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Blog, Innovación, Sostenibilidad

Greif avanza con energías renovables en América Latina

Hacia el futuro con Indorama Ventures: Eficiencia en el transporte de paquetes y reducción de hasta 25% en emisiones de CO2 con gas natural vehicular 

At Greif, we understand the importance of partnership working between our customers and suppliers. It’s how we ensure that we’re providing the utmost level of customer service and innovation, while allowing us to develop more sustainable supply chains.

Offering customers sustainable transportation solutions is a prime example of partnership collaboration. Before the pandemic, a customized trailer was designed and installed by Greif to maximize the transportation capacity of the drums.

Recently, based on a solid culture of innovation, Greif decided to go even further, reducing carbon emissions by switching from diesel-powered to natural gas transport vehicle, affording to Indorama Ventures an innovative transport solution in industrial packaging, reducing CO2 emissions by up to 25%.

It was possible due to a joint initiative of Greif, Indorama Ventures and BT Logistica Integrada, led by Greif in Brazil, focused on sustainability and its impact on the planet.

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