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Available in North America, Europe, and SEA

NexDrum® / Valerex

Grupo NexDrum y ValerexGrupo NexDrum y Valerex

Colorful plastic barrels - engineered for unprecedented reliability and handling efficiency

The NexDrum is engineered to meet the needs and requirements of today’s challenges, the rigors of the most demanding industrial environments and regulations. Designed with easier handling in mind, the NexDrum plastic drum has an extruded straight-sided body with an injection molded top and bottom. What’s more, a unique manufacturing process ensures excellent durability with consistency in diameter, wall thickness, and weight.

Funciones/opciones adicionales:

Chemical and Food Capable

The blow-molded NexDrum allows for storage of chemical or food commodities, where high cleanliness and high chemical resistance are imperative.

Automated Filling Compliant

Designed for use with automated filling lines, NexDrum offers improved stability on automatic filling lines due to a 180-degree flat injected molded bottom footring.


Unique design and plentiful color options make this drum stand out and represent brands in a positive and impactful way.

La más amplia gama de especificaciones

estándares verdes

  • Due to the extrusion of the body drum and the welding of top and bottoms, NexDrum and Valerex offer the opportunity to have different drum heights and volumes.
  • Transparent bodies are also available with volume scale for unique tailor made solutions

customization 1

  • Volumes
  • Colors - any PMS color code
  • Conveyors for bottom engagement
  • Light or Open head

Just about any color can color your drums

With NexDRUM, the possibilities are seemingly endless. The top and bottom rings can each be colored independently of the plastic drum body. In total, that could mean three separate pieces of the same drum in three unique and different colors.

Your colors.

With NexDRUM, it's easily achievable. Color options make your packaging a reflection of your brand's individual style and personality. With the durable construction and high-quality sound of NexDRUM, you can be sure that your drums will not only look great but also perform.

Still curious? Ask Greif

Safety first

A plastic solution for chemicals

With a specific multi-layer technology, the A-drum offers the opportunity to use plastic drums even with surfactants at critical temperature conditions.


Improved efficiencies

The Valerex drum from Greif is ideally suited for state-of-the-art automatic filling lines that boost operational efficiencies. The injected bottom and 180-degree footring mean the product is less likely to warp or skew, an essential factor in machine automation.

NexDrum Animation
dolor gráfico más 2


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Desde los productos que nos mantienen en movimiento hasta los que nos hacen hermosos, Greif se enorgullece de satisfacer las necesidades únicas de una amplia gama de industrias globales.

La sostenibilidad es nuestro objetivo

La red de proveedores de servicios de ciclo de vida de Greif en América del Norte y Europa puede extender la vida útil de los envases usados y reciclar de manera responsable las materias primas que los componen al final de sus ciclos de vida.


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Para informar inquietudes sobre posibles violaciones éticas o de cumplimiento de forma confidencial y anónima, visite www.greif.ethicspoint.com o, en América del Norte, puede realizar una llamada gratuita al 866-834-1825. Fuera de América del Norte, donde esté disponible, siga las instrucciones en www.greif.ethicspoint.com en "Reportar un mensaje".

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