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Disponible a nivel mundial

Tambor de derribo (KDD)

A graphic showcasing the knock down drum, a drum that is shipped in pieces and assembled on siteA graphic showcasing the knock down drum, a drum that is shipped in pieces and assembled on site

The optimal sustainable solution for transporting steel drums to remote locations

Greif’s Patented Concept: Ship semi-finished drum parts to be assembled locally with a basic line.

Funciones/opciones adicionales:

Optimized Packaging

Reduce working capital and save space with drums are at your door according to your specifications and delivered when you need to fill them. Ideal for just in time manufacturing.

Near or Far

Ideally suited for plants far away from industrial areas, many drums can be exported in ISO-containers over long distances and assembled locally with a more manageable investment.


Minimize your CO2 footprint - 1200 Knock Down Drums fit in a single ISO container, where the max is only eighty for standard drums.

A Knockdown Alternative

A knock-down steel drum, also known as a “dismantled” or “unassembled” drum, is a type of steel drum container shipped in pieces and assembled by the customer on-site. This design allows for more efficient shipping and storage, as the drums take up less space and allow handling in a flat or partially disassembled form. Additionally, knock-down drums are generally more affordable than fully-assembled drums, as they are less expensive to manufacture and transport.

La más amplia gama de especificaciones

estándares verdes

Optional screen printing or lithography on body

  • Colors
  • Plastic and steel caps
  • Plástico
  • Plain and lacquered plugs
  • Plugs


Safety first

Less manual handling of inventoried drums


The right quality at the right time

Improved efficiencies with minimum stock and less manual handling.
dolor gráfico más 2


Estamos acelerando el proceso de pedidos.

En las plantas de Greif en toda América del Norte se está implementando una nueva y mejorada plataforma de pedidos digitales. Esto significa que usted podrá hacer negocios con Greif de una manera más sencilla y eficiente.

Mercados a los que prestamos servicios

Desde los productos que nos mantienen en movimiento hasta los que nos hacen hermosos, Greif se enorgullece de satisfacer las necesidades únicas de una amplia gama de industrias globales.

La sostenibilidad es nuestro objetivo

La red de proveedores de servicios de ciclo de vida de Greif en América del Norte y Europa puede extender la vida útil de los envases usados y reciclar de manera responsable las materias primas que los componen al final de sus ciclos de vida.

What is it like to order collapsable steel drums from Greif?

For starters, we work together. Greif and the colleagues who make the company stand out as a premier provider of steel drums, like the knockdown option shown here, work with every customer to deliver the best solution for their needs. It’s about more than providing a barrel to put things in; it’s a collaborative process that finds the best outcomes for you and your customers and end-users.

Did you know that Greif established an updated mission statement to be the best-performing customer service company in the world? What that means for you is whether you are selecting a drum to assemble on-site or anything else in the Greif catalogar, it is the duty of all of us to make sure your needs are met, and your expectations are exceeded. It’s the Greif way.


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Los datos, dimensiones e información sobre productos y servicios que se ofrecen en este sitio web se consideran valores nominales para uso general en la evaluación de productos y servicios para aplicaciones específicas de los clientes. No se consideran especificaciones de fabricación.


Línea directa de ética de Greif
Para informar inquietudes sobre posibles violaciones éticas o de cumplimiento de forma confidencial y anónima, visite www.greif.ethicspoint.com o, en América del Norte, puede realizar una llamada gratuita al 866-834-1825. Fuera de América del Norte, donde esté disponible, siga las instrucciones en www.greif.ethicspoint.com en "Reportar un mensaje".

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