, and electronic proof of delivery via photo of the invoice signed by the customer. The app significantly streamlines the communication and delivery process.
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The Greif facility in Houston saw marked improvement in its ability to divert waste from landfill during 2021. The facility installed a de-chimer, a device designed to safely and efficiently remove the metal chimes which are used to secure the top and bottom of fiber drums. Once the chimes are removed, the fiber and metal can be directed to separate waste streams for recycling. Since the de-chimer’s installation in July 2021, the facility has diverted more than 90 percent of its waste from landfills. The facility sends the fiber to our PPS Recycling Group, further reducing the waste disposal cost.
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Greif is committed to using water-based exterior paints in our operations where possible, rather than high volatile organic compound (VOC) exterior paints. In Global Industrial Packaging (GIP) North America, eight of our nine steel plants use water-based paints. In our Asia Pacific (APAC) facilities, there’s ongoing transition to water-based paints, which includes our facilities in Zhuhai, Shanghai and Taicang, with 81 percent, 84 percent and 41 percent, respectively, of their paint usage being water-based in 2023. In EMEA, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, the UK, and Poland use water-based paints alongside solvent-based paints.
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Greif’s Pudahuel steel plant in Chile was our first facility in Latin America to operate on 100 percent renewable power. Through a two-year project, in partnership with energy provider IMELSA ENERGIA, the facility was able to move its entire electricity supply to 100 percent renewable sources. The facility produces large steel drums, conical drums and water bottles for the chemicals, lube oil and food and beverage markets. This switch advances our sustainability strategy, supports our 2030 GHG emissions reduction goal and helps support our customers’ Scope 3 emissions reductions goals.
Since 2011, Greif has been participating in Demand Response (DR) with Enel X, a division of the Enel Group Worldwide, a multinational power company and leading integrated player in the world’s power and gas markets, Enel X’s DR and real-time energy monitoring allows a company access to market opportunities to monetize flexibility, increase operational reliability and highlight advancements in sustainability. Greif has accumulated over $4.4 million in DR earnings, including $1.3 million in the last three years. There are approximately 17 Greif plants enrolled in DR with Enel X. We are assessing to determine if sites are eligible and suitable candidates for participation in DR to expand our participation in the program.
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Greif’s LATAM Tigre location conducted a multi-disciplinary evaluation of all Latin American plants to implement a 6% reduction in energy consumption per unit produced by 2025 compared to a 2019 baseline. All machines, peripherals parts, general equipment and elements consuming electricity were identified and assessed, finding 447 energy focus areas across LATAM. From these focus areas, 70 strategic energy projects were identified. As of November 2023, 6 energy efficiency projects have been completed in LATAM, resulting in an energy cost savings of $29,300 per year and an energy use reduction of 63,000 kilowatt-hours per year.
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En la planta Austell de Greif en Georgia, comenzamos un proyecto de deshidratación de residuos de aguas residuales para convertir los desechos en biocombustible. La práctica de la economía circular barre los sólidos espesados de un manto de sedimentos flotantes a una prensa deshidratadora. Los sólidos fluidos se deshidratan hasta que se pueden transportar a un lugar para secarlos al aire, mezclarlos con otros materiales y consumirlos como combustible complementario para calderas. Este proceso no solo permite reutilizar los materiales para obtener el mayor beneficio de principio a fin, sino que también ahorra las tarifas de eliminación en vertederos de la instalación.
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A fines de 2019, la planta de Greif en Florence, Kentucky, instaló una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales para reducir nuestra carga de desechos peligrosos y reciclar el agua para devolverla a la ciudad. El proceso funciona introduciendo agua en el sistema, eliminando cerca de 100% de los contaminantes del proceso de pintura y enviando el agua limpia a la planta de tratamiento local. Luego, la planta de tratamiento recicla el agua para redistribuirla a la comunidad. El material sobrante del proceso se elimina en la basura en lugar de en los desechos peligrosos. Cuando el equipo entró en funcionamiento por completo a mediados de 2020, el proceso no solo redujo significativamente los desechos peligrosos generados por la planta, sino que también redujo el costo de los desechos en $40,000 por mes.
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In 2022, Greif implemented a maintenance program to advance the longevity of our regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) that control volatile organic carbon (VOC) emissions at 10 of our GIPNA sites across North America. Continuing our shift to a corporate-driven management system, we work with a third-party partner to manage the recently implemented devices. Our third-party partners assist us in assuring that our RTOs are maintained in compliance with all relevant regulations and in avoiding or solving any maintenance-related issues. We hold quarterly, semi-annual- and annual maintenance evaluations and track this program within our CMS. We continue to install new RTOs at our facilities and anticipate leveraging the program at all applicable facilities, leading to improved efficiency and reduced emissions.
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En 2007, Greif estableció un programa de becas para ayudar a los hijos de nuestros colegas que planean continuar su educación en programas universitarios o de escuelas vocacionales. Los beneficiarios de las becas se seleccionan en función de la necesidad financiera, el historial académico, el liderazgo demostrado, la participación en actividades escolares y comunitarias, los honores, la declaración de aspiraciones y objetivos educativos, las circunstancias personales y familiares inusuales y una evaluación externa.

