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GCUBE IBC with Plastic Pallet
GCUBE: one of the strongest packaging products on the market
The plastic pallet IBC combines from Greif offers the strongest cage on the market with a more enduring pallet concept. No more one-way use here.
Zusätzliche Funktionen/Optionen:
- Different openings are available for all types of ventilation
- Suitable for dip-tube and agitator
- Valves with HDPE overcoating to ensure the purity of the product
- Perfect for automated warehouses
- Designed with antislip inserts to increase safety when transporting
Performance and cost-effectiveness in one offering is what "value" is all about. High value is what GCUBE is all about.
The Strongest Cage
GCUBE IBC offers the strongest cage on the market, meaning it can handle the rigors of transport and storage more effectively than less-suited totes on the market.
Easy Labeling
GCUBE can be equipped with three different sizes of label plates and label plates can be fixed to all four sides of the IBC.
GCUBE IBC with Plastic Pallet
The widest range of specifications
- 150 mm and 225 mm openings available with all types of ventilation
- suitable for dip-tube and agitator
- 2" and 3" valves with over-coated HDPE layer able to ensure only one material in contact with filled products
Customization Options
- Lids
- Nameplates
- Valve selection
- Anti slip
- Bottle colors
- Pallet
Learn how the dynamic life of an IBC from Greif amounts to a choose your own adventure story. There’s a host of ways an IBC demonstrates circularity. See the many ways IBCs have become a circularity success story.
Why choose a plastic pallet IBC tote?
Plastic pallet IBCs improve on an already stellar product known for durability by offering a generally more durable and longer-lasting pallet base.
They are built for the long haul, as they can withstand rough handling, frequent stacking, and transportation without easily breaking or becoming damaged. In addition, plastic pallets tend to resist moisture, rotting, splintering, and pests.
Plastic pallets are non-porous and easy to clean, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. This makes them suitable for industries with strict hygiene standards, such as food and pharma.
Furthermore, plastic pallets can be lighter in weight than traditional pallets, making them easier and more cost-effective to transport. This also means they are easier to handle and maneuver, reducing the risk of workplace injuries. No one likes slivers or busted pallets.
Most plastic pallets can be recycled, reused, or reground, making them a more environmentally friendly option compared to traditional wooden pallets.
Sicherheit geht vor
Consistent and stable racking
Plastic pallets provide minor deflection, so they’re easier to warehouse than some of the alternatives on the market.
Plastic pallets also eliminate the risk of splinters, nails, or loose boards that can cause injuries during handling. They have smooth surfaces without protruding nails or sharp edges, reducing the potential for accidents and worker injuries.
Manufactured according to quality standards
Cleanliness, raw material selection and attention to the details to ensure the highest quality for your product
Wir beschleunigen den Bestellvorgang
In Greif-Werken in ganz Nordamerika wird eine neue und verbesserte digitale Bestellplattform in Betrieb genommen. Für Sie bedeutet das eine einfachere und effizientere Möglichkeit, Geschäfte mit Greif zu machen.
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Von Produkten, die uns in Bewegung halten, bis hin zu Produkten, die uns schön machen: Greif ist stolz darauf, die einzigartigen Bedürfnisse einer breiten Palette globaler Branchen zu erfüllen.
Gesundheit & Schönheit
Wir sind ein zuverlässiger Partner für alle, die die Märkte Wellness, Parfüm, Nahrungsmittel und Getränke sowie Haushalts- und Körperpflege mit Materialien zur Veredelung ihrer Produkte beliefern.
Farben, Lacke und Tinte
Greif bietet große, mittelgroße und spezielle Faser-, Kunststoff- oder Stahlfässer sowie IBCs an, die mit den entsprechenden Komponenten eine wirklich maßgeschneiderte Lösung für den Farben-, Beschichtungs- oder Tintenmarkt bieten.
Schmierstoffe und Petrochemikalien
Greif verfügt über die richtige Technologie, die richtigen Fähigkeiten und die richtigen Mitarbeiter, um alle relevanten technischen und behördlichen Anforderungen der Schmierstoffindustrie zu erfüllen.
Wir bei Greif verfügen über jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im Entwerfen und Produzieren von Verpackungen, die Lebensmittel vor Kontaminationsquellen schützen und strengen Lebensmittelsicherheitsvorschriften entsprechen.
Essen & Getränke
Wir bei Greif verfügen über jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im Entwerfen und Produzieren von Verpackungen, die Lebensmittel vor Kontaminationsquellen schützen und strengen Lebensmittelsicherheitsvorschriften entsprechen.
Aromen und Düfte
Mit Greifs Komplettsortiment an Industrieverpackungen für Aromen und Duftstoffe finden Sie nicht nur Lösungen, die Ihren Anforderungen entsprechen, sondern auch Ihren hohen Qualitätsansprüchen gerecht werden.
Nachhaltigkeit ist unser Ziel
You're getting more than a Plastic Pallet IBC
Greif is all about servant leadership, and that’s an excellent thing for Greif customers.
Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the leader’s primary focus is on serving the needs of their team or organization. This approach can lead to a positive work culture and employee satisfaction, resulting in a more motivated and productive workforce. Additionally, a company that practices servant leadership may be more responsive to customer needs and have a more substantial reputation for ethical practices, making it more desirable to do business with. Overall, a company that practices servant leadership is likely more focused on the well-being of its employees, customers, and community, which makes it a good choice for consumers looking for a company that aligns with their values.
So, customers can count on Greif to focus on their needs, whether it’s an IBC like the one on this page or some other product from the Greif catalog. They get the value add of a trusted expert source committed to delivering legendary customer service.
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