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Greif is dedicated to climate responsibility at every stage of our products’ lifecycle, aiming to minimize our carbon footprint and fulfill our commitment to sustainability.


  • Greif’s Build to Last Strategy enables Board oversight of our climate strategy, providing education and awareness of climate risks and emerging trends and aligning our business strategy with our own climate goals and those of our customers.
  • In 2023, we created and onboarded a new senior leader to coordinate and lead the planning, implementation, and execution of our global decarbonization efforts.
  • We developed an updated decarbonization roadmap, including the identification of 15 high-impact decarbonization projects for the Mill Group to lower emissions, and expanding renewable energy projects across our operations.
  • Greif further refined and improved our Scope 3 methodology, data collection and integration efforts.
  • In FY 2023, our combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location-based) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 1,157 thousands of metric tons, compared to 1,321 thousands of metric tons in FY 2022, an absolute reduction of 12 percent.

Warum eine Klimastrategie wichtig ist

GRI 3-3 | 302-1 | 302-2 | 302-3 | 302-4 | 302-5 | 305-1 | 305-2 | 305-3 | 305-4 | 305-5 | 305-6 | 305-7
Management wesentlicher Themen
Energieverbrauch innerhalb der Organisation
Energieverbrauch außerhalb der Organisation
Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs
302-5 Reduzierung des Energiebedarfs von Produkten und Dienstleistungen
Direkte (Scope 1) Treibhausgasemissionen
Indirekte energiebedingte Treibhausgasemissionen (Scope 2)
Andere indirekte (Scope 3) Treibhausgasemissionen
Intensität der Treibhausgasemissionen
Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen
Emissionen ozonschädigender Stoffe (ODS)
Stickoxide (NOX), Schwefeloxide (SOX) und andere signifikante Luftemissionen

Integrating Greif’s climate change strategy into every facet of our operations is fundamental to establishing robust partnerships with our customers. A significant portion of our global customers recognize the importance of climate action, with nearly half of them charting ambitious decarbonization goals. Our aspiration is to be a key collaborator in achieving these goals. Across the value chain, we are actively implementing initiatives to reduce energy usage and emissions, embracing a low-carbon future through a product portfolio that reflects manufacturing innovation and efficiency.

Having a resilient climate strategy remains a key contributor to attracting and retaining top talent and maintaining valuable partnerships with our stakeholders. As a global manufacturer, Greif shoulders considerable responsibility, but this role opens numerous opportunities to make a positive impact on the climate and provides a distinct competitive advantage.


Greif embraces our responsibility to minimize our carbon footprint, actively addressing every stage in the lifecycle of our products, from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal. We have worked since 2007 to reduce our energy use and GHG emissions. Our 2030, science-aligned target to reduce absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions 28 percent from a 2019 baseline is our fourth-generation target, demonstrating our efforts toward continuous improvement.

Our Build to Last Strategy places a strong emphasis on enhancing climate governance as part of the Protecting Our Future mission. Our Board of Directors holds ultimate oversight of our climate strategy. Greif’s Sustainability Steering Committee is tasked with further embedding our climate strategy into our thinking and operations while providing accountability to all levels of our organization. We engaged the Board of Directors in awareness and educational offerings to strengthen understanding of climate risks and emerging trends affecting the packaging sector’s future and highlighted meaningful connections between climate impacts and emissions across our operational segments.

In 2023, we strengthened the management and oversight of our climate strategy by hiring a Senior Manager, Climate Change. The Senior Manager is responsible for developing strategy, prioritizing and coordinating decarbonization initiatives and increasing participation amongst senior management. Additionally, the Senior Manager revitalized our Global Climate Team, as part of a broader re-organization within the company. The Global Climate Team is comprised of representatives from all business units and regions and is tasked with coordinating, tracking and overseeing global climate initiatives, such as LED retrofits and on-site solar development.

The Global Climate Team plays a pivotal role in the success of our strategy by offering support, guidance and direction to facilities, aiding them in identifying energy and emissions reduction projects. The team is also responsible for monitoring and sharing developments and implications for Greif of new regulations, infrastructure and technology to ensure leading practices are being integrated into our initiatives. The Global Climate Team tracks key performance indicators and provides quarterly updates to the Sustainability Steering Committee on our energy and climate initiatives.