El programa es administrado por Scholarship Management Services, una división de Scholarship America. Scholarship Management Services es el diseñador y administrador más grande del país de programas de becas y reembolso de matrícula para corporaciones, fundaciones, asociaciones e individuos. Los premios se otorgan independientemente de la raza, el color, el credo, la religión, la orientación sexual, el género, la discapacidad o el origen nacional. Scholarship Management Services realiza la selección de los beneficiarios. En ningún caso, ningún funcionario o colega de Greif participa en la selección. En 2023, apoyamos 60 becas. Desde 2007, 336 estudiantes de todo el mundo han recibido becas patrocinadas por Greif.

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En 2021, lanzamos Greif University, nuestra plataforma de capacitación con diferentes ofertas de aprendizaje estratégico. Greif University funciona como un lugar unificado al que todos los empleados pueden acudir para desarrollarse. Actualmente, ofrecemos más de 20 000 cursos y módulos de aprendizaje de fuentes internas y externas en diferentes categorías, que incluyen Excelencia en el servicio al cliente, Salud y seguridad ambiental y Liderazgo y desarrollo profesional. Cada módulo está disponible en inglés y español para capacitar a los empleados en su idioma local. Desde el lanzamiento de Greif University, ha habido un aumento significativo en el uso de materiales de desarrollo y mayores tasas de finalización de la capacitación. También actualizamos Greif University a principios del año fiscal 2023, ampliando el acceso de los colegas a los cursos de LinkedIn Learning.
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El programa Lead to Last de Greif, lanzado en 2022 como parte de nuestro marco de desarrollo de liderazgo global, brinda a todos los líderes globales un modelo unificado de expectativas de liderazgo. Esta capacitación se ofrece a través de Greif University y se lleva a cabo en ciclos de 12 semanas en los que los participantes aprenden sobre liderazgo inclusivo, seguro y basado en valores. Lead to Last se centra en dotar a los participantes de la capacidad de:

  • Desarrollar una mentalidad de líder
  • Realizar reuniones individuales periódicas
  • Prepare a su equipo para obtener resultados
  • Crear una cultura de retroalimentación
  • Lidere a su equipo a través del cambio
  • Gestiona tu tiempo y energía

Greif introdujo las sesiones de Lead to Last en español, chino y portugués, además de inglés, en 2023. Desde el inicio del programa, 686 colegas han participado en él.

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All Greif colleagues in Canada and the United States have access to an employee assistance program (EAP). Greif’s EAP is a confidential work-based intervention program offering colleagues and their families informational services designed to enhance emotional, mental and general psychological well-being. The program provides preventive and proactive interventions for the early detection, identification and/or resolution of both work and personal problems that may adversely affect performance and well-being. These problems and issues may include but are not limited to, relationships, health, trauma, substance abuse, gambling and other addictions, financial problems, depression, anxiety disorders, psychiatric disorders, communication problems and coping with change.
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Each facility that achieves an MCR of zero wins the Chairman’s Safety Excellence Award. Globally, 97 of our production facilities received the award in 2023 and were recognized at a virtual ceremony.

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Greif’s long-term health and safety aspiration is to achieve zero accidents at all our facilities worldwide. While we recognize the challenge of this aspiration, 10 of our Global Industrial Packaging (GIP) facilities, including the following sites, have achieved ten or more years of accident-free operations:

  • Amaititlan, Guatemala – 16 years
  • Beloyarsky, Russia – 15 years
  • Omsk, Russia – 15 years
  • Delta Cincinnati, USA – 14 years
  • Volgograd, Russia – 15 years
  • Vung Tau, Vietnam – 12 years
  • Tri-Sure Vreeland/Vreeland Paint, Netherlands – 10 years
  • Kazan, Russia – 15 years
  • Vologda, Russia – 15 years
  • Mobeni, South Africa – 10 years

These achievements, as well as other zero injury facilities in 2023, provide strong models in support of our aspiration of zero accidents at all our facilities worldwide.

