For Linda Macey, to #BeLegendär means she is recognized and appreciated for her dedicated years of service to Greif customers. “When you love what you do, it is easy to give it all you’ve got. We have wonderful internal and external customers, and I am thankful to have worked with so many over the years.
With 26 years of experience in construction products, it’s engrained within me to deliver exceptional customer service. My industry knowledge and skills allow me to remain engaged with and help my fellow CSRs and Sales Managers. I know wholeheartedly that working together as One Team will always leave a positive impression on our customers.”
Mike Reiser, Sales Director of Strategic Accounts, West Region, shared inspirational feedback with Linda. “During my first week of digging into the West to get familiar with the Construction customer base, I met with Scott Liles and Jeff Eshleman who kept complimenting Linda Macey and saying how her incredible customer service skills made everything so easy for them. They didn’t say it just once, but they said it over and over and over again!”
Linda knows listening and communicating are essential, and she puts those skills to use during every interaction. “When a customer is upset, I know there is always a solution. Customers can contact us at any time by email or phone, so I make it a priority to promptly answer all emails. If I’m unable to assist right away, I explain I will look into the matter and get back to them shortly. I often call customers by phone because it is easier to get to know them and understand their needs through verbal conversation.
It is always meaningful to me when a customer acknowledges and appreciates what I have done for them. Some longtime customers still call me to place their orders or ask for information. I always let them know they can contact their local branch, but they tell me they would rather talk to me.”
Thanks for demonstrating what #BeLegendär means and creating a legacy.