The execution of our climate strategy requires all Greif colleagues. In 2023, we launched a climate education communications campaign for all internal colleagues to align our operations with our climate strategies and increase awareness of climate issues and challenges.

Climate Change Risk Management

Over the past three years, we conducted internal climate risk workshops. These workshops included participation from colleagues of diverse departments and global locations, where they collaborated to identify, rank and evaluate regulatory, market and physical climate-related risks and opportunities. In 2023, we successfully completed a third-party physical risk assessment to deepen our understanding of the climate risks and the financial impacts associated with our operations. Our scenario analysis included three future scenarios, including global temperature increases of below ​2°C (Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 2.6), ​2 to 3°C (RCP 4.5) and over 4°C (RCP 8.5), to identify risk likelihoods and impacts to our operations. The assessment identified precipitation, flooding, and heat stress as key physical risks across our global operations. Please refer to our CDP Report for more information on this climate scenario analysis exercise.

Please visit this report’s Risikomanagement Abschnitt, um mehr über unseren Unternehmensrisikomanagementprozess zu erfahren.

Risiko / Chance



Physical Risk


Große Überschwemmungen/Hurrikane/Erdbeben/Stürme usw. führen zum Verlust wichtiger oder wertvoller Produktionsanlagen (einer oder mehrerer).

Physical Risk

Direkte Umweltkatastrophe

Große klima-/wetterbedingte Ereignisse in wichtigen Anlagen wie Delta, Vreeland und Paper Mill können zu großen Umwelt- und Finanzereignissen führen und möglicherweise zu PR-/Imageproblemen führen.

Transition Risk

Mechanismen zur CO2-Bepreisung

Vorschriften zur CO2-Bepreisung, wie Emissionshandelssysteme und CO2-Steuern, wirken sich auf Greif in einigen Märkten (Europa und Nordamerika) aus und könnten auch in anderen Regionen eingeführt werden. Dies schlägt sich in erheblichen und wachsenden Kosten nieder.

Transition Risk

Ineffiziente Investitionen / Kapitalplanung

Fehlen die Ressourcen, um die Auswirkungen regulatorischer Änderungen auf strategische Entscheidungen und Investitionen vollständig zu verstehen, kann dies zu einer suboptimalen Kapitalallokation führen. Dies kann dazu führen, dass Anlagen schneller veralten als erwartet und der ROI niedriger ausfällt als erwartet.

Transition Risk

Belastbarkeit / Produktionskontinuität

Außergewöhnliche organisatorische Fähigkeiten und die damit verbundene Belastbarkeit, Vorbereitung und Agilität des Unternehmens werden es Greif ermöglichen, die Produktion schneller wieder aufzunehmen und Kollegen, Kunden und Gemeinden im Laufe der Zeit besser zu unterstützen, falls Störungen und Katastrophen häufiger auftreten sollten.  

Transition Risk and Opportunity

Veränderte Kundenpräferenzen
Die Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Produkten steigt. Das Risiko, dass Greif nicht schnell genug auf die zunehmende Verwendung von Recyclingmaterialien in Produktionsprozessen reagiert, könnte die Nachfrage nach Greifs Produkten und Dienstleistungen verringern. Darüber hinaus können klimabezogene Vorschriften, die die Endmärkte für Greif-Produkte einschränken, wie etwa die Öl- und Gasindustrie, das Geschäft von Greif einschränken, indem sie die Nachfrage nach seinen Produkten und Dienstleistungen in Schlüsselmärkten verringern. Greif kann diese Gelegenheit nutzen, indem wir unser nachhaltiges Produktportfolio schnell erweitern.
Transition Opportunity Auswirkungen auf das Recyclinggeschäft von Greif Klimaszenarien mit höheren Ambitionen basieren auf der Erhöhung der Recyclingquoten für Stahl und Kunststoff. Bei entsprechender Positionierung könnte Greif den Umfang seiner derzeitigen Aufbereitungspraxis erhöhen.