El sesgo inconsciente es la forma en que nuestro cerebro funciona para compensar la sobrecarga que puede inhibir el rendimiento y conducir a una mala toma de decisiones. Sesgo inconsciente: comprender el sesgo para liberar el potencial La oferta tiene como objetivo contrarrestar ese impacto negativo. El curso interactivo ayuda a nuestros líderes y colegas a abordar los prejuicios y los ayuda a prosperar, aumentando el rendimiento en sus áreas y en toda la empresa. Este curso se ha ofrecido a una pequeña cantidad de equipos y se lanza este año como una oferta de desarrollo central para toda la empresa, facilitada por nuestros propios facilitadores internos certificados. Esto se suma a nuestra amplia biblioteca de contenido para abordar y educar a nuestra empresa en torno al mundo de la DEI.
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Greif Sweden/Nordic is the first in the market to replace ink jet markings with laser markings on Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), reducing the use of solvent-based ink during production. By eliminating the use of solvents and ink, the production environment is cleaner. We also are able to reduce the weight of the IBC by one kilogram by removing the plate traditionally used for laser marking. We believe this innovation will set a new standard for markings on IBCs.
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Greif’s Knock Down Drums (KDD) offer the optimal sustainable solution for transporting steel drums to remote locations. Semi-finished drum parts are shipped and assembled locally on site with minimum people and equipment. The unique concept allows transportation of up to 1,176 KDDs in a 20’ sea container compared to 80 full finished drums, saving valuable space, optimizing transport costs and minimizing our customers’ carbon footprint during longer transit times. Drums are delivered directly to our customers’ filling station helping to improve efficiencies with minimum stock and less manual handling.
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Greif manufactured our first lighter weight 20 and 25-liter jerrycan models in 2015. This design is 15 percent lighter than the previous model while maintaining performance specifications of the previous design. Due to the reduced weight, the new jerrycans reduce materials and energy used in production by up to 15 percent and have a reduced emissions impact. In 2019, we expanded this product line to include sizes 16 and 18 liters. We now produce our lighter jerrycans in Italy, Israel, Sweden and Singapore.
COEX multilayer plastic packaging combines several layers of different plastics materials into a single structure and offers many barrier performance benefits, particularly for agrochemical and food packaging applications. However, when reground, COEX plastics can only be used in low performance applications. In response to our customers’ need for recyclable packaging with superior barrier performance, we created our ECOEX line of jerrycans. The ECOEX technology enables Greif to produce an innovative, multilayer jerrycan that can be recycled through regrinding processes to produce high performing, UN Certified jerrycans and bottles. ECOEX also reduces costs for our customers who typically pay an increased collection fee for COEX packaging collection after use. We continue to drive innovation that supports our circular economy strategy and meets our customers’ needs. The LATAM GIP team was awarded the 2021 Michael J. Gasser Sustainability Award for their contribution towards our circular economy strategy while meeting the needs of our customers.
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In order to respond to customer demands to remove weight and optimize transportation costs, our Greif Latin America colleagues designed a novel plastic drum innovation using a never seen before facetted side-wall approach for large plastic drums. This improvement removed up to 14 percent of the resin in the drum while maintaining performance. Not only does the design reduce raw material usage, it also optimized pallet utilization due to its unique configuration which allows more drums to be transported in the same space as the legacy design. The faceted drum is a more sustainable solution both in reducing natural resource consumption and lowering fossil fuel-based raw material usage and CO2 emissions during transportation.
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At Greif, we now have the ability to print high-resolution images directly onto steel drums using the latest print technologies. This capability is the direct result of an investment designed to meet the needs of customers who are looking for ways to differentiate their products and generate impactful packaging design to support the price point of high value products. In addition to adding value for our customers, this process eliminated the need for a standard gas oven, using LED-based UV curing during the production process. This new process saves 0.5 kilograms CO2 per drum. Greif strategically placed the new Drum 360 technology in plants close to customers who use this new technology, in the Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Poland.
