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Greif Okemah



Greif Okemah

Rohre und Kerne

1000 Glen Johnson-Schleife
Okemah, OK 74859
Vereinigte Staaten 


Tubes and cores in Oklahoma City

Due East of OKC is the small town of Okemah, where Greif produces packaging tubes for various customers and use cases. The address of the facility is 1000 Glen Johnson Loop, Okemah, OK 74859.

Greif offers a wide range of cores for film, plastic, and metalized materials. These cores have different strengths and can be customized with adhesive or tape. They come in blade end-cut or saw-cut finishes and can be packaged as per customer specifications. Additional features include inside and outside printing, seamless cores, and paper and plastic core plugs. Manufacturers of various films and converters of flexible packaging and foils use these cores. The core designs are specific to each film application and maintain tight dimensional tolerances.
GREIF’s packaging cores offer various strengths, adhesive or tape options, and end-cut styles. They can be customized, printed, and packaged to customer specifications. Both paper and plastic core plugs are available.

Okemah – Tubes and Cores
1000 Glen Johnson-Schleife
Okemah OK 74859
Vereinigte Staaten

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