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Liquipak Fibre Drum

With a Host of Lining and Barrier Choices, Liquipak® Addresses Liquid Handling Concerns
Liquipak® was developed by Greif specifically for use in Liquid and Semi-Liquid Applications. Hard-to-hold liquids are no problem for Liquipak® Liquipak® drums are compliant with NMFC requirements for up to 700 lbs. (317.5 kg) of liquid material.
Zusätzliche Funktionen/Optionen:
- Full laminated plastic interior surface
- Incorporated plastic lining system securely bonded to the drum sidewall and bottom as an integrated laminate
- Corrosion-resistant alternatives are available for top and bottom chime (as well as steel covers).
Excellent Performance
Liquipak® fibre drums feature a full laminated plastic interior surface with a heat-sealed seam caulked bottom juncture, and plastic or steel cover.
The Weatherpak® is an enhanced version of the Liquipak® drum with added resistance to exterior wet and humid storage conditions. It combines enhanced protection with the usual pros of fibre drums; lightweight, high stack strength, thermal stability, durable, easy to handle, with its ability to hold semi-liquid and liquid non-hazardous products.
Harvestpak® Drums feature all the standard Liquipak benefits but are ideally suited for food products. Food-friendliness is due to their aseptic bag-in-fibre drum system, developed specifically for shipping tomato paste, purees, and other food products.
Liquipak® Fibre Drum Specifications

Die größte Auswahl an Spezifikationen
- Drum body exteriors can be decorated
- Various linings available for hard-to-hold aqueous products or barriers to gases

- Full laminated plastic interior
- Caulked bottom juncture
- Different options for chimes and cover
- Available with Weatherpak construction
- High barrier laminated liner option
- Polyester lining option

- Anpassbar
- Auskleidungen
- Abdeckungen

- Appropriate for semi-liquid and liquid goods
- Leakproof design
- Increased corrosion resistance
- Added resistance to wet/humid storage/transport conditions
- Product protection for self-sealing liquids
- Product protection for solvent-containing liquids
- Product protection for full liquids
Liquipak® technology and use
The Liquipak drum is a fiber drum manufactured by Greif, a global company specializing in industrial packaging solutions.
The Liquipak drum is a composite fiber drum made up of multiple layers of materials, including an outer fiber container and a plastic inner liner. The outer container layer comprises paper or plant-based fibers such as wood pulp or recycled paper. The inner liner is made of polyethylene, resistant to chemicals and UV light, and can hold a wide range of products.
The Liquipak drum can be stackable, allowing for efficient storage and transportation. It has a capacity of around 55 gallons and features a 2-inch valve for easy dispensing of contents. The Liquipak drum is designed to be a sustainable alternative to traditional metal or plastic drums and is used in a variety of industries, including chemical, food, and beverage.

Drum Decoration
Drum body exteriors can be decorated with company logos, product information and/or trademarks
Optimal performance depending on needs

Sicherheit geht vor
Compliant with NMFC Requirements
Liquipak® drums are compliant with NMFC
requirements for up to 700 lbs. (317.5 kg)
of liquid material.
What is it like to order Liquipak Fibre Drums from Greif?
Zunächst einmal arbeiten wir zusammen. Greif und unsere Kollegen arbeiten mit jedem Kunden zusammen, um die beste Lösung für seine Bedürfnisse zu finden. Es geht um mehr als nur darum, ein Fass bereitzustellen, in das man Dinge packen kann; es ist ein kollaborativer Prozess, der die besten Ergebnisse für Sie und natürlich Ihre Kunden und Endnutzer findet.
Wussten Sie, dass Greif ein aktualisiertes Leitbild erstellt hat, um das leistungsstärkste Kundendienstunternehmen der Welt zu sein? Was das für Sie bedeutet, ist, ob Sie ein 55-Gallonen-Stahlfass oder etwas anderes im Greif-Sortiment auswählen. Katalog, es ist die Pflicht von uns allen, dafür zu sorgen, dass Ihre Bedürfnisse erfüllt und Ihre Erwartungen übertroffen werden. Es ist der Greif-Weg.
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