Transition Opportunity

Außergewöhnliche organisatorische Fähigkeiten in Verbindung mit Geschäftsstabilität, Vorbereitung und Agilität werden es Greif ermöglichen, die Produktion schneller wieder aufzunehmen und Kollegen, Kunden und Gemeinden im Laufe der Zeit besser zu unterstützen, falls Störungen und Katastrophen häufiger auftreten sollten.

Climate Strategy & Decarbonization Roadmap

Greif’s climate strategy is built upon the key pillars of energy optimization and renewable energy. In 2023, Greif retained a third-party to review our global operations, our actions taken to date and our proposed decarbonization roadmap to reach our 2030 climate goals. The roadmap confirmed that Greif can accelerate energy optimization projects and procure renewable energy through power purchase agreements (PPAs), virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs) and on-site solar development. Currently, Greif’s decarbonization strategy is to achieve up to 80 percent of our 2030 emissions reduction target through energy optimization projects and achieve the remaining 20 percent of our goal through renewable energy procurement. We will reevaluate this breakdown annually.


Energy efficiency plays a pivotal role in our capital deployment approach and serves as a key component in achieving our energy usage goals. Within our capital allocation system, we incorporate ESG criteria when assessing capital requests. Notably, our screening process prioritizes project benefits, including cost-saving, reduced energy consumption, minimized raw materials usage and heightened health and safety measures for both people and products.

In 2023, we rolled out 74 energy efficiency projects, yielding estimated savings of nearly 63 million kWh. These initiatives comprised of upgrades to equipment and the optimization of processes, strategically aimed at curbing energy demand. Our forward-thinking colleagues consistently sought out opportunities to advance technology and equipment for energy efficiency. In our Latin America facilities, we identified several facility level initiatives, which resulted in seven new energy efficiency projects totaling 232,000 kwh of annual energy savings.

We performed an in-depth study of our paper mill operations, which account for approximately 70 percent of our global Scope 1 and 2 emissions. This study included energy audits and performance reviews to identify high-priority energy optimization projects for the Mill Group, including combined heat and power generation, optimization of steam generation and use, equipment upgrades and modernization, on-site solar installation, and operational efficiency changes. The study identified 15 initial projects that are projected to achieve a 5 percent decrease in our global Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

To further drive energy efficiency, in 2023 we received approval from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to retrofit all facilities globally with energy-saving, LED lights. Our goal is to retrofit all our facilities to at least 80 percent LED by the end of 2025, although most facilities will achieve 100 percent LED. Retrofits will save energy, reduce emissions, and create a safer and more pleasant work environment.

For more information about our energy efficiency projects, please see sections C4.3, C4.3a and C4.3b of our 2023 CDP Climate Response.

Erneuerbare Energien

The renewable energy portion of our roadmap is designed to identify the highest-impact opportunities to catalyze the transition to clean energy. In 2022, we embarked on an extensive exploration of renewable alternatives to overhaul our electricity and natural gas consumption. To support this goal, we selected a developer for a large VPPA project in our Europe, Middle East and Africa region in FY 2023 and plan to sign our contract in FY 2024. 

On-site solar development is another key component of this strategy as it represents a cost-effective way to increase our use of renewable energy. In 2023, we identified our Singapore facility and five sites in North America to build-out rooftop and ground mount solar generation and selected a third-party developer to build the systems, and we plan to have the systems operational in 2025-2026. Additionally, we have identified 15 more sites in 2024, and plan to select a developer for those locations as part of our strategy to rapidly scale up our on-site solar program.

iStock 1310384629 scaled

Förderung erneuerbarer Energien

Meeting the long-term energy-related challenges associated with climate change requires a meaningful shift towards renewables, such as solar and wind energy. When economically suitable, we seek opportunities to invest in and expand renewable energy technologies across our global operations. To date, we have installed over 11,500 solar panels capable of 3.1 million kWh of solar production. Since 2016, we increased our sourcing of renewable energy from both on-site and off-site locations to reduce our carbon footprint. Greif facilities in North America, Brazil, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Israel and the Netherlands source renewable energy. In 2023, 15.4 percent (3,107,497 GJ) of Greif’s total energy consumption (20,136,883 GJ) was from renewable energy sources such as biomass and solar energy. We are committed to finding and capitalizing on additional opportunities to procure renewable energy.


