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Strategic Integration

Strategic Priorities

Greif’s sustainability strategies support the Company’s vision of, in industrial packaging, be the best performing customer service company in the world. Our sustainability strategies also demonstrate our commitment to conducting business The Greif Way and contribute to creating shared value for our customers, stakeholders and the environment. We invite you to explore our strategic integration graphic, which highlights how Greif’s sustainability program is embedded throughout our entire business.

In 2019, we surveyed Greif’s senior leaders to better understand how Greif uses and transforms financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and natural capital to create value for our company. These conversations reinforced the importance of our sustainability investments in executing our business strategies.

In 2020, we conducted a gap analysis comparing our current climate management practices to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. It has enabled us to identify areas for improvement regarding our climate strategy. Using this information, we took actions to improve governance, conducted scenario analyses, and established our emissions target. Please visit the Climate Strategy section of our report to learn more about our TCFD gap analysis.

arrow white padded minInvest in our people and teams to foster a strong culture of colleague engagement and accountability.strategic priority 1 min
arrow white padded minDeliver industry leading customer service excellence to achieve superior customer satisfaction and loyalty.strategic priority 2 min
arrow white padded minStrive for and realize performance excellence and value creation.strategic priority 3 min
In industrial packaging, be the best performing customer service company in the world.

We further reinforced that our sustainability strategies are appropriately focused during our 2020 materiality assessment. The assessment validated that our material topics address both internal and external sustainability impacts, while uncovering a need to take additional steps to strengthen our management of Climate Strategy, Circular Economy—including Cradle to Cradle Manufacturing, Reconditioning, Reuse & Recycling, Innovation and Supply Chain Management—and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, which are discussed in those sections of our report. At the conclusion of the materiality assessment, we reviewed strategic plans to enhance our governance, goals, KPIs and overall management approach to these topics with our ELT, and we began implementing those plans in 2021.

In 2021, we focused our Leadership Council, our top leaders, on ESG, with specific attention to key issues including Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Waste Reduction, Energy Reduction, Environmental Compliance and Circularity and Innovation. We held workshops and collaborated in teams to strengthen our management approach of the key issues. We also incorporated ESG KPIs in our monthly Must Win Battle scorecard, CEO Enterprise Scorecard, Greif Business System (GBS) book and capital approval process to improve governance and further operationalize sustainability within our businesses. We plan to continue using the findings from our materiality assessment and TCFD gap analysis to drive our strategic plan in 2022.

Financial Capital

Key material topicsInnovation, Financial Performance, Ethics & Compliance, Security, Product Quality

Greif generates financial capital through a sharp focus on customer service excellence and disciplined operational execution. These focal areas, combined with attracting and retaining a skilled workforce and continuing to innovate to meet our customers’ expectations, result in strong financial returns and profits for our stakeholders.

Human Capital

Key material topicsTalent Attraction, Development & Retention, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Health & Safety, Human Rights & Fair Labor Practices, Customer Service Excellence, Financial Performance

There continues to be a strong, and growing, demand for skilled labor in our organization despite advances in automation. Our investments in training and development are aimed at providing our approximately 16,000 colleagues with the skills they need to perform their jobs, serve our customers and move our company into the future. Collectively, human capital has the capability to impact our performance more so than any other form of capital.

Social Capital

Key material topicsCustomer Service Excellence, Cradle to Cradle Manufacturing, Reconditioning, Reuse & RecyclingInnovation, Ethics & Compliance

As a global organization, we must maintain the trust of a large and complex group of stakeholders. Whether through collaboration with our customers, partnerships we establish with academic institutions and other NGOs, or any other interaction we have with our stakeholders, we work to instill high quality relationships by demonstrating our commitment to The Greif Way and responsible business practices. Our sustainability initiatives help us communicate these commitments and directly impact our brand, reputation and willingness for customers to do business with us.

