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Greif China Delegation Presents at Sixth Annual Chemical Packaging & Logistics Forum

cf75f014f44454887690fae4f003b3b6418670faOn December 12-13, 2019, Greif China Rigid Industrial Packaging & Services (RIPS), Flexible Products & Services (FPS), Delta and Tri-Sure commercial teams attended the Sixth Annual Chemical Packaging & Logistics Forum (CPLF) in Kunshan China. The forum, which seeks solutions to existing problems within the chemical packaging and logistics industry, also provides enterprises with an outstanding networking opportunity to form new business partnerships.

While in attendance, the Greif China delegation delivered a speech, “Innovation Creates Customer Value”.  The message was a broad opportunity to highlight Greif’s innovative packaging strategies and services and how they add customer value across numerous industries.

More than 500 delegates in total from the trading, packaging, chemical manufacturing and transportation industries attended the forum. Our Greif China delegation is excited to announce the expansion opportunities they established involving our large steel drum production, IBC enhancements and our Delta Filling and Warehouse operations that will launch Greif into new ventures for domestic and global growth operations in the New Year.

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