Our climate strategy places a strong emphasis on advancing the circular economy through initiatives such as increasing the recyclability of our products, expanding our reconditioning network, downgauging, increasing the use of recycled raw material content, and effective waste management. These and our other circularity initiatives play a pivotal role in reducing our Scope 3 GHG emissions. Please visit this report’s Zirkuläre Fertigung Und Innovation sections to learn more about our efforts to advance the circular economy.

By minimizing the disposal of waste in landfills, we actively decrease emissions linked to waste transportation, sorting and processing. Our commitment to waste reduction also serves to reduce the production of landfill gas, an especially potent mix of greenhouse gases released during the decomposition of waste. Currently, we divert 88 percent of our waste away from landfills and consistently work towards minimizing the remaining 12 percent sent to such locations. Please visit this report’s Abfall section to learn more about our waste management efforts.

Scope 3 Emissions

In addition to circularity and waste reduction efforts, we work to reduce our Scope 3 GHG emissions through our purchasing decisions, collaboration with suppliers and increasing the efficiency of transportation and logistics through our value chain. For example, our partnerships with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay initiative and EcoVadis enable us to understand the sustainability performance of our suppliers. Please visit this report’s Globales Supply Chain Management section to learn more about our work across our supply chain.

Ziele, Fortschritt und Leistung

Ziele für 2030:

  • Reduzieren Sie die absoluten Treibhausgasemissionen (Scope 1 und Scope 2) um 28 Prozent gegenüber dem Basiswert von 2019.
  • Reduzieren Sie unseren Energieverbrauch für jede Produktionseinheit um 10 Prozent gegenüber dem Basiswert von 2019.

In 2020, we partnered with a third party to conduct a comprehensive analysis evaluating our capability to achieve a goal in alignment with the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). Subsequently, we publicly announced our commitment to a 28 percent reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2030, based on a 2019 baseline. This target aligns with prevailing climate science, aiming to limit global warming below 2°C. Due to the our acquisitions and ongoing data collection improvements since 2019, we are unable to provide a detailed analysis of our performance against this goal. However, our FY 2023 Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location-based) absolute emissions were 12 percent lower than in FY 2022. 

In 2023, we worked towards progress on our goals through energy audits and corresponding corrective actions such as leak repairs, heat recovery, improved insulation, equipment upgrades and other operational improvements. For example, our CorrChoice business worked collaboratively alongside utilities, colleagues and external experts to conduct energy audits, prioritize opportunities for energy efficiency improvements and identify incentives and programs to support energy efficiency investments. Our CorrChoice colleagues identified projects that reduce carbon emissions by more than 3,600 tons per year and will lead to a payback from energy savings in less than 18 months.

Since 2011, Greif has partnered with Enel for Demand Response (DR). By leveraging real-time energy monitoring to access market opportunities and improve operational reliability, Greif has earned over $4.4 million from the program to date, including $1.3 million in the last three years. Currently, 17 Greif plants are enrolled in DR with Enel demonstrating our ongoing efforts in energy efficiency and sustainability.

In 2022, we completed an analysis of our Scope 3 emissions, which has not yet resulted in setting a new Scope 3 target in 2023, but we will continually work to determine appropriate targets for adopting a long-term net-zero emissions target in alignment with the SBTi. We are actively seeking opportunities to collaborate with our suppliers, customers and other stakeholders to reduce our Scope 3 emissions.