Intellectual Capital

Key material topicsInnovation, Supply Chain Management

Innovation and new technologies have the potential to be great differentiators. Our innovation activities, thought leadership and collaboration with customers and other external stakeholders are critical elements of developing, demonstrating and leveraging our intellectual capital. Focusing on innovation and developing our intellectual capital allows us to identify new business models and solutions that will lead to new opportunities that can positively impact Greif’s financial results. As many of our customers set long-term goals, particularly on environmental topics such as energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions and waste reduction, we are positioning ourselves, and our products, to help them meet their objectives.

Manufactured Capital

Key material topicsProduct Quality, Supply Chain Management, Cradle to Cradle Manufacturing, Reconditioning, Reuse & Recycling, Risk Management & Business Continuity

Greif’s global footprint is a key differentiator and critical component to how we protect and grow our business. Our investments in and maintenance of our facilities, production lines and capabilities and products we manufacture are directly tied to our ability to generate revenue. They also provide an opportunity to operate more efficiently, minimize our risk exposure and reduce our environmental impact by applying circular economy principles and executing on our strategies to reduce our footprint.

Natural Capital

Key material topicsEnvironmental Management Systems, Climate Strategy, Water, Waste, BiodiversityInnovation, Supply Chain Management, Cradle to Cradle Manufacturing, Reconditioning, Reuse & Recycling

Greif relies heavily on the use of natural resources in our business. Through the materials we source, manufacturing processes we implement and logistics that enable our supply chain, we have a responsibility to minimize our consumption of natural resources, and reduce our footprint, as much as possible. Over time, as natural resources become more constrained and regulations over the use of them continue to advance, these resources will become more valuable and organizations that have worked to responsibly manage and minimize use of them where possible will be better positioned to compete. Each of our sustainability strategies to reduce our footprint and advance circular economy principles is aimed at reducing our use of natural capital, engaging our customers and supply chain to do the same and establishing partnerships that will help us advance these priorities more quickly.




Our people—principled, intelligent and reliable—reaffirm our reputation for integrity every day with their every action.


Years of Experience

For the past 145 years, the world’s most important products have travelled around the world in Greif industrial packaging.

Sustainability Strategies

Addressing Risk

  • Ethics & Compliance
  • Security

Financial Performance & Profitable Growth

Reducing Our Footprint

  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Strategy
  • Environmental Management Systems
  • Waste
  • Water

The Greif Way

  • Ethical
  • Strong through Diversity
  • Serious About Sustainability
  • Committed to Continuous Improvement


  • Reduce absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions 28 percent over a 2019 baseline by 2030. Greif will also complete an assessment of Scope 3 emissions and determine the feasibility of a long-term net zero emissions aspiration by the end of 2023.
  • Reduce Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) discharged in kilograms by 10 percent per metric ton of production from Riverville and Massillon mills using a 2014 baseline by the end of fiscal year 2025.
  • Divert 90 percent of waste from landfills from all Greif production facilities globally by the end of fiscal year 2025.
  • Provide online training of the Greif Code of Conduct to 100 percent of colleagues with access to computers by the end of fiscal year 2025.
  • Provide training and information on the Greif Anti-bribery Policy to 100 percent of colleagues for whom training is relevant by the end of fiscal year 2025.
  • Provide online training of the Fair Treatment of Others Policy to 100 percent of colleagues with access to computers and provide accessible and traceable information to all colleagues by the end of fiscal year 2025.

Sustainability Strategies

Delivering Superior Customer Service

  • Customer Service Excellence
  • Product Quality

Reducing Our Footprint

  • Supply Chain Management

Addressing Risk

  • Risk Management & Business Continuity

Advancing Circular Economy

  • Cradle to Cradle Manufacturing, Reconditioning, Reuse & Recycling
  • Innovation

The Greif Way

  • Ethical
  • Serious About Sustainability
  • Committed to Continuous
  • Improvement


  • Using a fiscal year 2017 baseline, reduce raw materials/logistical costs used to produce current product offering by one percent by the end of fiscal year 2025.
  • Move from non-green (oil-based, more energy intensive) to green material sourcing if it is economically feasible and doing so provides high quality products to our customers by the end of fiscal year 2025.

