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GCUBE FLEX: Maßgeschneidert für unsere Kunden

In industrial packaging, we aspire to be the highest-performing customer service company, and developing tailored products to meet our customer’s needs is our natural attitude to follow our aspiration.

The GCUBE® Flex combines the simplicity of using a 1.000 lt GCUBE IBC with the need to satisfy the strictest requirements in food, pharma, and cosmetic applications.

GCUBE Flex is a composite container made by an external structure of an injected molded plastic pallet and rigid cage combined with an aseptic liner and a raffia bag able to provide the highest cleanliness guaranteed as per FSSC 22000 and HACCP regulations.

Our GCUBE Flex is assembled by Greif and provided to fillers ready to be connected to filling stations, avoiding any additional assembling procedure typical in aseptic applications.

This revolutionary product is the easiest and safest way to meet all food regulations while offering the capability of top or bottom filling without any additional handling operation of the internal liner. The T-Liner technology developed by Scholle can fill the free space of the GCUBE Flex without stresses on fitments, thanks to its unique technology.

The GCUBE Flex
The GCUBE Flex by Greif is a type of intermediate bulk container (IBC) designed to store and transport liquid materials. The GCUBE Flex, offered by Greif, a global company specializing in industrial packaging solutions, is a customer-focused innovation. At Greif, we innovate and collaborate with our customers. The GCUBE flex and other products like it result from that philosophy and approach.

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