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GCUBE IBC for Elektron Zones


One of the safest solutions for EX zones 1+2

The Greif GCUBE IBC-Elektron uses multi-layer technology approved for EX zones. High performance is paramount and thanks to the use of special additives in co-extrusion technology, the outer layer has a permanent antistatic surface layer and the discharging valve produced with conductive PE is grounded through the cage and the pallet.

Funciones/opciones adicionales:

Antistatic Properties

The outer layer has a permanent antistatic surface layer, and the discharging valve is produced with conductive PE is grounded through the cage and the pallet.

The Strongest Cage

GCUBE offers the strongest cage on the market.

Easy Labeling

GCUBE can be equipped with three different sizes of label plates and label plates can be fixed to all four sides of the IBC.

GCUBE IBC for Elektron Zones

estándares verdes

La más amplia gama de especificaciones

  • 150 mm and 225 mm openings available with various types of ventilation and hybrid or wooden pallets
  • 2" and 3" valves with over-coated HDPE layer able to ensure only one material in contact with filled products
  • Gcube Elektron is also available with antistatic for food contact (GCube Food) and with barrier properties to avoid gas permeation (GCube Shield)

customization 1

Customization Options

  • Lids
  • Nameplates
  • Valve selection
  • Multi layer bottle colors
  • Detectable
  • Hybrid pallet



Avoid risks of deflagration with GCUBE ELEKTRON

Protect your people and your customers using GCUBE ELEKTRON which ensures avoidance of deflagration typical of steel protected IBCs


When filling and emptying the product level is visible

GCUBE ELEKTRON avoids steel covers to achieve the antistatic requirements, keeping visible the level of the filled product. If the product must be protected against sunlight, use black or white resin.

dolor gráfico más 2


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Mercados a los que prestamos servicios

Desde los productos que nos mantienen en movimiento hasta los que nos hacen hermosos, Greif se enorgullece de satisfacer las necesidades únicas de una amplia gama de industrias globales.

La sostenibilidad es nuestro objetivo

La red de proveedores de servicios de ciclo de vida de Greif en América del Norte y Europa puede extender la vida útil de los envases usados y reciclar de manera responsable las materias primas que los componen al final de sus ciclos de vida.

Let's make our potential energy kinetic

Greif is energized by its customers and their needs. It is the goal of Greif to provide legendary customer service. That means putting our combined potential into motion together – for your needs.

 Greif and the colleagues who make the company stand out as a premier provider of industrial packaging work with every customer to deliver the best solution for their needs. It’s about more than providing a tote to put things in; it’s a collaborative process that finds the best outcomes for you and, of course, your customers and end-users.

Did you know that Greif established an updated mission statement to be the best-performing customer service company in the world? What that means for you is whether you are selecting an IBC or anything else in the Greif catalogar, it is the duty of all of us to ensure your needs are met, and your expectations are exceeded. It’s the Greif way.


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