Estrategias de sustentabilidad

Abordar el riesgo

  • Ética y Cumplimiento
  • Seguridad

Rendimiento financiero y crecimiento rentable

Reduciendo Nuestra Huella

  • Biodiversidad
  • Estrategia Climática
  • Sistemas de Gestión Ambiental
  • Desperdicio
  • Agua

El Camino Greif

  • Ético
  • Fuerte a través de la diversidad
  • Serios sobre la sustentabilidad
  • Comprometidos con la Mejora Continua


  • Reducir las emisiones absolutas de GEI de Alcance 1 y Alcance 2 en un 28% con respecto a la base de referencia de 2019 para 2030.
    Greif también completará una evaluación de las emisiones de Alcance 3 y determinará la viabilidad de una aspiración de emisiones netas cero a largo plazo para finales de 2023.
  • Reducir la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO) descargada en kilogramos en un 10 por ciento por tonelada métrica de producción de las plantas de Riverville y Massillon utilizando una línea de base de 2014 para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • Desviar el 90 por ciento de los desechos de los vertederos de todas las instalaciones de producción de Greif a nivel mundial para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • Brindar capacitación en línea sobre el Código de conducta de Greif al 100 % de los colegas con acceso a computadoras para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • Brindar capacitación e información sobre la Política antisoborno de Greif al 100 % de los colegas para quienes la capacitación sea relevante para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • Brindar capacitación en línea sobre la Política de trato justo a los demás al 100 por ciento de los colegas con acceso a computadoras y brindar información accesible y rastreable a todos los colegas para fines del año fiscal 2025.

Estrategias de sustentabilidad

Brindar un servicio al cliente superior

  • Excelencia en el servicio al cliente
  • Calidad del producto

Reduciendo Nuestra Huella

  • Gestión de la cadena de suministro

Abordar el riesgo

  • Gestión de Riesgos y Continuidad del Negocio

Promoción de la economía circular

  • Fabricación, reacondicionamiento, reutilización y reciclaje de la cuna a la cuna
  • Innovación

El Camino Greif

  • Ético
  • Serios sobre la sustentabilidad
  • Comprometidos con la Continuidad
  • Mejora


  • Usando una línea de base del año fiscal 2017, reducir los costos de materias primas/logística utilizados para producir la oferta actual de productos en un uno por ciento para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • Pasar del abastecimiento de materiales no ecológicos (basados en petróleo, más intensivos en energía) al ecológico si es económicamente factible y, al hacerlo, proporciona productos de alta calidad a nuestros clientes para fines del año fiscal 2025.

Estrategias de sustentabilidad

Valorando a Nuestra Gente

  • Diversidad, equidad e inclusión
  • Salud y Seguridad
  • Derechos humanos y prácticas laborales justas
  • Atracción, Desarrollo y Retención de Talento

El Camino Greif

  • Ético
  • Fuerte a través de la diversidad


  • El 100 por ciento de los colegas permanentes participarán en discusiones periódicas sobre el desarrollo del desempeño para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • Utilizando la línea de base del año fiscal 2017, aumente el promedio de horas de capacitación anual por colegas en un 50 por ciento para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • El 100 por ciento de los colegas estarán cubiertos por la licencia parental para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • Reducir la tasa de casos médicos en un 10 % anual para lograr un 100 % de seguridad (tasa de casos médicos cero) a largo plazo.
  • Cada planta tendrá un comité colaborativo de salud y seguridad ambiental compuesto por la gerencia y los trabajadores para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • El 100 por ciento de nuestras operaciones estará sujeta a revisiones internas de derechos humanos, medidas en un ciclo continuo, para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • El 100 por ciento de los colegas estarán capacitados en políticas y procedimientos de derechos humanos para fines del año fiscal 2025.
  • Utilizando la línea de base del año fiscal 2017, aumentar la proporción de mujeres en puestos gerenciales en un 25 por ciento para fines del año fiscal 2025.

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