ENERGY and GHG Emissions data


Geschäftsjahr 2019

Geschäftsjahr 2020

Geschäftsjahr 2021

Geschäftsjahr 2022

Geschäftsjahr 2023

Gesamtenergieverbrauch (MWh) 5,398,000 5,423,000 5,832,000 6,145,000 5,594,000
Energieeinsparung pro Produktionseinheit2
-2.3% -5.5%
Treibhausgasemissionen (Tausende Tonnen)3
Treibhausgase Scope 1
756 656
Treibhausgase Scope 2 (standortbezogen)4
565 501
Treibhausgase Scope 3*
5,019 5,062
Treibhausgase gesamt
6,340 6,219
Emissionsreduzierung pro Produktionseinheit5
0.41% -2.1%
  1. Energie von erworbenen Standorten ist in den Daten für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 enthalten (Lee, Centurion und ColePak).
  2. Der Energieverbrauch pro Produktionseinheit umfasst nur den Energieverbrauch bei PPS Mills, PPS CorrChoice, PPS IPG, PPS RFG, GIP EMEA, GIP APAC, GIP Nordamerika, GIP Lateinamerika und LCS NA. Dies ermöglicht einen genaueren Jahresvergleich im Einklang mit den Berechnungen der Vorjahre.
  3. Die Emissionen der Bereiche 1 und 2 umfassen Daten aus kürzlich erfolgten Übernahmen (Lee, Centurion und ColePak). Die meisten Quellen des Bereichs 3 enthalten Daten aus den Übernahmen (Geschäftsreisen, ausgelagerte Versanddaten, Investitionsgüter, Investitionen und Lieferantenausgaben umfassen Daten aus Übernahmen).
  4. Aufgrund der überarbeiteten Daten zum Energieverbrauch von Greif wurden die Scope-2-Emissionen für das GJ 2019 seit 2021 neu angegeben.
  5. Die Emissionen pro Produktionseinheit umfassen nur die Emissionen im Zusammenhang mit dem Energieverbrauch bei PPS Mills, PPS CorrChoice, PPS IPG, PPS RFG, GIP EMEA, GIP APAC, GIP Nordamerika, GIP Lateinamerika und LCS NA. Dies ermöglicht einen genaueren Jahresvergleich im Einklang mit den Berechnungen der Vorjahre.
  6. Treibhausgas-Verifizierungserklärung 2023

Greif Pudahuel in Chile erreicht 100% erneuerbare Energie

Greifs Stahlwerk Pudahuel in Chile war unsere erste Anlage in Lateinamerika, die zu 100 Prozent mit erneuerbarer Energie betrieben wurde. Im Rahmen eines zweijährigen Projekts in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Energieversorger IMELSA ENERGIA konnte die Anlage ihre gesamte Stromversorgung zu 100 Prozent auf erneuerbare Quellen umstellen. Die Anlage produziert große Stahlfässer, konische Fässer und Wasserflaschen für die Märkte Chemikalien, Schmieröl sowie Lebensmittel und Getränke. Diese Umstellung fördert unsere Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, unterstützt unser Ziel der Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2030 und trägt dazu bei, die Ziele unserer Kunden zur Reduzierung der Scope-3-Emissionen zu unterstützen.

Greif Pudahuel

Enel X Demand Response

Seit 2011 nimmt Greif an Demand Response (DR) mit Enel X teil, einer Abteilung der Enel Group Worldwide, einem multinationalen Energieunternehmen und führenden integrierten Akteur auf den weltweiten Strom- und Gasmärkten. Enel Xs DR und die Echtzeit-Energieüberwachung ermöglichen Unternehmen den Zugang zu Marktchancen, um Flexibilität zu monetarisieren, die Betriebszuverlässigkeit zu erhöhen und Fortschritte in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit hervorzuheben. Greif hat über $4,4 Millionen an DR-Einnahmen angesammelt, darunter $1,3 Millionen in den letzten drei Jahren. Etwa 17 Greif-Anlagen sind bei DR mit Enel X angemeldet. Wir prüfen, ob Standorte für die Teilnahme an DR infrage kommen und geeignete Kandidaten sind, um unsere Teilnahme am Programm auszuweiten.

Enel X Demand Response

LATAM Tigre Energiestudie

Greifs LATAM-Standort Tigre führte eine multidisziplinäre Bewertung aller lateinamerikanischen Werke durch, um den Energieverbrauch pro produzierter Einheit bis 2025 um 6% gegenüber dem Basiswert von 2019 zu senken. Alle Maschinen, Peripherieteile, allgemeine Geräte und Elemente, die Strom verbrauchen, wurden identifiziert und bewertet. Dabei wurden in ganz LATAM 447 Energieschwerpunkte ermittelt. Aus diesen Schwerpunkten wurden 70 strategische Energieprojekte ermittelt. Bis November 2023 wurden in LATAM 6 Energieeffizienzprojekte abgeschlossen, die zu einer Energiekosteneinsparung von $29.300 pro Jahr und einer Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs um 63.000 Kilowattstunden pro Jahr führten.

LATAM Tigre Energie

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