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Menschenrechte und faire Arbeitspraktiken

Upholding fundamental rights in our operations and throughout our supply chain.

Warum Menschenrechte und faire Arbeitspraktiken wichtig sind

 GRI 103-2 | 103-2 | 103-3 | 407-1 | 412-2;
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407-1 Betriebe und Lieferanten, bei denen das Recht auf Vereinigungsfreiheit und Kollektivverhandlungen gefährdet sein kann

Employee training on human rights policies or procedures
Greif participates in a labor-intensive industry as a manufacturing company. We are committed to upholding international human rights and fair labor practices. Greif upholds these standards and expectations throughout our supply chain by working with responsible supply partners to ensure our customers’ confidence in our responsible sourcing and labor practices.



Anerkennung durch EcoVadis

Wir wurden für unser Engagement in der Corporate Social Responsibility ausgezeichnet und gehören damit zu den besten drei Prozent aller bewerteten Lieferanten.

To guide our approach, Greif maintains human rights and fair labor practices in accordance with the Prinzipien des UN Global Compact and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We have committed to enforcing these Principles, both internally and across our supply chain, through policies concerning Anti-harassment, Kinderarbeit, Verhaltenskodex, Chancengleichheit und Vielfalt, Fair Treatment of Others, Menschenrechte Und Verhaltenskodex für Lieferanten.

Additional mechanisms to protect human rights include Greif’s local HR teams conducting risk assessments, age and legal working status verifications, and awareness training. We have also instituted localized gender equality procedures and whistleblower procedures into our operations. To enable our colleagues to anonymously report at any time potential human rights violations, we publicly post our global Ethics Line in all facilities and include Ethics Line details in the Code of Conduct. We instantly direct each complaint to a regional vice president or director so it can be addressed appropriately. We investigated and resolved 98.5 percent of complaints in 2021. The remaining complaints are under investigation.

In 2021, 46 percent of Greif’s colleagues engaged in collective bargaining agreements (CBA). Each CBA is independently managed in each region with our Human Resources and Legal teams providing oversight. For further information on Greif’s approach to labor relations, please see Risikomanagement und Geschäftskontinuität.

Our Human Rights and Labor Practices team is led by EMEA’s Regional Human Resources Director with support from members of the human resources community who represent every region and business unit. We have developed a pragmatic, consistent program to identify human rights and labor risks in all our facilities, allowing us to identify mitigating actions and implement best-practice actions and solutions in line with our commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, UN Global Compact, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights frameworks. In 2021, we continued our human rights audits across 35 additional Greif sites in 9 countries. The results from this round of audits are due in March 2022 and will enable us to identify possible concerns and to develop appropriate global and local responses. Further audits are planned for 2022 as we progress towards our 2025 goal to review human rights in 100 percent of our global facilities.

Ziele & Fortschritt

Our Human Rights & Fair Labor Practice goals are:

  • Bis zum Ende des Geschäftsjahres 2025 werden 100 Prozent unserer Betriebe einer internen Überprüfung hinsichtlich der Menschenrechte unterzogen, die auf einem rollierenden Zyklus basiert.
  • Bis zum Ende des Geschäftsjahres 2025 werden 100 Prozent der Kollegen in Menschenrechtsrichtlinien und -verfahren geschult.

In 2021, we continued our Human Rights Reviews by conducting audits at 35 facilities. 38 percent of our production facilities have now undergone a human rights review. Another round of reviews will take place in 2022, with the remaining reviews scheduled for 2023 and 2024. Facilities will also be re-audited on a rolling basis. In 2023, we will also begin to deliver training on our human rights and fair treatment of others policies and procedures. We have created a training module accessible through Greif University for all Professional and Clerical colleagues. The training module will also be facilitated locally for all Production colleagues.

We are on track to reach our target to train 100 percent of colleagues by the end of fiscal year 2025. In 2022, we will review our goals and determine new 2030 goals.



Anerkennung durch EcoVadis

Wir wurden für unser Engagement in der Corporate Social Responsibility ausgezeichnet und gehören damit zu den besten drei Prozent aller bewerteten Lieferanten.


Facilities Received Human Rights Reviews

We completed reviews of 35 facilities in 2021 as we continue to progress towards our 2025 goal.


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