Disponible en América del Norte
Recubrimientos de papel
A coated sheet might be better for you.
High-performance, functional, and decorative color coatings make for the best corrugated sheets, boxes, and bulk bins.
Coated containerboard or paper is inherently a better product. Customers choose coating for the improved protection, durability, and strength over the standard paperboard product of similar weight. If quality and performance will be put to the test, this is a great option to consider for your packaging needs.
Coatings also lend a smooth and even surface for printing, resulting in higher-quality images and better color reproduction to enhance the appearance of your or your customer’s products.
Funciones/opciones adicionales:
- Abrasion Resistance
- Anti-Static
- Colors & Overprints
- Corrosion Inhibitors
- Non-Skids
- Oil & Grease Resistance
- Release Technology
- Water & Moisture Resistance
Fastest Turnaround
With the addition of a second coater, Greif offers the fastest turnaround times in the US.
High Performance
Innovative wax replacement technology.
Solutions for Your Industry
Greif offers specialty coatings for bakery, meat, and produce applications.
Paper Coatings Specifications
Coating Capabilities
Our Corrugated Sheets come in single-wall, double-wall, triple-wall. The coating is applicable on a single side or both sides.
Size Capabilities
Greif's Paper Rolls are available in 98" Maximum Slit Capability with various liner substrates. They can unwind and rewind on 4" to 12" cores.
Greif operates two-rod coaters in-line, which allows us to apply multiple coatings in one-pass through our operation We operate a Kohler Water Deck that applies water to the backside of the sheet for better moisture control.
Safety first
Changing the game with innovation
The work of our team to develop new and innovative coatings means a better outcome for the planet and its people.
Rigorous testing and QA
We use industry-leading equipment in our labs to ensure maximum quality outputs for our customers. This equipment includes Sutherland Rub Testers, COBB Testers, Slide Angles, Moisture Oven Testers, and more.
FSC Certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that produce environmental, social, and economic benefits.
Abrasion Resistance
Colors and Overprints
Mercados a los que prestamos servicios
Desde los productos que nos mantienen en movimiento hasta los que nos hacen hermosos, Greif se enorgullece de satisfacer las necesidades únicas de una amplia gama de industrias globales.
Embalaje para venta minorista
La red de alimentadores de láminas dedicados de Greif fabrica láminas corrugadas, desde construcciones de tableros de pared simple a triple, con una variedad de ondulaciones, calidades de papel, recubrimientos y servicios de prueba.
En Greif, tenemos décadas de experiencia en el diseño y producción de envases que protegen los alimentos de fuentes de contaminación y cumplen con estrictas normas de seguridad alimentaria.
La sostenibilidad es nuestro objetivo
Greif’s Paper and Packaging Services Group is a fully integrated company, making 100% recycled paperboard products and packaging.
High-quality paper comes standard with a high-quality relationship.
Greif customers – you or your peers – value Greif as a partner. They don’t view us as a transactional partner only. We are technical experts and advocates on behalf of you and your needs.
Every year, the investments made at Greif locations are significant, but what we invest beyond advanced machinery and innovative processes matters most. We invest time into our customers and value into our shared relationship.
Did you know that Greif established an updated mission statement to be the best-performing customer service company in the world? What that means for you is whether you are selecting the extensive coated paper packaging capabilities or looking for anything else in the Greif catalogar, it is the duty of all of us to make sure your needs are met, and your expectations are exceeded. It’s the Greif way.
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Los datos, dimensiones e información sobre productos y servicios que se ofrecen en este sitio web se consideran valores nominales para uso general en la evaluación de productos y servicios para aplicaciones específicas de los clientes. No se consideran especificaciones de fabricación.
Línea directa de ética de Greif
Para informar inquietudes sobre posibles violaciones éticas o de cumplimiento de forma confidencial y anónima, visite www.greif.ethicspoint.com o, en América del Norte, puede realizar una llamada gratuita al 866-834-1825. Fuera de América del Norte, donde esté disponible, siga las instrucciones en www.greif.ethicspoint.com en "Reportar un mensaje".
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