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Die Lebensräume unserer Arbeitsorte verstehen und schützen.

Why Biodiversity Matters

GRI 304: 103-1,103-2,103-3
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Greif focuses on biodiversity to help preserve a healthy environment. By taking actions to understand and manage the potential impacts of our operations on ecosystem services and biodiversity, we position ourselves to preserve natural resources. Through our land management operations and services, we are dedicated to conserving the Earth’s biodiversity and ecosystem functions to promote wildlife and habitat restoration.


GRI 304: 103-1,103-2,103-3
Erläuterung des wesentlichen Themas und seiner Abgrenzung

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Acres Under Management

We practice sustainable forestry across our operations in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi and offer services to improve land management practices across industries.

Since December 2008, Soterra, LLC, our subsidiary engaged in Land Management, has adhered to the principles of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and followed Best Management Practices defined by each state for its managed timberlands. Soterra forests provide timberland habitat for wildlife, forestry management services and serve as a space for recreational land use. Soterra operates in the Southeastern United States, managing 244,600 acres of timberland in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. In 2020, Soterra forests sequestered over 1,705,000 tons of CO2.

SFI and state-specific Best Management Practices guide Soterra’s harvesting and overall forestry practices to ensure we adhere to all regulatory requirements and apply the highest standard practices throughout our operations whenever possible. We apply a sustainable harvest methodology based on a 30-year rotation to our timberlands. Prior to harvesting any site, we conduct a thorough review of the area to assess the overall biodiversity value of the site and identify any protected animal or plant species that may be impacted by the harvest. If any areas within a site are identified as having a high biodiversity value, or serve as a habitat to a protected species, appropriate buffer zones are established to ensure that species is not impacted and, if necessary, preparation and harvesting methods will be altered accordingly. To-date, no Soterra managed lands have been identified as having high biodiversity value, however since 2008, nine species of concern have been identified within our geographic areas and protected when necessary. In 2020, the black pine snake was newly designated as a species of concern on Greif-managed properties.

We maintain a Safety Team within Soterra that is responsible for building and maintaining a strong safety culture throughout our operations. Our colleagues and subcontractors operate heavy machinery when harvesting and can drive 40,000-50,000 miles annually assessing and maintaining our land. These colleagues are required to take a defensive driving course every other year. All our operational policies, including our safety policies, extend to subcontractors that perform work on our behalf. For more information about our safety practices and priorities, please visit Gesundheit & Sicherheit.

We work to improve our land management practices through technology whenever possible. In 2007, we began implementing geographic information systems to track our planting, maintenance and harvesting activities and using drone technology to more efficiently and safely assess the health of our forests. We continued to expand on these efforts in 2020 to support better site preparation for harvesting and evaluate potential pest outbreaks. To date, our drone pilots have mapped over 100,000 acres of company and private land.

2020 saw continued growth off our consulting services, which have helped us regenerate and plant trees on over 18,000 total acres planted on private land since 2016. We continued working with landowners to implement responsible land management practices and hosting socially distanced field days with landowner associations focusing on providing education on seedling genetics, reforesting best practices and leveraging drone technology.

In 2021, we will continue to diversify our services to maintain our ability to run our business with sustainable practices, including an initiative to plant one tree for every mile driven by our land management team and volunteer days for our colleagues to engage with the communities in which they work. We will continue to improve our land management practices and evaluate techniques to support greater carbon sequestration in support of offsetting Greif’s overall carbon footprint.


Studie zur Verbesserung des Lebensraums von Bestäubern

Das Jahr 2013 markierte den Abschluss eines mehrjährigen Bestäuberforschungsprojekts, das auf den Waldflächen von Greif/Soterra LLC in Süd-Mississippi durchgeführt wurde. Die Studie wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit der Pollinator Partnership und NAPCC – den weltweit führenden Experten für Bestäubungsfragen – durchgeführt, um herauszufinden, wie Bestäuber die Nahrungsverfügbarkeit von Wildtieren in Waldgebieten beeinflussen, welchen Mehrwert die Ansiedlung von Honigbienen und Imkern in der Landschaft bietet und um die beste Managementpraxis für Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Waldgebieten zu ermitteln.

Die Studie ergab einige interessante Empfehlungen für nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftungspraktiken, die Waldbesitzern, Bestäubern, der lokalen Tierwelt und Ökosystemen gleichermaßen zugute kommen sollten. Greif engagiert sich für seine Plattform für nachhaltige Landnutzung und wird dazu beitragen, alle daraus resultierenden Veröffentlichungen weltweit an Industriepartner, Regulierungsbehörden und Mitglieder der akademischen Gemeinschaft zu verteilen, um ein positives Umweltmanagement in Waldsystemen zu beeinflussen.

Im Jahr 2013 zeichnete die Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Soterra LLC und die Pollinator Partnership für diese Forschung mit dem begehrten Conservation Leadership Award aus. Auch der Bundesstaat Louisiana würdigte die Bemühungen im Rahmen des Programms, indem er im Frühjahr 2018 eine landesweite Pollinator Week ausrief. Ab 2021 setzt Soterra LLC seine Unterstützung für Bildung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Naturschutz und wissenschaftliche Forschung im Zusammenhang mit der Bedeutung von Bestäubern in unserem Ökosystem fort, indem es sein Engagement in der Pollinator Partnership als aktives Vorstandsmitglied aufrechterhält. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem Artikel in

highlight Pollinator 3 min 1

Regentonnen-Programm erhält Stewardship Environmental Award

In 2018, Soterra established a partnership with the National Estuary Program to use donated Greif drums to collect rainwater. Through the program, each drum is outfitted with a rain barrel conversion kit to help store, capture and put rainwater to good use. The barrels are installed in impoverished areas with historically high utility costs that are also prone to flooding and water pollution associated with excessive water runoff. By the end of 2021, 200 drums capable of providing 260,000* gallons of water will be installed in the community. In 2019, we received an Environmental Stewardship award from Partners for Environmental Progress in recognition of the program.

*Laut der US-Umweltschutzbehörde können in den Sommermonaten mit einer Regentonne 1.300 Gallonen Wasser gespart werden.

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tons of CO2 sequestered by Soterra forests


total acres planted on private land


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