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Greif’s GCUBE Connect solution, launched at LogiChem virtual conference, gives real time tracking information about a customer’s IBC through the application of an Internet of Things-based device. A customer-based dashboard displays in real time where an IBC is sited, the level of the filled product and the environmental temperature. This dashboard allows customers to plan in advance for deliveries of filled product and the arrival of new IBCs, as well as schedule collections of empty IBCs. GCUBE Connect also supports better management of residue in the IBCs. Each IBC that enters the facility is automatically weighed to determine how much residue is in the container to determine how it will be treated. This innovation pairs well with Greif France’s ability to pick up and drop off reconditioned IBCs from any site along a customer’s supply chain, as opposed to one single location. Together, they simplify the logistics for the customer and increase transparency.
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Greif’s Tri-Sure facility in Carol Stream collaborated with GIP North America purchasing, GIP Italy and four GIP NA plants to source 800,000 pounds of recycled plastic resins to use in the production of IBC rear/corner feet and corner protectors. This internal sourcing strategy reduced costs by $100,000. The team also reused empty corrugated bulk boxes to ship the recycled products they manufacture, reducing corrugated bulk box purchases by 84 percent. The project created company value and established environmental and financial benefits, while closing two internal loop systems and contributing to circular economy principles by diverting waste from landfills and finding a new purpose for them. Due to the outstanding sustainability impact of the project and its ability to be scaled to other molding and injection molding facilities, the project and Tri-Sure Carol Stream team was awarded the Michael J. Gasser Sustainability Award.
Conical Drums
For the past 20 years Greif’s RIPS facility in Iberia, Portugal has been supplying customers with reconditioned conical drums, having reconditioned over 10 million drums and saving 50,000 tons of steel, 197,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions, 2,600,000 gigajoules of energy and 343,200 cubic meters of water in the process. The project was initially started as a way to help address our customers’ wish to reduce waste and lower their carbon footprint and overall improve customer satisfaction. The team collaborated with customers to understand their needs, including volume, specification requirements and safety, developed a reconditioning process and ultimately installed a reconditioning line to begin serving customers. Today, the facility serves a multitude of customers, reconditioning 500,000 conical drums and saving 5,200 tons of steel each year.
In 2020, Greif made investments and established multiple joint ventures in order to expand the scale and capabilities of the reuse, recycling and reconditioning services we provide. In April of 2020, Greif acquired a minority stake in Centurion Container LLC, expanding our intermediate bulk container (IBC) reconditioning network in North America. In August of 2020, Greif established a joint venture with Delta Plastics, the leading independent supplier of reconditioned IBCs in the United Kingdom. Finally, in December of 2020, Greif acquired a minority stake in LAF s.r.l., expanding IBC reconditioning services for our Italy-based customers. We look forward to working with our partners to continue to reduce our environmental impact through cradle to cradle solutions.
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Greif’s LCS facility in Lille, France has taken significant steps to innovate the logistics associated with offering reconditioning services to our customers. Traditionally, empty IBCs were picked up from and delivered to a single location for a single customer. LCS Lille has begun picking up from locations along our customers supply chain, then delivering reconditioned IBCs back to our customers, simplifying logistics for our customers. Lille has also implemented Datamatrix, a traceability system that allows us to record all production steps from reception to delivery, have visibility into the origins of an IBC and provide a real time view of our inventory in support of overall enhanced customer service. Datamatrix also supports better management of residue in the IBCs they collect. Each IBC that enters the facility is automatically weighed to determine how much residue is in the container and inform how it is treated. With Datamatrix, this information can be sent directly back to customers to improve how they manage IBCs that are ready for pick-up. Lille uses a closed loop water system for water that is used to clean IBCs recycling 100 percent of the water they use, and collects, treats and shreds plastic that is used to manufacture new IBCs and plastic drums.
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The CorrChoice GreenGuard® product line provides our customers with a food safe recyclable and repulpable alternative to supplemental materials, such as plastic liners. Our GreenGuard® line of paper coatings are safe for direct contact with most food types and feature oil, grease, water, moisture and abrasion resistance as well as an innovative wax replacement technology. By applying the coating to corrugated containers, we eliminate the need for supplemental materials used in many food applications. We work with our customers to ensure our products meet their needs for safe and secure food handling while providing packaging products that are 100% recyclable and repulpable, advancing our circular economy strategy while enabling our customers to meet their sustainability objectives.

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